• 对住在新泽西密尔本市的夫妇通常会带个女儿参加当地图书馆举办的活动,每天花两小时大声阅读。 但自从去年七月里开了一个书评博客(拉泰纳帮家庭书评会)后,事情就变得不一样了。

    The couple, from Millburn, N.J., did the usual library outings, as well as daily read-alouds, sometimes for as long as two hours.


  • 刀带袭击了

    Men armed with knives and clubs attacked his home.


  • 任何艺术圈子里,一两位才华人身边儿总会有一无能的阿谀奉承者。

    For every one or two talented people in any group of artists, there are hordes of talentless hangers-on.


  • 加布里埃尔很快秘鲁伊西德理发店在那里工作

    Gabriel's family soon helped him open his first barbershop in San Isidro, Peru, which he worked at for one and a half years.


  • 了创造富有想象力的作品,人工智能还可以艺术做重复乏味的任务。

    Apart from creating imaginative works, AI can also take care of repetitive (重复乏味的) tasks for artists.


  • 果你从来没有养过猫,但正在考虑养一只,那就去和猫主人聊聊,或者他们照看一下

    If you've never actually owned a cat, but are thinking of it, talk to cat owners, or offer to house-sit for a cat owner.


  • 人们强烈要求雕塑位有名雕刻正在把他的头像做成模型。

    There was a great demand for engravings of his portrait, and his head was being modelled by an admiring sculptor.


  • 去年秋天加入了美国网络公司他们中国成立分部

    Last fall I joined an American Internet company to help them set up shop in China.


  • 安徒生借由当地杂志撰写剧本和诗开始写作生涯

    Andersen began his writing career by writing plays and poems for a local journal.


  • 然后娱乐巨头公司找到份工作他们训练新人

    Then I got a corporate job with an entertainment giant, training their new hires.


  • 杰克母亲仿佛没听到这话,,“每年都回来即使德州安也还是那样,他回来就干活,整个星期在忙,大门啊,收庄稼啊,什么都干。

    Jack's mother ignored this, said, "He used a come home every year, even after he was married and down in Texas, and help his daddy on the ranch for a week fix the gates and mow and all.


  • 亚利桑那大学同学一起访问时,斯通关系自己找到供应商。

    Traveling with classmates from the University of Arizona, Mr. Mays made a connection that helped him find a supplier.


  • 旅途交朋友旅者少地找到一点感觉

    Making friends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home.


  • 他们距离自己不远的密苏里州自由市攫取60,000美金,击毙外,其余成功逃脱。

    They made off with $60, 000 from the Liberty, Mo. bank not far from their home, and one man was killed.


  • 所以准备所有自称批评一个解释一下苹果公司文化一些基本方面

    So I'm going to do all you would-be critics a favor, and explain some fundamental aspects of Apple's culture.


  • 妈妈选择了提议特拉华唐小姐填写申请,给提供整个流程指导否则(没有指导这些流程将)混乱不堪,的代理机构。

    Her mother chose an agency that suggested Delaware and helped Ms. Tang fill out her application, guiding her through a process that otherwise would have been bewildering.


  • 不久前天下午林荫大道辆卡车把一印象派油画他们汉普顿运到曼哈顿公寓去

    One afternoon not too long ago, a truck arrived on Park Avenue, delivering a batch of Impressionist paintings from a family's home in the Hamptons to their apartment in Manhattan.


  • 答应弟弟麦克东海岸加利福尼亚州

    I'd agreed to help my brother, Mac, move from the East Coast to California.


  • 为了回答两个问题,我们必要层层历史外衣,葡萄牙探险踏上如今布兰卡的土地开始,这层外衣已经整整沉积了510

    To answer the first two it is necessary to peel away layers accumulated over 510 years since a band of Portuguese explorers landed in what is now Bahia state.


  • 观察认为这些事件伺机利用两个民族经年累月紧张局势之徒精心谋划

    Observers believe that the events were orchestrated by individuals taking advantage of long-standing tensions between the two ethnic groups.


  • 民革已经开设了一个基金资助这些幸存者,提供他们医学治疗他们归国以及重建很多人早已平地

    The MDC has launched a fund to assist victims with medical treatment, repatriation and rebuilding their homes, many of which have been burnt to the ground.


  • 公司心甘情愿是因为他们需要老官员人脉:一大型日本企业董事承认上面下来的人确实他们打通关节。

    Companies comply because they rely on cosy official contacts to prosper: a board director at a big Japanese firm concedes that its heavenly arrivals help to ease interactions with regulators.


  • 弄清商店加价规律,可以省很多

    Knowing the markdown policies of the store help hagglers save money.


  • 有些孩子,比如11岁的桑切斯,则像交响乐指挥一样手臂在空中摇摆自己掌握汉语的声调

    Some, like Damaris De Luna Sanchez, 11, move their hands the way a conductor directs an orchestra, slicing through the air to help them reach the proper intonations.


  • 泰伦齐奥女士琼斯女士联系了哥伦比亚大学医学中心幸存者健康中心,是一接受癌症治疗青少年服务的机构。

    Ms. Terenzio connected Ms. Jones with Columbia University Medical Center’s Center for Survivor Wellness, which serves teenagers who have been treated for cancer.


  • 音乐邀请朋友一间发送CD邮件的大房间。

    A friend of mine was asked by a musician to help him do a huge mail-out of CDs.


  • 这种行为山东农村一样,在那里为了这些想拍奢华婚纱照情侣们,黄琴丈夫经营着一婚纱

    The practice is much the same out in the Shandong countryside, where Huang Qin helps her husband run another photo shop for couples wishing to take lavish pre-wedding photographs.


  • 这种行为山东农村一样,在那里为了这些想拍奢华婚纱照情侣们,黄琴丈夫经营着一婚纱

    The practice is much the same out in the Shandong countryside, where Huang Qin helps her husband run another photo shop for couples wishing to take lavish pre-wedding photographs.


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