• 控方不能明白,1959法令某些重要变化写进了法案。

    But what the prosecution failed to comprehend was that the 1959 Act had wrought some important changes in the law.


  • 根据2005法令建立最高法院于200910月1号开门大吉替换上议院上诉委员会(就是上议院高等法院)。

    Created by statute in 2005, it opened its doors on October 1st 2009, replacing the Appellate Committee of the House of lords (known as the "law lords").


  • 1987通过的法令明文禁止体罚

    Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987.


  • 新的审查法令倒退50的状态。

    The new censorship law will turn the clock back 50 years.


  • 1960公民权投票权法令情况对比一下吧。

    Contrast this with the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of the 1960s.


  • 1707通过1707英格兰苏格兰联合法令,英格兰和苏格兰各自议会为大不列颠议会。

    The 1707 Act of Union between England and Scotland saw the nations' individual Parliaments replaced by the new Parliament of Great Britain.


  • 美国国会并不满足于在1996婚姻保护条例》(DOMA)加入法令全书,现在开始举行关于《尊重婚姻条例》的听证会

    Not content with having in 1996 put a Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA) on the statute book, Congress has now begun to hold hearings on a Respect for Marriage Act.


  • 现在安妮法令成为法律已经近 300过去了,版权基本宗旨仍然是相同作者版权成为创建作品必不可少推动力

    Today, nearly 300 years after the Statute of Anne was passed into law, the same fundamental tenets of copyright remain, and the rights of an author prevail as an essential impetus to create new works.


  • 第一个减税法令于19818月生效,一揽子减税计划包括边际税率削减最高税率70%降低50%,最低税率由14%降低到11%。

    His first tax bill was enacted in August 1981. It included a sweeping cut in marginal income tax rates, reducing the top rate to 50% from 70% and the lowest rate to 11% from 14%.


  • 美国保证2020时将本国的温室气体排放量2005行笔降低17个百分点, 与国会将制定气候变化能源法令相一致。

    The United States pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 17 percent by 2020 compared with 2005, contingent on Congress’s enacting climate change and energy legislation.


  • 后来到1909法令进一步放松,增添额外条款女性骑自行车可以穿裤子。

    Then in 1909, the decree was further watered down when an extra clause was added to allow women in trousers on condition they were "on a bicycle or holding it by the handlebars".


  • 已经过去了,最终土地使用法令还是没有颁发

    Three years on, the final land-use decree has yet to appear. The problem is one that will dog REDD.


  • 法令规定企业必须于2016女性成员在董事会的比例提高40%.这意味着法国40上市企业的169位男董事女董事取代。

    The law would oblige France’s 40 biggest listed firms to put women into 169 seats currently occupied by men.


  • 其中核心规范1976通过叫做有毒物质控制法令》的一项法案。

    The central regulation there is something called the Toxic Substances Control Act, which was passed in 1976.


  • 2003巴西国家环境理事会颁布了一法令禁止保护区内修建墓地

    A 2003 decree by Brazil's National Environment Council forbids burial grounds in protected areas.


  • 到了2008,对差旅支出整合的推动真正优先计划转变战略法令

    It is only in 2008 that the drive for expense integration has moved from program priority to strategic mandate.


  • 国会已经下达2012乙醇生物柴油产量增加法令

    For both ethanol and biodiesel, Congress has mandated a near double of production by 2012.


  • 1679签署人身保护法,作为赋予普通法定效力一次尝试矛盾,正是这项法令人生保护令的逐渐腐蚀铺平道路

    Paradoxically, it was the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, an attempt to give statutory force to the common-law writ, which paved the way for its gradual erosion.


  • 1991德国出台一项改变历史法令,即包装整个使用周期生产商负责

    In 1991 Germany made history when it passed an ordinance shifting responsibility for the entire life cycle of packaging to producers.


  • 1800法令规定任何巴黎女性要穿得男人,“必须当面向巴黎警察总局申请获得许可。”

    The 1800 rule stipulated than any Parisienne wishing to dress like a man "must present herself to Paris' main police station to obtain authorisation".


  • 1882坎特伯雷大主教颁布法令规定慈善会不得派发啤酒,以期控制混乱,事实证明该措施完全无效

    In 1882 the Archbishop of Canterbury decreed that beer was not to be handed out anymore to contain excesses, though this proved to be a completely insufficient measure.


  • 伊利诺斯州州长签署了一项法令11中断之后,取消了死刑使该州成为美国第16个废除死刑的州。

    The governor of Illinois signed a bill ending the death penalty after an 11-year moratorium, making his state the 16th without capital punishment.


  • 德国零售巨头麦德龙2003就开始印度开展批发业务一直饱受各种限制法令的困扰。

    Metro, a German retail giant, started a wholesale business in India in 2003. It has since been plagued by troublesome regulations.


  • 法令承认2005以前亚马逊地区拥有产权土地所有权总计1,500公顷(3,700英亩),相当于法国国土面积法令还将禁止未来土地所有权

    It would grant title to all landholdings up to 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) occupied before 2005 in the Amazon, comprising an area the size of France, and ban further land claims.


  • 法令承认2005以前亚马逊地区拥有产权土地所有权,总计1,500公顷(3,700英亩),相当于法国的国土面积法令还将禁止未来的土地所有权

    It would grant title to all landholdings up to 1, 500 hectares (3, 700 acres) occupied before 2005 in the Amazon, comprising an area the size of France, and ban further land claims.


  • 于是,1886法国卫生部发布第一个禁止随地吐痰的法令随后,1896纽约市也发布了更加严格法令

    The French Hygiene Council issued the first publicsgroupsagainst spitting in 1886, followed by New York City with a strong ordinance in 1896.


  • 加利福尼亚通过禁止驾驶使用手机法令,此禁令2008生效,届时,洛机人开车打手机的频率很可能大大下降。

    California is also about to pass a ban on hand-held cell phones while driving that would likely cut cell-phone use by car-bound Angelenos dramatically when it takes effect in 2008.


  • 弗吉尼亚州早在2007就已经颁布奥巴马刚刚宣布这项法令

    In Virginia, a 2007 law mandates the kind of visitation policy Obama ordered.


  • 数据保留法令欧盟2006发布。

    The Data Retention Directive was passed in 2006 by the European Union.


  • 数据保留法令欧盟2006发布。

    The Data Retention Directive was passed in 2006 by the European Union.


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