• 有一个名人现在拥有了很多工厂年轻时候曾经挨家挨户袜子

    One famous man, who now owns many big factories, used to sell socks from door to door when he was young.


  • 作为粉丝榜样名人偶像应该引导年轻更多好事

    Being role models for their fans, celebrities and idols should guide youngsters to do more good things.


  • 可是这些网站纷纷漏掉名人,那就是列宁。1918年9月媒体报称年轻妇女莫斯科开枪将列宁打死。

    One celebrity the websites seem to have missed is Lenin who was wrongly reported to have died when a young woman shot him in Moscow in September 1918.


  • 而且人们看到一位名人是如何改变他的饮食变得年轻苗条、好感度倍增时,会知道素食的效果是明明白白的。

    And when people see how a celebrity changes their diet and then looks younger, slims down and feels better, people know it's totally honest.


  • 年轻摇滚明星其他名人的欢迎,但是如果庄重场合就适合了。

    Popular among young rock stars and other celebrities, this look may not be appropriate if you work in a conservative environment.


  • 四分之三英国男人圣诞节收到香水,其中已人父的英国男人最有可能拥有名人香水,特别是那些孩子不到5岁年轻爸爸们。

    Three quarters of British men receive fragrance at Christmas and it is British fathers, in particular those with children under five, who are the most likely to own a celebrity scent.


  • 今天许多年轻来说,名人文化诱惑教育领域的荒芜把原本更广泛的对美德关注挤占得几乎没有位置

    For many young people today, the lures of a celebrity culture and the barrenness of their educational landscape have left little room for broader civic concerns.


  • 穿得年轻更健康眼镜看上去更聪明不那么有魅力一位女性名人穿衣方式揭示婚姻持续多久

    Dressing young can make you healthier. Glasses make you look smarter but less attractive. How a female celebrity dresses can tell you how short her marriage will be.


  • 作为名人他们很多因此很多年轻出名

    As the celebrities, they earn much money, thus many young people want to be famous.


  • 萨奇美国最高法院25年来年轻的被名人

    Gorsuch is the youngest nominee for the Supreme Court in 25 years.


  • 乔恩说模特许多年轻名人来说具有吸引力,但是只有少数人能当。

    Jon said that while being a model is appealing to many young celebrities, it is only right for a few.


  • 网上日记年轻中,甚至一中潮流

    Writing journals online is a trend among young people, even celebrities.


  • 24名20岁以下年轻有幸追随辍学名人足迹比尔·盖茨、拉里·埃里森马克·扎克伯格

    With luck, some of the 24 under 20 will follow in the footsteps of other notable stop-outs such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg.


  • 这种年轻的剪发对于瓜子脸来说最好比如席亚拉”纽约市的名人发型师亚历杭德拉

    Ciara chopped her long locks for a shorter, edgier do. "This young, hip cut looks best on people with heart-shaped faces, like Ciara," says N. Y. C. -based celebrity hairstylist Alejandra.


  • 尽管很多名人专访,但我还是喜欢这个故事一个普通年轻女子留学回国后如何适应生活的。

    Even though I have interviewed famous people, the story I like best is about an ordinary young woman who tries to adapt to her new life after studying abroad.


  • 拉姆塞定律”是与英超球员阿隆拉姆塞相关一系列巧合只要这位阿森纳优秀的年轻球员一进球,紧接着一天内就会有知名人死亡

    Aaron Ramsey's Celebrity Death Goal Curse refers to a series of coincidences linked to League team Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey that when Ramsey scores a goal, someone famous dies.


  • 贾斯汀·比伯其他年轻名人瑞恩没有成为一个传奇他本人所有

    Like Justin Bieber and other young celebrities, Ryan didn't become a legend all by himself.


  • 网站似乎漏掉了名人——列宁。曾经错误报道称,1918年,莫斯科年轻妇女打死了

    One celebrity the websites seem to have missed is Lenin, who was wrongly reported to have died when a young woman shot him in Moscow in September 1918.


  • 许多历史名人入住使青岛成为年轻历史名城

    A person of many histories of into live to make Qingdao become a city of the most young history.


  • 年轻因为名人魅力金钱崇拜明星然而盲目就有点了。

    Young people admire stars for the glamour and money that surround celebrities. However, blindly worshipping famous people is a bridge too far.


  • 通常位体育界名人或是一位象征未来希望年轻担当此任。

    It is often a personality from the sports world or a young person symbolizing hope for the future.


  • 抛出类似解释老虎伍兹成为美国名人赛上年轻冠军1997年时,威廉姆斯姐妹网坛爆炸

    Similar explanations were trotted out when Tiger Woods became the youngest winner of the US Masters in 1997 and when the Williams sisters exploded on to the tennis circuit.


  • 抛出类似解释老虎伍兹成为美国名人赛上年轻冠军1997年时,威廉姆斯姐妹网坛爆炸

    Similar explanations were trotted out when Tiger Woods became the youngest winner of the US Masters in 1997 and when the Williams sisters exploded on to the tennis circuit.


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