• 日子不可克事主

    6 days, can not be rushed the victim grams years.


  • 日子不可三煞年命

    4 days, not three years.


  • 传说乾隆皇帝有人搭构云梯亲自上去究竟

    Also legend Emperor Qianlong ordered a year take the structure ladder, want to personally see what was going on.


  • 2003,非典在广东爆发时,他救了很多人的

    He saved many people's lives in 2003. In 2003, SARS (非典) broke out (爆发) in Guangdong.


  • 不要很多急切热爱种植者一样,急匆匆地种植西红柿辣椒马铃薯或者牵牛花等等那些植物,因为一场晚霜随时可以要了它们的晚霜在的地方非常普通的,过了纪念日(一般是5月30)再种吧。

    Rush to plant heat-lovers like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, or annuals like petunias if you live where late frosts are common. Wait until after Memorial Day.


  • 据传1791为庆祝自己80寿辰,乾隆制作玉玺这枚所有记录在册的玉玺最大的。

    In celebration of his 80th birthday in 1791, the emperorQianlong had a number of seals made, of which this is one of thebiggest on record.


  • 记得那些科学家吸烟会要我们怀疑者却坚持我们并不肯定、证据没有说服力、科学没有定论么?

    Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure?


  • 上海这种初级底子出发,奉北京2020自己转变成一个国际金融中心吗?

    From this primitive base, can Shanghai possibly transform itself into a global financial centre by 2020, as Beijing has decreed?


  • 布朗2007杰葵史密斯目前正面临议院调查,调查其作下院议员时开支

    Jacqui Smith, given the job by Mr Brown in 2007, is now facing a parliamentary investigation into her expenses as an MP.


  • 然而30只,只有2008配对繁殖凤头燕欧又真是线

    But with a population of only 30, and only two breeding pairs in 2008, its fate hangs by a thread.


  • 真正的信徒明白在地上几十之外,还有长远的

    Real believers understand that there is far more to life than just the few years we live on this planet.


  • 中包含以色列陷落北方传统陷落722最终结束了流放

    Deuteronomy contains northern traditions from before the fall of Israel which was in 722, but it was clearly finalized in the exile.


  • 今天在经过3时间隔壁那个大学生的无休争吵后,我痛苦,一再感谢儿子

    Today, after spending the last 3 years viciously bickering with the college kid who lives next door, I found myself crying in his arms and thanking him repeatedly for saving my son's life.


  • 2000名叫卡尔·詹森精神病专家写了本书,书名叫《克现实》。这本书中,他采访一些将克他娱乐使用用户

    In 2000, a psychiatrist named Karl Jansen wrote a book, Ketamine: Dreams and Realities, in which he interviewed a number of recreational users.


  • 德国明朝-600历史-遭女管家摔在地上呜呼。

    In Germany, a Ming dynasty lacquer plate - about 600 years old - was hit by a housekeeper's elbow and ended up in bits on the ground.


  • 平均余最长国家日本,该国女人有望继续活23.6男人还能18.6

    The country with the longest life expectancy is Japan, where women and men can expect to go on for another 23.6 and 18.6 years respectively.


  • 据说亨利安妮的掏了出来,然后把放在个心型的盒子并保存萨克福马一座教堂壁龛里。 人们在1836发现了它,把它原先安葬在教堂的遗骸一起安葬。

    Allegedly, Henry secretly kept it in a heart-shaped casket in a church alcove in Suffolk, until it was rediscovered in 1836 and reburied underneath the church's organ.


  • 9那个可怕的日子有343个弟兄那儿丧了在这里祷告感谢上帝我们在这里,他们家人祈祷,为的是永远不忘记我的哥们儿

    I lost 343 brothers down there, nine years ago on this terrible day and I am here to say my prayers and thank God that we are still here and to pray for their families and to never forget, my man.


  • 为什么现在担心一个会要的病,今天要你事物比比皆是。

    Why do you worry about something that can kill you in 10 years when there's so many things that can kill you today?


  • 疯子'那些浪费40来每周抱怨40小时的人。

    Crazyis spending 40 years of your life hating 40 hours a week.” MMT


  • 自20105官方匆忙之中筹集救援资金以来,还另外动用了这笔款项,一次爱尔兰买单,现在又葡萄牙

    The official rescue funds hastily mustered in May 2010 have had to be deployed twice more since then, first to support Ireland late last year, and now to keep Portugal afloat.


  • 积极的角度来看,10周生的延长25患有头颈的病人而言头一个预后进步

    Viewed positively, this ten-week increase in survival is the first improvement in prognosis for those with head-and-neck cancer that has been seen for 25 years.


  • 精益生产高效生产技术,该高效生产技术产生于80以及90早期(主要一些日本大公司里)。

    Lean production is the name given to a group of highly efficient manufacturing techniques developed (mainly by large Japanese companies) in the 1980s and early 1990s.


  • 不过,事实上却是加拿大最终要了Jumbo卿卿经过三多的辗转颠簸头24岁动物安大略湖畔的一起火车事故呜呼

    It was Canada, however, that proved Jumbo's undoing: Three years after moving across the pond, the 24-year-old animal was killed in a train accident in Ontario.


  • 罗斯福美国挪威大使接受这份写上了自己名字的荣誉,19061210发表获奖演讲

    Roosevelt asked the American minister in Norway to accept the honor in his name and deliver his acceptance speech on December 10, 1906.


  • 地球以外有利地位来看,地球的、虚无缥缈的球体,一个有着50亿奇迹

    From a vantage point outside our home, a revealing perspective has shown us the planet for what it really is; a ball of living star dust, a four-and-one-billion year old miracle.


  • IanTomlinson2009次游行一名警官推倒并且后来丧了案例便是人们一直询问主题

    The case of Ian Tomlinson, who was pushed to the ground by a police officer during a protest in 2009 and later died, is the subject of an ongoing inquiry.


  • IanTomlinson2009次游行一名警官推倒并且后来丧了案例便是人们一直询问主题

    The case of Ian Tomlinson, who was pushed to the ground by a police officer during a protest in 2009 and later died, is the subject of an ongoing inquiry.


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