• 类地行星密度平均值大约是密度类木行星的密度平均值只有水的密度的1.5倍。

    The densities of the terrestrial planets average about 5 times the density of water, whereas the Jovian planets have densities that average only 1.5 times the density of water.


  • 气温超过平均值区域显示红色橙色低于平均气温的地区则显示为蓝色。

    Areas with above-average temperatures appear in red and orange, and areas with below-average temperatures appear in shades of blue.


  • 由于地区夏季平均气温高于全球平均值速度持续上升所有剩余冰川都在迅速消退

    All the remaining glaciers were rapidly retreating as average summertime temperatures in the area continued to rise faster than the global average.


  • CPU平均值测试期间平均CPU使用率

    CPU avg: Average CPU usage during the test.


  • 直到达到稳定状态两个小时,才开始记录平均值并且结果接近6个小时时间长度的平均值

    The average was not recorded until two hours after steady state, and the results were averaged over approximately six hours.


  • 平均时间间隔trace (longvalue,Stringname)trace (int value, String name)方法发出时间间隔平均值跟踪(请参阅时间间隔侧栏)。

    Interval averaged: the trace (long value, String name) and trace (int value, String name) methods issue traces for interval averaged values (see the Intervals sidebar).


  • 现在形势一片大好,印度GDP的平均年增长率高达8%,印度企业也在过去的三年里得盘满钵盈,他们的平均利润率10%左右,是世界平均值倍还多。

    Their average profit margins are around 10%—more than twice the global average.


  • 自从20世纪以来女孩青春期开始平均年纪极度下降现在平均年纪是12岁虽然这个平均值仍然平稳。

    The average age at which girls start puberty fell dramatically over the 20th century: While the average is now 12, although the average is now levelling off.


  • 平均失效到达时间连续运行期间平均值——也就是说结束个失效开始另外一个之间平均周期

    Mean time to failure is the average continuously operational periodi.e. the average period between the end of one failure and the beginning of the next.


  • 可能正态分布,就是高斯分布,只要平均值标准偏差值就可以进行调用大部分是集中在平均值附近的。

    It could be normal, everything, that would be a Gaussian, where if you recall there was a mean, and a standard deviation, and most values were going to be close to the mean.


  • 1973年,主管级别员工的平均收入全体平均值26现在300倍以上

    In 1973, chief executives were on average paid 26 times the median income. Now the -multiple is above 300.


  • 一些国家平均值要糟糕例如俄罗斯损失潜在产量15%,同样的还有巴西墨西哥意大利,它们的损失都在平均线以上

    Specific countries fared worse than the average, with Russia losing 15% of its potential wheat crop, and Brazil, Mexico and Italy suffering above average losses.


  • 欧元区之内,只有荷兰西班牙葡萄牙价格低于欧盟平均值,分别为平均值的88%、94%和86%。

    From the euro zone, only the Netherlands (88%), Spain (94%) and Portugal (86%) have price levels below the eu average.


  • 举例来讲,比利时物价水平欧盟平均值113%,荷兰则为平均值的88%。

    For instance, in Belgium price levels are at 113% of the EU average, whereas in the Netherlands prices are at 88% of the EU average.


  • 植物生长状况高于2006- 2009年平均值地区均显示为绿色植物生长状况低于平均值的地区则显示为棕色。

    Areas where plant growth was higher than the 2006-2009 average are green. Places where plants grew less than average are brown.


  • 接下来每个平均成本起来,计算出每个月的平均值,从而追踪时间内的变化情况

    My next step is to sum up and average the monthly costing figure to track its change over time.


  • 捷克共和国物价水平欧盟平均值的82%;人均收入捷克低很多的拉脱维亚,物价水平为欧盟平均值的85%。

    In the Czech Republic, which has a significantly higher per-capita income than Latvia, price levels are at 82% of the EU average, whereas in Latvia price levels are at 85% of the EU average.


  • 然后计算平均值所有股票平均值

    And then computes the mean of, getting me the mean of all the stocks in it.


  • 魅力调查者IQ平均值是104.23,没有魅力的调查者的IQ平均值是91.81。

    Attractive NCDS respondents have the mean IQ of 104.23, whereas unattractive NCDS respondents have the mean IQ of 91.81.


  • 普通股价格不同,债券收益率平均值终究会恢复,这就意味着它们围绕历史平均值上下波动。

    Unlike equity prices, bond yields mean revert over time, meaning they rise and fall around their historical average.


  • 低于平均值地区显示为棕褐色平均值为奶白色高于平均值的则绿色表示

    Below-average plant growth is shown in brown, while average growth is cream-colored. If there had been above-average growth in the region, it would have been represented in green.


  • 英国物价最低(为欧盟平均值86%),马耳他最高(为平均值的126%)。

    Prices are lowest in the U. K. (86% of the EU average) and highest in Malta (126% of the EU average).


  • 研究表明如果十二月生人,那过一百岁可能性就会平均可能性16%,如果你是六月生人,你成为百岁老人的可能性就会比平均值23%。

    Their research found that your chances of living beyond 100 were up to 16 per cent higher than average if you were born in December, but if you were born in June, your chances were 23 per cent lower.


  • 2008年,丹麦价格最高(为欧盟平均值147%),保加利亚最低(为欧盟平均值的67%)。

    Prices in 2008 were highest in Denmark (147% of the EU average) and lowest in Bulgaria (67% of the EU average).


  • StatoilHydro公司统计,平均来算,石油公司生产桶石油排放出7.8公斤二氧化碳,而全球平均值为19公斤。

    On average, oil firms emit 7.8kg of carbon dioxide for every barrel they produce in Norway, compared to a global average of 19kg, according to StatoilHydro.


  • 由于月球表面地球平均近地点距离364,397KM(26 432)。19晚的超级月亮距地球的距离在此平均值的基础上又缩短了近7820 KM(4860米)。

    Since the average lunar perigee is 364,397 km (226,432 mi), on March 19 the moon was about 7,820 km (4,860 mi) closer to the earth.


  • 这些试样连同初始结果平均值低于要求的平均值

    The average value of these specimens together with the initial results shall not be lower than the required average.


  • 这些试样连同初始结果平均值低于要求的平均值

    The average value of these specimens together with the initial results shall not be lower than the required average.


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