• 材料分子量较大,具有平板空间结构

    The material has quite high molecular weight and is in a non-flat type spatial structure.


  • 建立了平板型球面行星夹具膜厚均匀性的计算

    Calculating models for flat and spherical planetary fixture were developed.


  • 平板保暖仪测量丝绒织物光面绒面接触差异。

    The thermal resistances of plane surface and pill surface of silk velvet are tested by thermal meter of type ASTM.


  • 平板太阳能能器吸热、导热效果好、集热效率较高

    The plate type solar energy collector has the advantages of better effect of absorbing heat and conducting heat, and higher heat-collecting efficiency.


  • 本文讨论太阳能平板型热水器集热器主要结构参数最佳化。

    The paper dealt mainly with the optimization of the chief constructive parameters for solar energy collector.


  • 平板荧光显示器件多个分立显示单元阴极近于全长工作

    A flat fluorescent display device consists of multiple disintegrated display units, all the parts of the cathode of which are in working state.


  • 研究13苯甲酸类化合物固定平板型反应器中的光催化降解

    Study on the photocatalytic degradation of 13 kinds of benzoic acids in the fixed film flat-plate reactor have been conducted.


  • 本文讨论是将加权平板结构推广曲面壳体结构的应用

    This article discusses the problem of extending the application of the weighted residuals method from the structure of plate pattern to the structure of curved face pattern.


  • 试验平板圆柱等离子反应器产生平板和圆柱辉光等离子体。

    Panel plasma actuator and cylinder plasma actuator have been test to produce panel glow plasma and cylinder glow plasma.


  • 目前使用最多太阳能收集装置主要平板集热器真空管集热器两种。

    Currently the most frequently used solar energy collection devices are mainly flat-plate collector and vacuum tube collector.


  • 设计师们天花板镜面与天花板平齐平板型灯具放大厨房规模。

    We used mirrored panels and flush, flat-panel light fittings in the ceilings to exaggerate the sculptural form of the kitchens.


  • 介绍平板固定吸附循环通风管路系统中的使用特性应用效果

    The characteristics and applications of the thin plate fixed bed adsorbers in the circulation ventilation pipe systems were presented.


  • 发明适用管状固体氧化物电池制备,又适用于平板单电池制备。

    The invention can be applied to the preparation of tubular solid oxide cell or planar cell.


  • 实验证明百叶窗式纳米亲水要比常规平板型翅片提高100%以上的换效果

    Experiments proved that the heat transfer efficiency of the louvered fin with nm hydrophilic film is 100% higher than the conventional straight fin.


  • 纳米管致发射显示器真空器件也是一种具有巨大应用潜力平板型显示设备

    The field emission display with carbon nanotubes emitters is a kind of new vacuum devices, and is new flat display device with a great deal of application potential.


  • 本文分析了风速平板太阳集热器顶部损失系数影响导出了风速影响修正系数经验公式

    The effect of wind speed on the top heat loss coefficient of flat plate solar collector has been analyzed, the modified coefficient for wind speed effect and its empirical equation has been derived.


  • 其中,平板除尘器收尘极板表面存在场强电流,且处理高比电阻的尘容易发生反电晕;

    There exist weak zones of electric field and current density on the collecting plate when flat plate is used, and back corona tends to occur when the resistivity of particles is high.


  • 发明公开了一种平板太阳能集热器,该太阳能集热器包括保温层透明盖板,保温层透明盖板相连接

    The invention discloses a flat solar energy heat collector which includes the insulating layer and the transparent cover board which connected with each other.


  • 本发明平板型太阳能集热器能够减少吸热导热流体之间温差从而提高了太阳能集热器传热效率

    The heat collector of the invention can decrease the temperature difference between the heat absorbing layer and the heat inducing fluid to improve the heat transferring efficiency.


  • 本文分析研究了平板多面体结构静力性能通过与普通平板网架比较得到这种新结构杆件内力分布规律

    This thesis analyzed static behavior of plate polyhedron frame structures. The distribution rule of member internal forces was found by comparing with plate grid structures.


  • 双层平板放四角锥网架节点构造简单受力合理用钢量是四角锥体系网架最小一种形式,也是国内工程中应用较多的一种。

    Double layer flat diagonal square pyramid grids has the advantages of being simple in formation, rational in member stressing and fairly economic of steel cost among square pyramid grids system.


  • 太阳能热水器我国太阳能热利用较成功的可再生能源产品,太阳能热水器按选用的集热器种类可分为真空管太阳能热水器和平板热水器。

    Solar water heater is renewable energy sources product which widely used in China. It can be devided into vacuum tube solar water heater and flat panel solar water heater.


  • 包括北美最大的几家运营商在内的许多无线网络运营商目前都已经开始客户提供需要签约购买的定制上网本产品,预计这些运营商不久以后还会推出类似平板电脑产品。

    Many providers, including most North American carriers, now often subsidize netbooks and are expected to provide similar treatment for tablet devices.


  • 应该可以适用各种场合,家中屋内的娱乐平板电脑多用途智能手机再到下一代的商务“个人电脑”(也就是平板电脑)。

    A truly mobile OS. One that can take on a variety of guises, from family room entertainment-savvy tablet to multipurpose smartphone to next-generation business "PC" (i.e., tablet).


  • 应该可以适用于各种场合家中屋内的娱乐平板电脑多用途智能手机再到下一代商务“个人电脑”(也就是平板电脑)。

    A truly mobile OS.One that can take on a variety of guises, from family room entertainment-savvy tablet to multipurpose smartphone to next-generation business "PC" (i.e., tablet).


  • 如上拼图所示),另外一种苹果计划于1990年代面世概念平板电脑

    The PenMac (Folio), (both image plates above), was another concept tablet computer to come out of Apple in the early-1990s.


  • 1986年长沙建设机械研究所开发较大HZR450振动平板

    In 1986, changsha construction machinery research and develop a larger HZR450 type of vibrating plate ram.


  • 平板沉降GLJ - BG尘埃粒子计数仪分别测定空气中的细菌总数粒子

    Total bacterial count of air and dust particle count were measured by plate sedimentation method and GLJ-BG-type dust particle counter.


  • 本文利用微扰导出克尔非线性对称平板波导t E模传播常数近似计算公式

    A perturbation method has been developed to derive the approximate computing formulae of propagation constants for te modes on Kerr-type nonlinear symmetric slab optical waveguides.


  • 本文利用微扰导出克尔非线性对称平板波导t E模传播常数近似计算公式

    A perturbation method has been developed to derive the approximate computing formulae of propagation constants for te modes on Kerr-type nonlinear symmetric slab optical waveguides.


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