• 因此唯一连接数和网络码数目平方值比例

    Hence, the number of unique connections is proportional to the square of the number of nodes.


  • 纳闷时候,解释一下生成平方数学基础

    Just in case you're wondering, I can explain the mathematical basis of how the squares are generated.


  • 负载电压平方表明了功率消耗为阻性负载持续温度。

    The square of the r. m. s . load voltage represents the power dissipated in a purely.


  • 举例来说,实数与其平方关系图表符合了横坐标上每个实数皆对应到纵坐标上的平方

    For example, a graph of the relationship Between real Numbers and their squares matches each real number on a horizontal axis with its square on a vertical axis.


  • 本文利用小波变换系数平方值信号奇异性指数之间关系超声回波信号中提取出胎儿心率

    The fetal heart rate can be extracted from the returning signal of ultrasound by way of the connection between the modulus of the wavelet transform coefficient and the singular exponent.


  • 为了便于比较作用力,用瓦特/平方表示气候作用力,越大则温度上升越多。

    Climate forcings are, for the sake of comparison, expressed in terms of watts per square metre: more watts, more warming.


  • 通常实验增加回答选项数目时,获得较大x平方分布概率下降

    In general, the probability of obtaining a large Chi Square value goes down as you increase the number of response options in your study.


  • params元素包含一个param元素,param元素包含double, double的平方希望得到

    The params element contains one param element that contains a double whose square root is desired.


  • 就是为什么X平方分布抽样分布的形状随着df不同而变化的原因。

    This is why the shape of the Chi Square sampling distribution changes for different df values.


  • 研究人员计算记忆测试里她们超过身体质量系数BMI——身高kg/体重m平方,她们记忆力就下降一个单位。

    The researchers calculated that every extra point of body mass index (BMIyour weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in metres) led to a 1-point drop in the memory test.


  • 了1000平方买的房子现在3500元每平方米了。

    His house, which he paid RMB1000 per square metre, is now worth RMB3500.


  • 显示了数据此列最大4,032平方英尺最小为2,200平方英尺。

    It shows the maximum value in the data set for this column is 4,032 square feet, and the minimum is 2,200 square feet.


  • Meschach可以稠密稀疏线性方程组计算特征特征向量和解最小平方问题另外还有其它功能。

    Meschach was designed to solve systems of dense or sparse linear equations, compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and solve least squares problems, among other things.


  • 包括分析使用自由度再次报告了获得x平方分布

    It includes the degrees of freedom used in the analysis and the obtained Chi Square value is reported again.


  • 实际上使用这些计算尾数概率因为可以实现数学函数返回给定x平方分布尾数概率

    In practice, I don't use such graphs to compute tail probabilities because I can implement mathematical functions to return the tail probability for a given Chi Square value.


  • 显示X平方分布概率称为出现相对频率)。

    The left axis shows the probability, or relative frequency of occurrence, of various Chi Square values.


  • 为了确认结论可以获得x平方分布临界进行比较

    Just to confirm this conclusion, you can compare the obtained Chi Square value to the Critical value.


  • 注意即使我们四个0振幅这些振幅绝对平方能达到1。

    Note that even though we have four non-zero amplitudes, the sum of the squares of the absolute values of the amplitudes always adds up to one.


  • 设置用于查找 X平方分布抽样分布中包含尾数区域等于alpha 断开(0.05)位置临界)。

    This setting is used to find the location (or critical value) on the Chi Square sampling distribution that includes a tail area equal to the alpha-cutoff value (0.05).


  • 获得X平方分布重新表示成尾数概率 — 在例中是 0.02。

    The obtained Chi Square value is re-expressed as a tail probability value -- in this case, 0.02.


  • 本文中,获得X平方分布大于临界

    In this study, the obtained Chi Square value was larger then the Critical value.


  • php必须能够访问Distribution.php中的 X平方分布方法计算所得到 X平方分布尾数概率

    The ChiSquare1D.php class needs access to the Chi Square methods in Distribution.php to compute the tail probability of an obtained Chi Square value.


  • 到2005年,冰川面积下降到了另一个——215英里2007年,冰川面积下降到了历史最低——165万平方英里。

    In 2005, sea ice extent fell to another low, 2.15 million square miles, and then, in 2007, it underwent a massive drop, to 1.65 million square miles, the lowest yet.


  • 3方差专业定义随机变量二次中心期望平方加权平均

    The technical definition of variance is the random variable's second central moment, the weighted average of the square of the differences from the expected value.


  • 因此增加回答选项时获得x平方分布统计概率应该增加,而获得较小x平方分布的概率会减少

    So, as you add response options, the statistical probability of obtaining a large Chi Square value should increase and the probability of obtaining smaller Chi Square value decreases.


  • 图中,横轴表示得到x平方分布大小(图中所示范围从010)。

    In each of the graphs, the bottom axis reflects the size of an obtained Chi Square score (range showing is 0 to 10).


  • S5PV210处理器则采用0.65 mmpitch17x17平方毫米fbga封装,内部并集成了双通道32bit DDR2内存接口

    The S5PV210 is packaged in a 0.65mm pitch, 17x17mm2 FBGA package with a high performance 2-channel 32-bit DDR2 memory interface.


  • 最佳线偏离平方之和获得最小

    The sum of the squares of the deviation of all points from the best line is the least it can be.


  • 最佳线偏离平方之和获得最小

    The sum of the squares of the deviation of all points from the best line is the least it can be.


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