• 王子爱上一位美丽年轻少女

    The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden.


  • 这位年轻少女大学里接触思想

    The young lady came into contact with new ideas at college.


  • 年轻少女不得不认为要想漂亮除了挨饿别无他途

    Young girls are forced to think that starving themselves is the only way to become attractive.


  • 带领着一年轻少女掉每个抓获男人

    Her ship is crewed by beautiful young maids who geld every male they capture.


  • 产品定位年轻少女运动装休闲牛仔服男装T恤

    The product locates in the young young girl sportswear, the leisure cowboy takes and the men's clothing T-shirt.


  • 她们是可悲少女好色的男人调戏吗?或者他们放荡女人玩弄的不幸年轻

    Were they deplorable damsels molested by lascivious men? Or were they unfortunate young men dallied with by wanton women?


  • 少女职责一章告诫年轻女性:“任何不道德的好奇心不纯洁幻想对精神的玷污……个女人若了污言秽语便是耳朵的亵渎。”

    In the chapter titled Duty of Virgins, young girls are told: 'Every indecent curiosity or impure Fancy is a deflowering of the mind... she that listens to wanton discourse has violated her ears.


  • 许多年轻少男少女们一直执着他们儿时听到过的故事灰姑娘沉浸那种“王子公主举行了盛大的婚礼。 从此以后,他们过着幸福的生活。”

    So many young women and men cling to a Cinderella fantasy they learned in their youth, perpetuated by tabloid stories of happily-ever-after celebrity weddings that require zero hard work.


  • 饮酒年轻开始:据报道,在中低收入国家13 - 15年轻人中,14%少女18%的男孩饮酒。

    Alcohol use starts at a young age: 14% of adolescent girls and 18% of boys aged 13-15 years in low - and middle-income countries are reported to use alcohol.


  • 这一比例撒哈拉以南非洲还要当地少女年轻妇女所有艾滋病毒感染年轻71%,主要是由于预防措施没有延伸到他们

    The rate is even higher in sub-Saharan Africa where girls and young women make up 71% of all young people living with HIV - essentially because prevention strategies are not reaching them.


  • 少女办公室治疗焦虑症很快这件事变得明显因为年轻厌恶有虐待父亲饮酒母亲家庭如此之少。

    A teenager comes tothe office for treatment of anxiety neurosis; it soon becomes obvious that itis not so much the teenager who is sick as his family, with an abusive fatherand alcoholic mother.


  • 丁梅斯代尔先生教团中的长老、执事修女以及年轻貌美的少女都众口一词地再三要求医生自告奋勇治疗不妨一

    The elders, the deacons, the motherly dames, and the young and fair maidens, of Mr. Dimmesdale's flock, were alike importunate that he should make trial of the physician's frankly offered skill.


  • 禁止年轻男人妻,禁止少女否则不得复活,除非保持贞洁玷污身体,保持洁净。

    But he deprives young men of wives, maidens of husbands, saying otherwise there is no resurrection for you except you remain chaste and do not defile the flesh but keep it pure.


  • 所以试验这个问题比特将只猫变成了一个少女一个年轻男子妻子

    So, to try the question, Jupiter turned a Cat into a Maiden, and gave her to a young man for a wife.


  • 这些少女专程赶来外国人们叫走,他们知道这里他们能找到年轻女孩

    The young girls were sought after by the foreign men who came to the area for one reason: They knew they could find young girls for sale.


  • 是个漂亮的年轻非常细骄傲得狮子又软弱得少女

    You are a beautiful young man, with a very fine heart like a lion, and weak as a young girl.


  • 古罗马年轻少女生活是被严格分开

    In ancient Rome, the lives of young people and young girls were strictly separated.


  • 高原,在乡村/简朴老人泛红,/年轻美丽少女,/恬静双眼” (罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森

    "In the highlands, in the country places, / Where the old plain men have rosy faces, / And the young fair maidens/Quiet eyes" (Robert Louis Stevenson).


  • 但是知道喜欢(?)这些年轻少女组合。

    But I didn't know even (?) Jisub likes those teenager girls.


  • 46不仅有着年轻容颜,更是健康活力犹如20少女

    She has spectacle face in her age of 46 and as healthy as a 20 years old young girl.


  • 特别是年轻一代中,少女不乏其人的确不是能够随处可见的。

    Especially in the younger generation, the girl another option, but certainly not to, you can see.


  • 15岁时候,她就成为年轻少女时尚杂志封面人物

    She became the youngest person to appear on the cover of Teen Vogue magazine when she was 15.


  • 是日妇女们特别是少女年轻媳妇织女星乞求智巧。

    Is the evening of women, especially for young girls and young daughter-in-law, to beg wiseness Vega.


  • 如此看来习俗年轻男性选择少女情人节礼物,圣人作为食客来年出现这样的。

    So it seems that the custom of young men choosing maidens for valentines, or saints as patrons for the coming year, arose in this way.


  • 故事讲述摄影师跟随沙漠商队旅行。旅行中出现海市蜃楼的景象- - -彩光斑斓处一年轻美的少女骏马迎面缓缓而来。

    The story of a photographer to follow the desert caravan Tours, mirage appears a beautiful young girl, head slowly riding a horse.


  • 要是少女结合的现象普遍,那么病毒就会席卷好几代人而且可能更多的波及年轻女性就像非洲那样。

    Where it is common for older men to have younger girlfriends the virus swaps generations and is likely to hit young women especially, as in Africa.


  • 2013年,1524艾滋病病毒感染人群中,将近80%是少女年轻女性

    In 2013, nearly 80 percent of all new HIV infections among those ages 15 to 24 affected adolescent girls and young women.


  • 就好像少女美貌年轻漂亮女人年长不能面对衰老因为的确曾经拥有最好

    Like teenage beauty, the more beautiful young woman, the more senior the face of aging is not, because she is to have the best.


  • 作为年轻冒险者谭恩瑞经过图克时候遇到一名少女树下哭泣

    As a young adventurer, Tanin Rayson was travelling past the village of Took's Creek when he came across a young maiden just a few years younger than him crying by a tree.


  • 作为年轻冒险者谭恩瑞经过图克时候遇到一名少女树下哭泣

    As a young adventurer, Tanin Rayson was travelling past the village of Took's Creek when he came across a young maiden just a few years younger than him crying by a tree.


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