• 结论加强青年士兵平衡心理疏导调节有助于培养健全人格和健康的心理

    Conclusion to strengthen the guidance and regulation of youth soldiers unbalance mental state, so to develop their sound person...


  • 岗位技能工资制实施过程中,针对职工中出现平衡心理动态,作了全面、求实分析

    The paper analyzes thorough-ly and honestly the unbalanced psychological status of workers during practice of the wage system of post and technique, and sums up 5 reasons why the system is welcomed.


  • 目的研究探讨青年士兵平衡心理特点及其规律加强青年士兵心理疏导行为引导提供参考

    Objective to investigate characteristics and regulations of youth soldier unbalance mental state, for providing the reference to enhance their mental state and behavior.


  • 土家族机智人物故事有着流传空间相对稳定主人公因地而异的特点,体现着平衡心理重要社会功能

    The story of Tujia people of resource has a stable and wide spreading space, and its heroes are different in different places. Therefore, it has an important social function of indicati…


  • 苹果树心理平衡

    Psychological balance of the apple tree.


  • 平衡打破我们经历一种极端心理状态:厌倦、冷漠焦虑

    When the balance is off we experience the other end of the spectrum: boredom, apathy, and anxiety.


  • 就像温奇观察那样,社会相似性心理差异平衡浪漫长久婚姻指明方向

    As Winch observed, it's the balancing out of sociological likenesses and psychological differences that seems to point the way for the most solid lifelong romance.


  • 取决于判断知道在所时刻内推动绑匪多少,”,“通常好的心理平衡。”

    "It's a matter of judgment knowing how much you can push a kidnapper at any given moment," he says. "There's often a fine psychological balance to be played."


  • 他们随着金融业摇钱树衰退英国经济需要重定平衡——重心理所应当该向本国世界级行业倾斜。

    They argue that with the decline of the financial sector as a money-spinner the British economy needs rebalancing—naturally, in favour of their own world-beating industry.


  • 这样时刻我会胳膊保持心理平衡并且:“法儿跟上你。”

    At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance, and say, "you set the pace, I will try to adjust to you."


  • 现在曾经边缘化冶疗手段产生对于心理疾病新的视角心理疾病是因为对于脑中互相连接网络的某种影响不是特定区域化学物质的不平衡

    This once fringe treatment is now creating a new view of mental illness as a condition affecting an interconnected network rather than arising from chemical imbalances in specific regions.


  • 药物可能总是有用,在心理治疗药物治疗之间也微妙平衡,对于稳定心境至关重要虽然不能治愈相情感障碍

    Medications may not always work, it is a delicate balance of psychotherapy and medication that is vital to stabilization not the cure (yet) of bipolar disorder.


  • 研究人员在对571名年龄1725岁的青年人进行调查后发现那些成长过程中姐妹相伴的人长大后快乐心理也更平衡

    Researchers quizzed 571 people aged 17 to 25 about their lives and found those who grew up with sisters were more likely to be happy and balanced.


  • 随着年龄增长,我们会将痛苦“社会化”为一种审判形式,等同于一种惩罚,而正如实验所表明的那样,这种心理体验重新平衡审判尺度心理效应进而化解人们内心的负罪感。

    We equate it with punishment, and as the experimental results suggest, the experience has the psychological effect of rebalancing the scales of justice—and therefore resolving guilt.


  • 最终只能哀叹世事不公或者生不逢时,只能到天涯上来发泄把,失败者共鸣当中寻求一点心理平衡罢了。

    Finally the injustice or only lamented fate, but only up to the end of the vent a loser, in pursuit of a little chord psychological balance it.


  • 一切和谐平衡健康健美成功幸福,都充满乐观希望向上心理造成的。

    All the harmony and balance, health and fitness, success and happiness, is full of optimistic upward psychological cause of hope.


  • 静态平衡基本来讲意味着死亡的状态,如果不是身体上就是情感上的心理的死亡。

    Static balance basically means being dead, if not physically than emotionally and mentally.


  • 良好心理健康情绪帮助我们找到平衡控制不良情绪。

    Good mental or emotional health helps us find our balance and stay in control.


  • 等到儿子寄宿高中从未离开过儿子非常恋家,每次总是恋恋不舍为了平衡心理便带上许多他爱吃的零食。

    Until my son on a boarding high school, never left home Love is the son, and each is always reluctantly, in order to balance his psychology, I would give him to many of his favorite snacks.


  • 感恩不是求得心理平衡片刻答谢而是一种无言却也真诚的表示

    Thanksgiving, not for a moment to seek a balanced appreciation of psychological, but a silent but sincere said.


  • 冥想安全简单方法用来平衡一个人身体情感心理

    Meditation is a safe and simple way to balance a person's physical, emotional, and mental states.


  • 结果青年士兵几乎每个人都不同程度有过平衡心理体验反应

    Results Almost every youth soldier once had the unbalance mental experience and reaction to some extent.


  • 如果队伍有人滥竽充数企业带来不仅仅工资损失而且导致其他人员心理平衡最终导致公司工作效率整体下降。

    If someone is cheating in the team, which brings to the enterprise is not only the loss of wages, and can lead to other mental imbalance, resulting in the company's overall work efficiency.


  • 来到这个社会感觉最大就是心理平衡了,也许也是太多数的感觉吧。

    Come to society, the biggest feeling is unbalance, which my most of us's feeling.


  • 基础上本文提出了“心理健康平衡” ,认为心理健康指一种心理机能上的平衡状态

    On such basis, the author puts forward Balance Theory of mental health, holding that mental health is the balance state of mental function.


  • 信托方面积极商业银行已经取得了一些心理平衡

    Trust in this area of active commercial Banks have made some mental imbalance.


  • 事实上许多投资者预计大局意识丧失心理平衡

    In fact, many investors expected the psychological imbalance in the loss of awareness of the overall situation.


  • 事实上许多投资者预计大局意识丧失心理平衡

    In fact, many investors expected the psychological imbalance in the loss of awareness of the overall situation.


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