• 石油需求每年8%的速度增长而且多数依靠进口,中国已经全球石油消耗量年度增长中占据最大的比例。

    With demand for oil growing at 8 per cent a year, mostly met by imports, the country is the biggest contributor to the annual increase in oil consumption.


  • 委员会审议关于正式设立年度世界献血的提议,该日定为每年6月14日

    Members will also consider a proposal to formally establish an annual World Blood Donor Day, to be celebrated on 14 June each year.


  • 每年全球年度结核报告追踪流行病进程以及控制方面取得的进展

    Every year, the global annual TB report tracks the course of the epidemic, and the progress made in stopping it.


  • 迈阿密作为全球假圣地中心之一每年数以百万计的旅客蜂拥而至,享受让的海滩餐馆酒吧

    One of the world's year-round resort centers, millions flock to Miami each year for the beaches, restaurants, and bars.


  • 所大学以前每年都会位墨西哥美国学生授予年度奖学金现在的要求能够说一口流利西班牙语

    The university used to award a yearly scholarship to a Mexican-American student; now it goes to a student who speaks Spanish really well.


  • 作为分配年度税收收入形式之一,财政部通常会每年最后个月各行业发放补贴。

    The Finance Ministry typically offers subsidies to various industries and sectors in the last two months of each year as part of distribution of the government's annual tax income.


  • 每年分期发放奖金支付情况将视提交进度报告满意程度而定。

    Annual award installment payments are conditional upon submission of satisfactory progress reports.


  • 4月27日起,美联储效仿其他国家央行做法,也许会每年年度会议第四次之后召开新闻发布会

    From April 27th the Fed will copy the practice of other central Banks and hold press conferences. They will take place after four of its eight annual meetings.


  • 作为交换,德国境内17核电站运营商需要每年年度燃料再生能源基金支付总额为23亿欧元费用。

    In exchange, the operators of Germany's 17 nuclear plants will pay a combined 2.3 billion euros in annual fuel-rod taxes and contribute to a renewable-energy fund.


  • 每年午餐拍卖会莱德基金会收入的巨大驱动器,基金会以1700万美元年度预算进行运作。

    The annual lunch auction is a huge revenue-generator at Glide, which operates on an annual budget of 17 million dollars.


  • 每年德国语言协会都会选出年度年度"禁"词,也就是某人说过应该那么的表达.2010年的年度热词Wutbürger(愤怒的民众),年度"禁词"是alternativlos (别无选择),即"希腊救助别无选择."

    EVERY year the German Language Society selects a word of the year and an “unword”, usually something somebody said but should not have done. Wutbürger(irate citizen) was the word for 2010.


  • 譬如说,BrightChina基金会得到资金都是基于基金会策略以及每年年度预算

    For instance, the amount of funds given to the Bright China foundation is based on the foundation's strategies and annual budget every year.


  • Akamai每年都会发布关于英特网年度报告,这个报告意料的话应该会有很高的涵盖面,报道包括宽带窄带在全球发展趋势

    Akamai's annual State of the Internet report is loaded with all sorts of interesting, if not terribly surprising, tidbits about both broad and narrowband connections around the globe.


  • 自从这项服务开展以来,每年所检查出乳腺癌病历就开始稳步上升——过去十年里,乳腺癌发病率了一翻。 截止2007-08年度数字已经高达14,000了。

    Over the years since its inception, the number of cases of breast cancer it has identified has risen steadily - over the last decade it has more than doubled, to 14, 100 in 2007/8.


  • 今年,汉内斯琪琪选择了以巧克力薯条闻名世界比利时,作为他们每年最好的自行车车友年度骑行目的地

    This year, Hannes and Kiki choose Belgium, a place full of chocolates and fries, to be the destination of their annual bike tour with their closest friends.


  • NBA中国高调运作路线欧洲超级俱乐部巴塞罗那曼联切尔西,他们每年夏天制定年度计划希望快速得到现金收入

    The way the NBA operates in China is in sharp contrast to Europe's top soccer clubs like Barcelona, Manchester United and Chelsea, which make an annual summer blitz hoping for quick cash and exposure.


  • 每年及时更新旅行社协议跟进相关协议的返回情况。

    Renewal annual agreement with Travel Agents, done and follow up the agreement return.


  • 牛津词典团队每年都会候选年度词汇进行评议,然后就词汇价值展开激烈辩论,最后挑选出个词,这个词要能反映特定年份社会思潮情绪重点关切

    Every year, the Oxford Dictionaries team reviews candidates for word of the year and then debates their merits, choosing one that captures the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year.


  • 事实上根据每年年度图文演示,列表中的走势都在不断下降

    In fact, based on the yearly annual graphical presentation there are declining patterns that have been manifested.


  • 公司应该每年举行股东年度会议,会议的时间公司内部规章细则规定依据公司内部规章细则来确定

    A corporation shall hold a meeting of shareholders annually at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws.


  • 使用寿命有限无形资产预计使用寿命方法每年年度终了进行复核并作适当调整。

    The estimated useful lives and amortisation method of the intangible assets with finite useful life are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each financial year-end.


  • BCS必须年度检查相当长的一段时间内收到每年更新OSP

    The updated OSP has to be received by BCS in sufficient time before the annual inspection for its review.


  • 每个经营年度会计总是临时账户余额清零这样每年的利润就会重新计算。

    At the end of the business year, accountants always set the balances of temporary accounts to zero. In this way, income measurement begins with a fresh start each year.


  • 当时年度”的个想法,是以后每年能够一个年度精选

    It was called "annual Exhibition" at that time because we aimed to do an annual selection every year.


  • 有资格享受此税务待遇,所有合并纳税子公司必须法国企业所得税全额税率纳税,其财政年度每年为期12个月每年同一个日期结束

    To qualify, all the tax-consolidated group's member companies must be subject to French corporate tax at the full standard rate and have 12-month fiscal years that end on the same date.


  • 分析上海1995—2004年度每年垃圾产生量数据,由此提出应用城市垃圾预测多元线性回归预测模型

    Analyzed the Shanghai for 1995 to 2004 year trash to have the quantity data every year, from this proposed might apply to the town refuse forecast many Yuan linear return forecast model.


  • 分析上海1995—2004年度每年垃圾产生量数据,由此提出应用城市垃圾预测多元线性回归预测模型

    Analyzed the Shanghai for 1995 to 2004 year trash to have the quantity data every year, from this proposed might apply to the town refuse forecast many Yuan linear return forecast model.


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