• 然而一些平面是否上升由格陵兰南极西部冰冠无法准确预测动向决定。

    Some, though, will depend on the behaviour of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps, which cannot be predicted with any certainty.


  • 气候变化供水粮食保障平面上升以及人口分布产生预测影响使这场争夺战愈演愈烈。

    This will only be exacerbated by the predicted consequences of climate change on water availability, food security, sea-level rise and population distribution.


  • 根据融化温度上升其它原因的不同,每个情景预测平面上升范围

    Each one foresees a particular range of sea level rises, depending on ice-melts, temperature rises and many other factors.


  • 大多数气候专家预测本世纪的平面上升高度37英尺左右

    But most climate scientists expect the rise this century to be in the range of 3 to 7 feet.


  • 近期研究包括该项研究,都认为格陵兰将会继续加速海平面上升,其规模超过刚刚几年才作出的预测

    But recent research, including the new study, suggest that Greenland will contribute more to rising seas than predicted only a few years ago.


  • 现在已经发现全球变暖引起平面在下世纪上升6英尺警报预测不实的。

    Alarming predictions that global warming could cause sea levels to rise 6ft in the next century are wrong, it has emerged.


  • 他们也明白最大不可预测影响极地冰盖融化和随之而来的平面上升

    They understand that the greatest and least predictable effect will be the melting of the polar-ice sheets and the consequent rise in sea level.


  • 科普工作回应了南极研究科学委员会(SCAR)最新研究,其提出本世纪平面上升可能IPCC预测

    Kopp's work echoes recent research by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic research (SCAR) suggesting that sea-levels could rise much higher than predicted by the IPCC by the end of the century.


  • 作为南极西部冰盖基本出口冰川全球平面上升预测最大不确定性之一

    As a primary outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, the Pine Island Glacier is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in global sea level rise projections.


  • 他们预测世纪平面会上升

    They predict anything up to 2m sea level rises over the next century.


  • 个发表气候志》(TheJournalof Climate),根据一种不同海洋气候模型预测风向规律变化如何影响过去未来平面上升状况。

    The other, in press at The Journal of Climate, used a different ocean and climate model to look at how changing wind patterns have influenced past and future sea-level rise.


  • 北欧地区将会迎来新的冰河世纪平面会毁灭性上升高达4以至于在下个世纪内淹没我们星球。 气候研究领域顶尖科学家们已经排除了先前的这种预测

    The chances of northern Europe facing a new ice age, or of catastrophic sea-level rises of almost four metres that swamp the planet over the next century, have been ruled out by leading scientists.


  • 其中一个7月11日发布在《自然地球科学》(Nature Geoscience)上,根据历年记录变化数据气候模型模拟50年来平面变化,以此预测未来的海平面变化规律

    One, published July 11 in Nature Geoscience predicts future patterns of sea-level rise using a combination of recorded changes and climate modeling to simulate the last 50 years of change.


  • 为了准确预测未来气候变化结果科学家正在研究过去平面变化他们准备通过观察地核进行这项研究。

    Scientists are studying past changes in sea level in order to make accurate future predictions of the consequence of climate change, and they are looking down to Earth's core to do so.


  • 分析结果考虑平面上升幅度最新预测结果,这一结果认为海平面上升幅度将53厘米至97厘米之间,考虑了地质地貌改变影响等。

    The analysis took into account the most recent projections of sea-level rise between a minimum of 53cm and a maximum of 97cm, also including the effects due to geological and geomorphological changes.


  • 基于图象视觉伺服方法预测特征图象平面的运动轨迹

    Trajectories of feature points on image plane were predicted by image-based visual servo method.


  • 每一个平面投影边缘代替面积预测化合物活性

    Instead of areas, the peripheries of each plane of projection were used to predict the activities of compounds.


  • 资料为主结合钻井地震资料预测了徐家围子三套火山岩平面分布

    According to the aeromagnetic anomalies in combination with drilling and seismic data the plan distribution of three volcanic formations is predicted.


  • 本文利用灰色系统土石坝沉陷进行预测绘出平面,经后检验预测精度达到一级。

    In this paper, dam subsidence is forecasted by means of the grey system theory, and the grey plane is mapped. Variance tests show that the forecasting accuracy is good.


  • 采用层次化比特预测进一步挖掘比特平面的视角相关性

    Hierarchical bit-plane prediction is then employed to explore interview correlation further.


  • 通常用于构造解释地质建模随机地震反演技术引入剩余油平面分布预测

    Random seismic inversion, usually applied in structure elucidation and geological modeling, is introduced to predict the distribution of remaining oil.


  • 使油气化探工作地表研究油气渗逸“痕迹晕圈异常进而预测目的平面位置转向直接对目的层进行研究预测

    This makes geochemical prospecting turn from the study of seeping "trace" and halo anomalies of hydrocarbons in near surface to a direct research and prediction of the target distribution.


  • 本文基于波形估计AWE技术MOM快速预测无限大导体平面任意形状凹槽散射方向性函数。

    The method of moments (MOM) combining with the asymptotic waveform evaluation (AWE) technique is used to predict scattering fields of an arbitrarily shaped groove in a perfectly conducting plane.


  • 采用平面二维水流、温度水质数学模型对流场、温度场和浓度进行数值模拟,并电厂温排水影响水质影响进行预测

    The temperature field and the contamination concentration field were Simulated. Using 2-D numerical simulation model, The effect of thermal discharge on hydrobiont water quality were predicted.


  • 采用平面二维水流、温度水质数学模型对流场、温度场和浓度进行数值模拟,并电厂温排水影响水质影响进行预测

    The temperature field and the contamination concentration field were Simulated. Using 2-D numerical simulation model, The effect of thermal discharge on hydrobiont water quality were predicted.


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