• 平均每天发生50事件

    Car hijackings are running at a rate of nearly 50 a day.


  • 发表英格兰医学杂志》上一项研究估计美国航班上每天平均发生30起飞行中医疗紧急事件

    A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine estimated that there are an average of 30 in-flight medical emergencies on U.S. flights every day.


  • 过去12月期间,世卫组织粮农组织平均每个高达200起食品安全事件展开调查,旨在确定公众健康造成的影响

    During the last 12 months, an average of up to 200 food safety incidents per month have been investigated by WHO and FAO to determine their public health impact.


  • 数据制作成平均CPU使用率分钟事件关系发现这个关系线性的(请参阅1)。

    When this data is graphed out with the average CPU usage versus events per minute, you can see that the relationship is linear (see Figure 1).


  • 上面情形中好像周期性事件20分钟发生次,从平均负载图上显示波峰可以看到这一点。

    In the scenario above it seems that there is a periodic event happening every 20 minutes that cause a spike in the load average chart.


  • 博士同事认知》杂志上报告说,倒序回忆平均正确回忆的事件很大影响,不过是消极的影响。

    Dr Dando and her colleagues report in Cognition that reverse-order recall had a significant effect on the average number of correct items participants remembered—and not a good one.


  • 我们不想引起任何离异事件。 当夫妻双方认为婚姻幸福时,女人平均男人觉得幸福

    Both men and women were pretty happy in their marriages, but on average, the women reported being slightly happier than the men.


  • 大利来,平均每年15鲨鱼袭击事件造成1人死亡

    On average there are 15 shark attacks a year in Australia, with about one death each year.


  • 甚至2月27道琼斯工业平均指数下跌400这样开创单日跌幅最的事件也不例外。

    Even February 27th's 400-point fall in the dow Jones Industrial Average came low down the historical league table of percentage daily falls.


  • 道琼斯工业平均指数目前雷曼事件之前的水平低900有余。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average remains more than 900 points below its pre-Lehman level.


  • 使用糖豆危机事件群众猜测答案平均例子

    You used the example about the jelly beans and the masses guessing the answer dangerously close based on the average.


  • 如果对比WebLogic事件服务器使用普通(regular)”J VM, WebLogicReal time反应时间平均减少微秒

    WebLogic Real time will also bring the latency down on average to microseconds, as opposed to if WebLogic Event Server was using a 'regular' JVM.


  • 根据视频统计公司TubeMogul的说法,MJ官方音乐视频因为这一事件一天有1000万人次观看,此前平均每日在21.6万次左右

    That's driven Michael Jackson's official music video views on YouTube to 10 million today, up from its daily average around 216, 000 views, according to video analytics firm TubeMogul.


  • 博士学位,平均需要7学习事件尤其这是最后能够体现长期性变化影响(的学历)。

    Doctoral degrees, which require an average of seven years' study, are typically the last to show the impact of long-term changes.


  • 由于可以假定截取收集器能看到每一个事件,因此实现跟踪程序通常平均时间间隔类型

    Because you can assume that an intercepting collector "sees" every event, the tracer type implemented would usually be interval averaged.


  • 没有使用倒序回忆法的控制组正确回忆事件平均得分为48.7。

    The control group, with no reverse recall, averaged 48.7 correct observations about the incident.


  • 根据该署调查,对空气水体造成污染意外事件2010年的上半年翻番平均每月10起左右。

    The ministry said the number of accidents fouling the air and water doubled during the first half of 2010, with an average of 10 each month.


  • 平均而言,类似于博提施陨石坑规模更大一些撞击地球事件的发生频率是百万左右。

    On average, a crater the size of Boltysh or bigger should hit Earth once every million years or so.


  • 欧洲北海采油平台严重石油天然气泄漏事件基本上平均每周发生次,采掘石油的公司均承诺所有可能提高采油安全

    Serious spills of oil and gas from North Sea platforms are occurring at the rate of one a week, undermining oil companies' claims to be doing everything possible to improve the safety of rigs.


  • 物理风险气候变化带来两个平均状况以及频率极端天气事件规模调整

    Physical Risk: Climate change will bring adjustments in both average conditions and in the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events.


  • 十月份首都布鲁塞尔克·塞勒,警方的统计每天平均有高达26车辆盗窃事件13起扒手事件9起抢劫事件

    The daily average tallied 26 thefts from vehicles, 13 pickpocket incidents and nine violent thefts in October in the zone of Brussels-Capital and Ixelles, according to the statistics from police.


  • 平均值也许包括服务启动其他事件数据而这些事件可能导致数字时间内远远超出范围从而引起结果扭曲

    Averages can include data for service startup or other events that might cause the Numbers to go far out of range for a brief period, thereby skewing results.


  • 美国每年2000宗飞碟目击事件平均平方公里只有0.0002起。

    The 2,000 UFOs are spotted every year in the United States represent just 0.0002 sightings per square kilometer.


  • 希望做出事件决定回忆以上过去例子有助于平均情绪

    Recalling more than one past instance of an event you want to make a decision about helps average out the emotion.


  • 选择计算总和每个参与者全部时间一个作用指标例如事件总数平均或者时间趋势

    Alternatively, compute an effect measure for each individual participant which incorporates all time points, such as total number of events, an overall mean, or a trend over time.


  • 通常情况下,莫顿中学的学生平均每天20起违反学校著装规定事件发生。

    The Hammond school usually has 20 dress code violations a day.


  • 结果:最终队列5878平均5.8随访期内,209次冠心病事件出现其中122次心肌梗死冠心病或心脏停止后复苏

    Results During a median of 5.8 years of follow-up among a final cohort of 5878, 209 CHD events occurred, of which 122 were myocardial infarction, death from CHD, or resuscitated cardiac arrest.


  • 结果:最终队列5878平均5.8随访期内,209次冠心病事件出现其中122次心肌梗死冠心病或心脏停止后复苏

    Results During a median of 5.8 years of follow-up among a final cohort of 5878, 209 CHD events occurred, of which 122 were myocardial infarction, death from CHD, or resuscitated cardiac arrest.


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