• 他们说话时候经常站得很近常常碰到对方肩膀

    They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder.


  • 温迪根本不需要翻译

    She had said it so often that Wendy needed no translation.


  • 实际上顾问经历中,需求工程没有一个方面1作为工程工作至关重要的部分经常引用的,并且2实践中常常被忽略的1。

    In fact, in my consulting experience, no single aspect of requirements engineering is both 1 so frequently cited as vital to the engineering effort and 2 so frequently ignored in practice.


  • 注意策略可能常常表示需求但是它们也是经常被表示为规则

    Note that policies may also often be expressed as requirements but they are also frequently expressed as rules.


  • 即使在内部许多较小团队采用轻量工具,这些工具常常来自开源领域并且经常支持新的过程例如敏捷开发

    Even internally, many smaller teams are adopting lightweight tools, frequently from the open source domain and often to support new processes, such as agile development.


  • 许多全球市场最初变迁包括工作迁移地点经常印度现在常常在中国东欧

    Many initial moves into the global market involved transferring work to a single site, frequently in India, and now often in China or Eastern Europe.


  • 系统经常引用用户界面(UI)元素,这些元素常常称为边界“用户界面”例如HTML页面报表

    System use cases often refer to major user interface (UI) elements, often called boundary or user interface items, such as HTML pages and reports.


  • 我们常常认为鲨鱼捕食者,不过现在证明它们经常捕食

    While we usually think of sharks as hunters, it turns out that they are often the hunted.


  • 注意过一些常常抱怨经常生气易怒的人怎样的吗?

    Have you noticed how some people are chronic complainers or often emit anger and irritability?


  • 常常提到SOA技术经常置于许多现存业务问题解决方案这样一个位置。

    It is also often claimed that SOA technologies are often positioned as a solution of many existing business problems.


  • 维勒说:“我们年轻一代文学家在专业上经常使用哈勃太空望远镜,却常常忘记一点。”

    Which is often forgotten by our younger generation of astronomers who make their careers by using Hubble Space Telescope, "says Ed Weiler."


  • 大部分阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者经常大声打鼾同时他们常常感到疲劳白天过度嗜睡。

    Most people with OSA snore loudly and frequently, and they often experience fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness.


  • 斯隆指出政客工作时间比较长难以预料,经常到外地旅行常常不能住自己家里

    Politicians, Sloan points out, work long and unpredictable hours and often travel or even live away from their families.


  • 他们丛林中乌鸦进行了试验研究四只乌鸦都日本城市经常看见品种由于繁殖过快,常常看作城市祸害

    The study involved experiments conducted on four jungle crows, the type most commonly found in Japanese cities and often regarded as an urban nuisance due to their booming population.


  • 由于光影作用,人们常常可以想象一些奇怪生物洞中这里经常看到海龟

    Very often because of light and shade one can imagine some strange creatures hiding in the cave. It is the place where usually a turtle is seen.


  • 同时年纪大常常夜里时常醒来可能使他们白天经常打瞌睡原因

    Also, older people often sleep less deeply and wake up more often throughout the night, which may be why they may nap more often during the daytime.


  • 经常站在门边孙子经过时常常停下来会儿话。

    I often stood by my gate waiting for my grandson and she would always have a minute for you and stop and talk.


  • 常常遭到嘲笑,经常因为生病不能按时上学的情况变得糟,我没什么朋友。

    'I was teased and I often had to have time off school because I was sick. This made it even harder for me, and I didn't have a lot of friends, ' she explained.


  • 一个朋友十九时在医生建议下做环切手术,告诉我在未做手术之前经常血流如注常常会变得尴尬。

    One friend who had a circumcision when he was 19, on medical advice, says that before the cut he used to "explode in a geyser of blood", often at the most embarrassing moments.


  • 需要同等考虑所有选项经常使用搜索引擎进行核查因为算法常常另行通知的情况下更改

    You need to consider all options equally and check back frequently with the search engines because the algorithm is often subject to change without notice.


  • 但是这种方法问题在于用户常常并不真正知道他们想要什么,经常改变想法或者想到其他东西

    The problem with this type of approach is that the users frequently don't really know what they want and either change their minds or think of something else along the way.


  • 我们在一起走,不怕那儿的互相胆量那些坟墓中间

    We've braved its ghosts often together, and dared each other to stand among the graves and ask them to come.


  • 经常出现工具同时老工具常常会改进适应新的最佳实践

    New tools crop up frequently, while others are eternally modernized and adapted to suit emerging best practices.


  • 安娜·阿列克丝耶夫娜经常一起剧院总是走着我们常常肩膀擦着肩膀,并排坐在前排座位里。

    Anna Alexyevna and I used to go to the theatre together, always walking there; we used to sit side by side in the stalls, our shoulders touching.


  • 夫妻经常不仅懂得如何改善婚姻常常他们自身问题

    Couples are not only ignorant of ways to improve their marriages; they are often ignorant of the problems themselves.


  • 遭受雷击年龄段分布情况中,1019岁得人群最为危险,气象局表示,在遇难者常常是那些学校放假并且经常在户外玩耍孩子们

    Those aged between 10 and 19 are struck more than any other age group, as they are on school holiday and children frequently play outside, the weather service said.


  • 遭受雷击年龄段分布情况中,1019岁得人群最为危险,气象局表示,在遇难者常常是那些学校放假并且经常在户外玩耍孩子们

    Those aged between 10 and 19 are struck more than any other age group, as they are on school holiday and children frequently play outside, the weather service said.


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