• 一个关于自由帖子保存自己的数据的自由,以及运行软件自由

    This is a post about freedom. The freedom to keep your data for yourself and the freedom to run free software.


  • 这些帖子激起了一系列有关所有可能可能实现的数据结构智能编码零件编码标准深入探讨。

    These posts sparkled an intensive discussion about all possible and impossible data schemas, intelligent numbers and standards for part numbering.


  • 来源于2011赛季最新有效数据以及大部分帖子回复喜爱次数显示,曼联还有活跃在线球迷

    United also have the most actively engaged fans, according to the latest available figures from March 2011, together with the most the most posts, comments and likes.


  • 这家公司人们行踪添加微型帖子(tweet)中,希望这样做使用这些数据广告其它服务导向行踪改变的人们。

    Asking people to add their whereabouts to their tweets, the firm hopes, will enable it to use these data to direct advertising and other services at people as they move from place to place.


  • 知道这个数据每月知道该博客里什么样帖子了。而且知道这种能引起共鸣内容走向

    Knowing this data, you can line it up next to your blog posts published each month and see trends in the the kind of content that resonates.


  • 例如讨论数据中的基本数据元素是个人使用文档形式发表帖子

    For example, the basic data element in a discussion database is an individual's contribution in the form of a document.


  • 四个系列帖子着眼于机电产品物料项目数据物料清单的管理

    This series of four posts looks at the management of items, data and bills of material for mechatronic products.


  • 正如我们最近一些帖子说明的那样,目前处的这个网络时代(有人称之为“Web3.0”,我们对此有些矛盾的心态)主要关注于数据使用数据智能化

    As we have been explaining in recent posts, this current era of the Web (which some have termed "Web 3.0", a term we're ambivalent about) has a big focus on using data and making it smarter.


  • 注意盗取数据美人鱼论坛发整顿社区重新招聘社区管理人员固顶帖子

    I note that the stolen data in the months to rectify false Mermaid forum community. Recruit community management staff, the total jacking message.


  • 数据主题帖子用户

    I have DB tables like topic and posts users etc.


  • 以上数据函数概述下篇帖子示例说明怎样报表使用这些函数。

    And that's the overview. In my next post, I will provide some examples that illustrate how to use these functions in your reports.


  • 设计实现用户管理帖子管理、版面管理、数据管理、内容浏览查找

    Design and implement user management, threading management, page layout management, database management, browsing and searching of content.


  • 论坛结构化数据抽取论坛帖子标题作者发表时间内容文本块论坛数据的抽取,处理论坛数据基础

    Forum structured data extraction is the meta-data extraction from web forums such as post title, post author, post time and post content. It is the foundation of processing forum data.


  • 然而由于网页布局设计复杂性用户发表帖子的灵活性,论坛网页中抽取结构化数据一项未能很好解决非常具有挑战性任务

    Because of both complex page layout designs and unrestricted user created posts, extracting structured data from web forum pages is a very challenging task and not solved well.


  • 实验结果表明方法论坛帖子标题、作者、发表时间内容文本块等数据抽取达到了较高准确率

    Experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves high accuracy in extracting some metadata of web forums such as post title, post author, post time and post content.


  • 由于网页布局设计复杂性用户发表帖子的灵活性,论坛网页中抽取结构化数据一项未能好解决非常具有挑战性任务

    Because of both complex page layout designs and unrestricted user created posts, extracting structured data from Web forum pages is a very challenging task and not easily solved.


  • 由于网页布局设计复杂性用户发表帖子的灵活性,论坛网页中抽取结构化数据一项未能好解决非常具有挑战性任务

    Because of both complex page layout designs and unrestricted user created posts, extracting structured data from Web forum pages is a very challenging task and not easily solved.


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