• 吸收水分

    Dry sand absorbs water.


  • 看看海风的痕迹,可以体会句子里应有抑扬顿挫。

    Look at the patterns the wind makes in dry sand and you"ll see how syllabies in a sentence should fall."


  • 13天后,这股空中回到了塔克拉玛完成了整个环游世界

    After 13 days, the plume of dust passed back over the Taklamakan desert, having completed a full circuit of the globe.


  • 本文根据有关文献,介绍了到目前为止岸滩表面研究状况主要成果

    The research state and major results on the rate of sand transportation on a try sand surface are introduced based on some references in this paper.


  • 令人惊讶的是竟挺立了许久,由于大量修补,竟抵挡住千层攻击。

    The walls last a surprisingly long time, resisting the lapping tide with the help of energetic patching and fresh buckets of dry sand.


  • 年后他们在不停地,尽管挖依旧是他们总是要与命运抗争找到水源。 他们的坚持其实是地球生命的写照。

    Five years later they are still bringing up dry sand, scratching out their fate as a microcosm of life on this planet.


  • 知道开始列出一个由你已经在食用或者现成的非肉类菜单,番茄意大利面煸蔬菜

    Start with what you know. Make a list of meatless meals you already prepare regularly, such as spaghetti with tomato sauce or vegetable stir-fry.


  • 里海的卡油田是过去数十年间发现最大的油田,当时预计2005年投入生产

    The Kashagan oilfield in the Caspian Sea, one of the biggest discoveries in decades, was due to enter production in 2005.


  • 已经在里海海底开发出最近发现世界最大之一的卡油田。

    It is already developing one of the world's biggest recent discoveries, Kashagan, beneath the Caspian Sea.


  • 大多数情况下,要从提炼出石油需要先把覆盖地区森林砍掉地面的水分,去掉表层然后当然就是把地下的出来。

    In most cases, extracting oil involves chopping down the forest that blankets the region, draining the boggy ground, stripping off the topsoil and literally digging up the oily sand below.


  • 油田开发饱受成本超支延期哈萨克斯坦强迫要求变更的合作条款

    The development of Kashagan has suffered from cost overruns, delays and a change in terms forced upon it by the government of Kazakhstan.


  • 解释说,沉管式设计要求大部分的隧道建筑上,漂浮沉没水里

    Hashash explains that the immersed-tube design requires largeportions of the tunnel to be built on a dry dock that is floated outinto the water and sunk.


  • 情况更为复杂是,卡附近的海域很多物种都是那里独有的,鲟鱼里海海豹

    Adding to its complexity, Kashagan lies at the heart of a delicate ecosystem, home to many species unique only to these waters, such as the sturgeon and the rare Caspian seal.


  • 只有大家一起才能制服老虎

    Only by working together can we beat the Sand Tiger.


  • 试验研究工程实践结果表明对于砾石土及风积采用实施工工艺修筑路基完全可行的;

    The results of experiments and engineering show that it is feasible to adopt dry compaction procedure for subgrade construction road.


  • 总是可以找到斯塔的,因为斯塔许许多多的活儿:网啰,做晚饭啰,打扫他们合住的房屋啰。

    There was always something to find fault with for Shasta had plenty of work to do, mending and washing the nets, cooking the supper, and cleaning the cottage in which they both lived.


  • 结合工程实例在充分认识风工程特性基础上,通过分析风积工程特性,确定并进一步完善风积工艺,明确了压实工艺控制要点

    Based on practical engineering examples and according to an analysis of the engineering properties of aeolian sand, the control points of aeolian sand dry compaction technology are defined.


  • 那天晚上,特对合唱团的人说道:“我们一件危险的事情如果哪位,请自便。” ”

    That night Schaechter told his chorus, "What we are doing is dangerous. If anyone wants to leave, you may go. ""


  • 其中比较出名菠萝包(左上)、(右上)、咕噜肉(左下)、鸡(右下)和

    Among them, the famous ones are Pineapple bun, the Stir-Fried Hor Fun with Beef, Sweet and Sour Pork, Steamed Ginger Chicken and Ice Lemon Tea.


  • 每份选用优质澳洲高贵肉质嫩滑、滋味独特口感弹牙。

    Every Sea-ear is selected from Australian high quality netting abalone and matched noblest goose liver sauce. The delicate and special meat make your mouth feel fragrant.


  • 白葡萄酒喜爱的

    Chardonnay is my favorite white grape for making wine.


  • 清水一、清水和清水可直接进入后续生产流程循环利用,用于堆积筑坝滤渣运走烧制建筑用砖。

    The clear water I, II, III are recycled in the subsequent production flow. The ore is used for constructing dam. The filter residues are removed for dry stack or burned for building bricks.


  • 清水一、清水和清水可直接进入后续生产流程循环利用,用于堆积筑坝滤渣运走烧制建筑用砖。

    The clear water I, II, III are recycled in the subsequent production flow. The ore is used for constructing dam. The filter residues are removed for dry stack or burned for building bricks.


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