• 参观者带来收入使得这间博物馆能够独立运营

    The income from visitors makes the museum self-supporting.


  • 罢工全国最大航空公司带来影响使得较小的航空公司轻易捡到便宜。

    The strike affecting the country's largest airline is producing easy pickings for smaller companies.


  • 使得金属具有了特别的性质,因为金属键使得原子可以彼此之间流动而不会带来灾难性的后果。

    That is what makes metal so fascinating because metallic bonding allows the atoms to glide over one another without resulting in catastrophic failure.


  • 技术本身不会带来变革可以使得改变能够更容易更为廉价高效

    Technology on its own will not bring reform, but it can make changes easier, cheaper and more effective.


  • 我们可以对奇点带来变化是否使得那样指数增长得以继续进行质疑。

    We can speculate as to the changes the Singularity would bring that would enable that exponential growth to continue.


  • 这种强烈需求带来一个问题加拿大升值起了推波助澜的作用,使得东部厂商生存更加艰难

    This boom brings a problem: it is helping to drive up the Canadian dollar, which risks making life more difficult for manufacturers back east.


  • 的确通过减少重复代码使得代码经得起变化我们带来了巨大好处,最终一门完备语言应该需要这样的第三方库。

    While it does give us great savings by reducing repetitive code and making code more tolerable to change, ultimately a complete language should not require this of us.


  • 苹果公司设计使用者带来方便性吸引力使得全世界许多消费者选择苹果产品超过其他品牌

    It's Apple's ability to design user friendly and attractive products makes many consumers around the world choose Apple over other brands.


  • 不幸是这意味着一旦出现显著通胀上升那么可能带来更多的失业增加(严重衰退)使得通胀下降

    But it also implies bad news if inflation rises significantly. It would then take a much larger increase in unemployment (a more severe recession) to bring inflation down again.


  • 冷战期间油田脆弱性焦虑使得地区被分别划入阵营之中冷战结束带来缓解也转瞬即逝

    During the cold war, anxiety about the vulnerability of oilfields sundered the region into American and Soviet camps, and the cold war's end brought the briefest of respites.


  • 事实上由于增加股本带来缓冲能力使得收益变得更加稳定,这样股东们接受一个更的股本回报率。

    And since a bigger equity buffer would make profits less volatile, investors should actually accept a lower ROE, mitigating part of the impact.


  • 共同支付自行支付的额度可以增加,这使得人们审慎地衡量是否需要昂贵治疗带来边际上的改善。

    Copayments and deductibles can be increased to make people think harder about whether they want expensive treatments of marginal efficacy.


  • 走过的一步觉悟之路都人类带来伟大光波通过这样同时也疗愈世界使得每个人都升。

    Each enlightened step you take brings greater waves of light to humanity and through that you also heal the world and enable the ascension of everyone.


  • 使得各组织控制管理应用工具方法并且某种方式应用这些资产以增强SOA带来好处

    It enables organizations to apply tools and methods for governing, administrating, and applying these assets in a way that amplifies the benefits of SOAs.


  • 我们正在尝试完善这种安全网络开发平台使得人们都可以使用这种现在专家们正在使用技术带来的好处。

    What we're trying to do is get the Web development platform to a point where anyone can take advantage of the types of technology these experts are using.


  • 如果失败将会使得环境出现问题,从而带来风险,因为数据更新随时可能发生

    Failure to do so will result in a broken environment a risky proposition when updates can occur at any time.


  • 此外良好路况使得阿根廷能够充分利用商品价格带来的效益。

    In addition, good road conditions have allowed Argentina to take full advantage of high commodity prices.


  • 会议应当引导提出以科学为基础的建议如何才能使得住房建筑方面的气候变化减缓措施避免带来健康危险,使健康得以改善

    It should lead to the development of science-based advice on how measures to reduce climate change in housing and construction can avoid risks to health, and produce health improvements.


  • 同时研究表示温暖夜晚也会美国著名糖浆产业带来麻烦,使得生产北移寒冷加拿大

    Meanwhile, warmer nights will spell trouble for America's famous maple syrup industry, pushing production north into colder Canada, said the study.


  • 德国仍旧担心道德风险援助使得希腊侥幸逃脱多年不负责任财政政策带来的后果,并且其他欧盟国家不好先例

    Germans still fret about moral hazard: a bail-out wouldmean that Greece gets away with years of irresponsible fiscal policyand could set a bad precedent for other euro delinquents.


  • 的太多会撑肺部带来压力使得呼吸更加困难

    Big meals fill up your stomach, which can press on your lungs and make breathing harder.


  • 很多显然,炒作使得期望门槛提高了,反而更多可能带来失望。

    A lot! It is obvious that hype sets the bar high, increasing the chances of a miss.


  • 糟糕数据可能降低客户满意度使得通信复杂化尝试规避问题时导致成本增加可能会带来其他挑战

    Sloppy data can decrease customer satisfaction, complicate communication, and increase costs when trying to circumvent the problem, as well as create other challenges.


  • 琼斯博士认为工程系统在抵御洪水方面良好表现使得人们往往忽视了中度暴风雨会带来影响

    The existing engineering systems that dispose of floodwater are so efficient that the effects of moderate storms often go unnoticed, Dr. Jones said.


  • 提示由于工作被删除带来的挫折感使得很多放弃了这个项目

    It serves as a reminder that frustration at having work removed prompts many people to abandon the project.


  • 功能使得用户可以看到他们联系人现在离他们远,这移动通信带来全新的体验。

    This allows users to see how far away their contacts are, introducing a whole new dimension to mobile communication.


  • 因特网繁荣带来兴奋能源价格高涨带来机遇使得风险资本家赌注在了清洁能源上面。

    Flush from the Internet boom and intrigued with the opportunities presented by rising fuel prices, venture capitalists started betting on clean technology.


  • 重新服用抗抑郁药物给他带来更多好处使得又返回工作岗位。

    Restarting treatment with antidepressant medications brought further gains and enabled him to resume his career.


  • 重新服用抗抑郁药物给他带来更多好处使得又返回工作岗位。

    Restarting treatment with antidepressant medications brought further gains and enabled him to resume his career.


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