• 他们置信自己,所以自己是悲伤地,由于山年夜自己退出

    They believed in me, so I'm hurt that Alexander and I had to withdraw from U-KISS.


  • 过新年的时候我们家里人年夜

    On the Lunar New Year, we usually have a big dinner with our family.


  • 廉思描述了毕业生一起过的一顿年夜饭。起初人人都过节一样,大家包了饺子很多……

    Lian describeda Lunar New Year dinner he spent with the graduates: "At first,everyone was in a festive mood; we made dumplings and cooked many dishes...


  • 廉思描述了群毕业生一起过的年夜饭。开始人人都像过节一样,大家包了饺子很多……

    Lian described a Lunar New Year dinner he spent with the graduates: 'At first, everyone was in a festive mood; we made dumplings and cooked many dishes...


  • 他们会在前往斯特拉特福德多种线路中感到便捷其中包括线起点为圣潘克·勒斯火车站的标枪高速列车恐怕依然难以避免千禧那样的交通大瘫痪。

    They take some comfort from the variety of routes into Stratford, including the Jubilee Line and the new Javelin train from st Pancras, but will be desperate to avoid a millennium eve style meltdown.


  • 人们尤其希望学习工作之后赶回家中家人一起吃年夜

    Particularly, people hope to return home from work or study to have a reunion dinner with families on the Lunar New Year's Eve.


  • 所以必需本身先经历这个过程凡是内涵层次需要年夜决心对峙

    So, you must be through this process, including in the level normally required on this very large commitment and perseverance.


  • 除此之外,经常阅读英语报纸杂志年夜的英语文化常识。

    Besides this, I often read English newspapers and magazines to enrich my knowlege on English culture.


  • 回首回头回忆曩昔我想到所有伴侣都长年夜了,我在所有蒙得维的亚那些街道场地都踢球,我仍然不由自立地为我曾经取得成就骄傲不已

    When I look at my past I think about all my friends growing up, all the dirt fields and streets of Montevideo that I had played on, but I can't help but to feel very proud of what I have achieved.


  • 需要独处时间接触本身年夜地之

    You need alone time, to reach their own and the love of Mother Earth.


  • 奶奶家乐福旁边体育中心采购爸爸妈妈准备年夜

    My grandmother went Carrefour sports center next to large purchases, Mom and Dad ready to dinner.


  • 勒贝尔53萨科奇40岁布鲁尼年夜20亲友老友的见证下匹配。

    Sarkozy, 53, and Bruni, 40, were married in the presence of about 20 close family and friends, Lebel said.


  • 他们薪资报酬绩效稽核成果年夜学登科成果会更高竞选公职得到较高的撑持率;比赛中他们也得到有益评判

    They tend to get higher salaries, better performance evaluations, higher levels of admission to college, better voter ratings when running for public office and more favourable judgments in trials.


  • 阿根廷球员觉得然,年夜轻视瓦釜雷鸣意味,“图里奥的阿谁手球怎样马拉多纳比拟?”

    "But Argentina's players were not impressed, much despised Xiaorendezhi the mean" Turio of that, how can and Diego Maradona handball compare?


  • 年夜上午爸爸大门上贴春联起了灯笼,家家喜气洋洋

    Eve morning, dad and I are in the front gate up Spring Festival couplets, hang lanterns, beaming house to house.


  • 别的地方年三十晚上年夜我们家乡习俗不一样我们都是除夕的早晨初一的早晨早就吃饭了。

    Other places are big eve to eat dinner, and the custom of our hometown is different, we are all the New Year's eve and the first in the morning very early in the morning to eat.


  • 年夜可以争辩论,在过去东欧苏联铁幕背地也

    Probably you can argue that there was harmony behind the Iron Curtain of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics.


  • 婚后不久妻子着手年夜样品手册中遴选起居室的壁纸。

    One day shortly after my wife and I were married, we set about picking new living-room wallpaper from a book of samples.


  • 进修妙技,玩玩纵横灯谜之类的智力游戏,乃至进修一种说话借此练习挑衅年夜,城市风趣。

    Exercising and challenging your brain — by learning new skills, doing puzzles such as crosswords, and even learning a new language — can be fun.


  • 一周,我地址小组年老乌克兰人家,屋子花园年夜扫除

    The first week, the group was involved with went to a very old Ukrainian gentleman's home to do a total cleanup of his house and garden.


  • 美国北卡罗来纳州杜克年夜乔安娜马赛尔可博士率领研究小组经由过程日常的成长评价482个八个月年夜孩子母亲关系进行了评估。

    The researchers, led by Dr Joanna Maselko of Duke University in North Carolina, rated the relationships of 482 eight-month-old babies with their mothers during routine developmental assessment.


  • 年夜年夜护士没有熟悉到这些分歧这些分歧对于女性来说可能具有危及生命的后不美观。

    Most doctors and nurses are unaware of these differences, which can have life-threatening consequences for women.


  • 高明晰电视像是一个剧场质量常规电视具有最高地分辩率最佳视觉质量在十分年夜地屏幕上

    HDTV is more like a theater in higher quality than conventional TV, having the highest resolution and best viewing quality on very large screens.


  • 年夜丰盛,包括、面条馒头

    The New Year's Eve dinner is very large and includes fish, noodles, and dumplings.


  • 年夜天然我们人类的庇护,一贯纯厚,激昂有爱心教导

    Mother nature has been pampering us mankind, she has been kind and generous, loving and guiding.


  • 辅弼更好来由年夜大都知道观赏她的学问经历

    Her Prime Ministers have better reason than most to know and appreciate her knowledge and experience.


  • 罐头浓汤根本便是脂肪人造添加剂防腐剂稠浊物,年夜略还会有点胡萝卜吧。

    Canned soup, on the other hand, is a miserable concoction of salt, fat, artificial additives, preservatives, water and maybe part of a carrot.


  • 年夜部分从业者爱好门生打仗并且真的有效

    Most practitioners love being approached by a student, and it's really effective.


  • 年夜分水岭北美山脉上一道想象线该线把年夜泰西流域太平洋流域区分开来。

    The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowingsintosthe Atlantic Ocean from those flowingsintosthe Pacific.


  • 年夜分水岭北美山脉上一道想象线该线把年夜泰西流域太平洋流域区分开来。

    The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowingsintosthe Atlantic Ocean from those flowingsintosthe Pacific.


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