• 尤其值得一提是,那个充满了门第婚姻婚外情时代却与弗雷德里克• 塞拉凡,即图• •潘侯爵保持着段长达50忠诚婚姻

    Unusually, in an age of arranged marriages and extramarital affairs, she had a faithful 50 years of marriage to Frédéric-Séraphin, Marquis de la Tour du Pin Gouvernet.


  • 随后中,拉德克利夫扮演这个巫师哈利·波特沃特森饰演那个总是很自做聪明的赫敏格林特则成为虽然不自信十分忠诚罗恩

    For the next decade, Radcliffe plays the boy wizard Harry Potter, Watson is smarty-pants Hermione, and Grint is insecure but loyal Ron.


  • 虽然新千雇主要求很高,而企业无法指望他们忠诚

    Although millennials have high expectations about what their employers should provide them, companies shouldn't expect much loyalty in return.


  • 格列佛先生银行明星交易员已经忠诚的服务了汇丰31

    Mr Gulliver is a former star trader who has been loyal to the bank for 31 years.


  • 是一个禁酒主义者,一个接近于素食主义者并且据大家说,他非常忠诚于他第二个老婆Grace .他的裁缝提到穆加贝(Mugabe)的衣服尺寸(喜欢他的夹克两边各开一口并且不喜欢双排扣的正装)20没有变化过

    His tailor notes that Mr Mugabe's measurements (he likes vents at the sides of his jackets and cannot abide double-breasted suits) have not altered in 20 years.


  • 事实上,根据汽车调研公司R.L.Polk数据统计,在200911到20102月之间,召回事件让丰田的客户忠诚降低了11%,可是下降趋势持续甚,今年的2月至3月,这种忠诚度又回升了10个百分点。

    Polk, the downward trend was short-lived. From February to March of this year, loyalty ratings rose by 10%.


  • 姚明职业生涯里质疑过对国家忠诚比如他的女儿2010出生加入了美国国籍

    During his career, Yao has also been questioned about his loyalty to his country, such as when his daughter obtained US citizenship after her birth in 2010.


  • 这个国王创立一个新的家庭议会——忠诚委员会一些分析家将之视为这场平衡游戏一部分。

    Four years ago the king suddenly created a new family council, the Allegiance Commission, that some analysts saw as part of this balancing game.


  • 过去10,只有一小经过忠诚调查科学家才能见到某些图像但是不能公开使用它们

    Over the last 10 years, a tiny group of scientists with security clearance was able to see some of the images, but couldn't use them publicly.


  • 26,看台那40,000观众从未过,这足以证明球迷们对球队的忠诚

    And yet throughout the 26 years, the crowds were never less than 40, 000 on average, an extraordinary testament to the fans' loyalty.


  • 位于荷兰的一个咨询委员会提出忠诚措施来奖励长期持有股东增加股利持有股票就可获得额外的投票权

    An advisory committee in the Netherlands has proposed loyalty bonuses for long-term shareholders, such as increased dividends or additional voting rights after holding a share for four years.


  • 回答显示出忠诚服务于高盛勇气决心,至少辛苦的分析师项目期间如此。

    My answer showed that I had the drive and grit to serve Goldman Sachs faithfully - at least for the length of the two-year dogsbody analyst program.


  • 顾客第一检查,并感谢他们的忠诚吗?

    Do you check in with your customers after their first year to thank them for their loyalty?


  • 几十来,在日本忠诚带来丰厚的回报,使日本员工勤劳专注高效

    For decades this loyalty generated huge rewards for Japan, making workers diligent, committed and highly productive.


  • 过去30企业盈利能力市场份额关联度显示弱,与消费者忠诚的关联度更高。

    But over the past 30 years the correlation of a company's profitability with market share is weak. The stronger correlation is actually with consumer loyalty.


  • 我们一起度过17我们一起房子成功事业忠诚朋友家人一起欢度时间

    We had spent the last 17 years, buying a home, raising a child, being successful in our careers, having loyal friends and sharing time with our families.


  • 手稿第一次的忠诚宣誓可进行。

    A year of Scriptures lay ahead before the first fidelity oath could be administered.


  • 怀纳卡·帕克总是拥有无尽收成充足的玉米,可以库斯一度节日庆典上奖赏忠诚子民

    These provided Huayna Capac with bountiful harvests and enough corn beer to entertain his subjects royally during Cusco's annual festivals.


  • 就是那时,这位出道14年的赢家,在经过挑选记者同事面前,对自己忠于妻子的事实做了一个令人感动道歉。 “我不够忠诚

    It was then that the 14-time major winner made an emotional apology for cheating on his wife in front of selected journalists and colleagues.


  • 霍华德委任了忠诚副手亲切得称他们为四个火枪手,领导索尼重组商业部门,更加紧密地团结公司上下员工进一步稳定自己公司控制

    Sir Howard has also appointed four young, loyal lieutenants—whom he dubs “the Four Musketeers”—to lead Sony’s newly reorganised business units, further tightening his grip on the company.


  • 在地下埋藏了2000只为忠诚的履行自己职责

    He has lain underground for 2,000 years, loyally doing his duty.


  • Youtube用户中,尤其是19以下的用户,youtube的忠诚极高;在15~19男性群体中,此类人占比例高达69%,龄段的女性人群中则占到了66%,他们只将Youtube作为他们访问唯一视频站点

    YouTube users, especially those under 19, are extremely loyal to YouTube; for 69% of all males 15-19 and 66% of all females in this age group, YouTube is the only streaming video site they ever visit


  • 福克斯生于田纳西州佛罗里达路西(Port StLucie)长大。她一位成功模特,后来登陆荧屏,在2006年的电视剧希望忠诚》(Hopeand Faith)获得了固定戏份后。

    Born in Tennessee and brought up in Port st Lucie, Florida, Fox was a successful model before landing a regular stint in the television series Hope and Faith in 2006.


  • 牵涉更大利害关系。正因为如此许多忠诚共和党人已经逃离战场了,他们未来重整旗鼓。

    But there are bigger things at stake. That's why so many loyal Republicans have already fled, to regroup over the next four years.


  • 违反心理契约忠诚积极性工作人员组织承诺(斯·洛普2003)负面影响

    Breaching this psychological contract potentially will have negative implications for loyalty, motivation, and worker commitment to the organisation (Hislop 2003).


  • 由于消费者拥有品牌忠诚品牌惯性,因此,产品市场份额增长速度几乎不可能超过几个百分点。

    Brand loyalty and inertia among older consumers will make it almost impossible to grow the market share of new products by more than a couple of percentage points a year.


  • 球迷的忠诚表明我们这些战绩卓著,希望一次长期合作开始

    The loyalty the fans there have shown us over many years has been fantastic and I hope this is the start of another long association.


  • 投入度忠诚度等都敬业度有关系,敬业度全球范围内大家都关注的问题,以前中国企业敬业度调查甚至有的企业一都做不了一次。

    Commitment, loyalty and engagement, engagement is a worldwide concern, before Chinese enterprises do once a year engagement survey, and even some enterprises do not have a year.


  • 投入度忠诚度等都敬业度有关系,敬业度全球范围内大家都关注的问题,以前中国企业敬业度调查甚至有的企业一都做不了一次。

    Commitment, loyalty and engagement, engagement is a worldwide concern, before Chinese enterprises do once a year engagement survey, and even some enterprises do not have a year.


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