• 相对于那些不委员会接受议案来说,的无通货膨胀法案可作为一个有益平衡

    His no-inflation bill serves as a useful counterweight to proposals less acceptable to the committee.


  • 但是现在越共面临着严重的通货膨胀,收支平衡危机也渐露端倪

    Now, however, it is battling against roaring inflation and an incipient balance-of-payments crisis.


  • 尽管在1969年秋季面临通货膨胀问题没有平衡预算作为政策侧重点

    Faced with inflation problems as early as the fall of 1969, he did not make balancing the budget a major object of policy.


  • 这些经济体需要允许他们货币升值,不仅控制通货膨胀还要使全球经济保持平衡

    These economies need to allow their currencies to rise, both to curb inflation and encourage the rebalancing of the global economy.


  • 很多调整平衡情况下低估汇率会导致货币供应过度增长,增加平抑通货膨胀难度

    In many cases of past rebalancing, an undervalued exchange rate also led to excessive growth in money supply, making it harder to tame inflation.


  • 个原因是非平衡通货膨胀

    The other reason is unbalanced inflation.


  • 经济泡沫不断膨胀恰好是因为人们无法意识自己生活危险的平衡之中

    Bubbles inflate precisely because people fail to recognise that they are living with dangerous imbalances.


  • 粘土吸水膨胀由于本身微观内容的相互作用力外界吸力和斥力作用后达到新的平衡结果

    The total amount of expansion of water-absorbed clay is due to the result of new equilibrium established between the interaction forces of its microcontent and the external faces.


  • 在两者之间创造就业机会抑制通货膨胀知道所有这些领域的取得平衡非常非常困难的。

    And to strike a balance between job creation and dampening inflation and I know it's very, very difficult to strike a balance in all those areas.


  • 出路就是平衡极性以便某个方向被推动时,不会膨胀一个方向,因为这另一个极性整合中道中来。

    The solution is to balance the polarities so that when one direction is pressed, it does not inflate the other; as the other has been integrated into the middle path road.


  • 根据平衡理论推导出生皮胶原膨胀公式

    The swelling formula of skin collagen is deduced according to the Donnan equilibrium theory.


  • 由于通货膨胀言重增加了各类开销大大影响游戏平衡参数特别是公司的扩张。

    Since inflation seriously increases all types of costs, this will seriously influence all kinds of game balance elements and will especially influence the costs of the expensive corporations.


  • 提出确定膨胀大气影响深度极限平衡

    The limiting equilibrium method that determines the influence depth of the expansive soils by the air is presented.


  • 利用极限平衡理论,采用传递系数计算膨胀滑坡推力剩余

    By adopting limiting equilibrium theory and transport coefficient method, landslide pushing force and residual anti-slide force before pile are calculated.


  • 说明松质固有膨胀局部压力减少,最后达到相对平衡

    This indicates the differences between internal oncotic pressure and local pressure in cancellous bone are decreased until balance.


  • 虽说今天宇宙膨胀但霍金教授:“物质能量刚好引力能量相互平衡这样就使得能量为零。”

    Although today's universe is still expanding, Professor Hawking holds that the plus matter energy balances the minus gravitation energy, thus the total energy is zero.


  • 经验分析结果表明成员国可能面临通货膨胀压力而这老成员国所面临的经济紧缩效应平衡

    The empirical findings indicate a possible inflationary pressure on the new member states, which is balanced by a contractionary effect on the old member states.


  • 认为突发性振动原因运行中转子涡动短路线圈膨胀受阻引起平衡

    It is concluded that the causes of sudden vibration are oil film whirl and thermal unbalance of generator rotor resulting from interturn short-circuit and hindered winding expansion etc.


  • 最近很多文章谈到分数膨胀的问题,丑闻但是丑陋的地方在于是多么地不平衡

    There's been a lot of handwringing lately over grade inflation, and it is a scandal, but the most scandalous thing about it is how uneven it's been.


  • 我们近几年来一直负责任地争取满足球迷合理要求通货膨胀之间做到平衡,我们继续这么

    We have acted responsibly over the years to balance the impact of even inflationary increases on our fans with the rightful demand that we compete at the highest level and we will continue to do so.


  • 尽管如此亚洲决策者面临如何实现微妙的平衡”:在限制通货膨胀影响同时,防范经济增长潜在风险

    That said, Asian policy makers are faced with a "delicate balancing act" to guard against risks to growth while limiting the impact of inflation.


  • 尽管如此亚洲决策者面临如何实现微妙的平衡”:在限制通货膨胀影响同时,防范经济增长潜在风险

    That said, Asian policy makers are faced with a "delicate balancing act" to guard against risks to growth while limiting the impact of inflation.


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