• 第一次世界大战是从1914年至1918年,战争主要欧洲集团进行:“同盟国”,包括德国帝国,和“协约国”,包括英国法国和俄罗斯。

    The Work War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 primarily between two European Power blocs: “the Central power”. Germany and Austria-Hungary, and the “Allies”, Britain, France and Russia.


  • 瑞士最大出错银行瑞银集团交易丑闻震动瑞银帝国朝野,首席执行官刚刚宣布辞职。

    THE trading scandal that has rocked UBS, Switzerland’s biggest and most error-prone bank, has just cost it its chief executive.


  • 瑞士最大出错银行瑞银集团交易丑闻震动瑞银帝国朝野,首席执行官刚刚宣布辞职。

    THE trading scandal that has rocked UBS, Switzerland's biggest and most error-prone bank, has just cost it its chief executive.


  • 庞大帝国因为毒瘤面临了重大威胁。(《世界新闻报》关闭之前,只给新闻集团带来不到1%业务收益。一个头脑清醒的巨头都应该接受意见早就将转让,但默多克新闻出版有着很深的情结。)

    His entire empire is threatened by the rot in a small part of it. Before he closed it, the News of the World contributed less than 1% of News Corp's business.


  • 受到索龙胜利激励帝国内部集团其余军阀向科洛桑发动毁灭性的打击。

    Spurred on by Thrawn's victories, the remaining Inner Circle of Imperial warlords staged a devastating attack on Coruscant.


  • 现年35岁的英国小伙盖伊-巴尼特8年前离开达特默斯码头辗转至加拿大,为北美最大饮食集团帝国掌管人、加拿大渔业大亨、亿万富翁约翰-里斯雷打工

    The 35-year-old left Dartmouth eight years ago to work for John Risley, the billionaire owner of a food empire and the largest fishing fleet in North America and Canada.


  • 描述遍及整个银河系黑社会神秘犯罪集团,是《帝国阴影多媒体项目中的主要反派。

    Black Sun was developed as a shadowy criminal syndicate that permeates the entire galactic underworld, and the principal enemy of the Shadows of the Empire multi-media project.


  • 默多克帝国广阔新闻集团表示,成立澳洲1979年。

    Murdock's empire is vast and is part of his News Corporation that was incorporated in Australia in 1979 (Murdock's home).


  • 抱怨美国国际集团股价暴跌而损失数十亿美元后,格林伯格并不隐瞒购买这个曾经掌管帝国尽量可能多的股份。

    After complaining of having lost billions of dollars through the collapse in AIG shares, he has made no secret of his desire to buy as large a chunk as possible of his former empire.


  • 现在日本房地产酒店帝国APA集团创始人元谷芙美子(FumikoMotoya丈夫元谷外志雄(Toshio中国面临着一连串批评

    Now Fumiko Motoya and her husband, Toshio, founders of APA Group, a Japanese real-estate and hotel empire, are facing a barrage of criticism in China.


  • 第一次世界大战是从1914 年至1918 年,战争主要欧洲集团进行: “同盟国”,包括德国帝国,和“协约国”,包括英国法国和俄罗斯。

    The Work War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 primarily between two European Power blocs: "the Central power". Germany and Austria-Hungary, and the "Allies", Britain, France and Russia.


  • 第一次世界大战是从1914 年至1918 年,战争主要欧洲集团进行:―同盟国‖,包括德国帝国,和―协约国‖,包括英国法国和俄罗斯。

    The Word War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 primarily between two European Power blocs: ―the Central power‖. Germany and Austria-Hungary, and the ―Allies‖, Britain, France and Russia.


  • 第一次世界大战是从1914年至1918年,战争主要欧洲集团进行: :“同盟国”,包括德国帝国,和“协约国”,包括英国法国和俄罗斯。

    Thee Work War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 primarily between two European Power blocs: "the Central power". Germany and Austria-Hungary, and the "Allies", Britain, France and Russia.


  • 现在软银已经成为一个全球性帝国拥有Sprint中国阿里巴巴集团以及美国其他国家各种初创公司股份。

    It has since become a global empire with stakes in the likes of Sprint and Alibaba Group of China and in a welter of start-ups in the United States and abroad.


  • 比方三星电子公司公司是三星集团帝国83个子公司之一,其智能手机的市场份额高于苹果公司

    Samsung Electronics, for instance, one of 83 constituent parts of the Samsung empire, sells more smartphones than Apple.


  • 属于镜报集团除了默多克媒体帝国新闻集团之外首次涉嫌丑闻而被捕新闻记者

    All four are from the Mirror group. It's the first time newspaper journalists outside the News-Corp, media empire belonging to Rupert Murdoch have been arrested in connection with the scandal.


  • 新闻集团这个媒体帝国来说,由默多克子女掌舵并不是什么新鲜事。

    The News Corp. media empire is no stranger to seeing Murdoch children at the helm.


  • 约瑟夫海勒黑色幽默小说《第二十二条军规》里黑暗的人物米洛•明德宾德,个职务卑微的司务长,另一面他却经营者一个庞大的商业帝国M&M企业集团

    THE darkest character in Joseph Heller's dark novel, "Catch-22", is Milo Minderbinder, a lowly mess officer who runs a huge business empire, M&M Enterprises, on the side.


  • 去年奥普拉成立制作公司“哈集团”赢利3.45亿美元,这个“传媒帝国”不仅制作的脱口秀节目,还经营杂志网上商店等业务。

    Winfrey's production company, Harpo Inc. , made $345 million last year. She oversees an empire that includes her TV show, a magazine and an online store.


  • 去年奥普拉成立制作公司“哈集团”赢利3.45亿美元,这个“传媒帝国”不仅制作的脱口秀节目,还经营杂志网上商店等业务。

    Winfrey's production company, Harpo Inc. , made $345 million last year. She oversees an empire that includes her TV show, a magazine and an online store.


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