• 除了喧闹外,罗奥图一百岁生日聚会实际上被设计一个简朴实惠的活动。

    Despite all the hoopla, Palo Alto's 100th birthday party is actually designed to be a simple, down-to-earth affair.


  • 这座房屋始建于1844年,旧金山西班牙裔建造,·奥图市古老建筑,位于硅谷的中心地带

    Built by one of the original Hispanic residents of San Francisco, this 1844 home is the oldest structure in Palo Alto, in the heart of Silicon Valley.


  • 研究小分队到了奥图一个法律公司址,126实验室也跟着搬家法律图书馆里新家

    When the search division moved to the former offices of a Palo Alto law firm, Lab126 moved with them and took up residence in the old law library.


  • 上周一个晚上保加利亚新加坡越南面对面进行交谈这一切都·奥多家里的起居间完成的。

    One night last week I talked, face-to-face, with people from Bulgaria, Singapore, and Vietnam, all from my living room in Palo Alto.


  • 然而罗奥图反映出福山古代历史兴趣持续增长

    The move to Palo Alto, however, also reflects Fukuyama's growing interest in ancient history.


  • ·奥图市总部里,孩子照片摆在办公桌上,食堂里提供美食家级别的餐饮。

    Baby photos now dot the worktables at its Palo Alto headquarters. Chefs provide free gourmet fare in the company cafeteria.


  • 2005年罗奥建立了自己第二个公司将其卖给“塞尔福斯”网络公司,成为产品管理总裁。

    He founded his second company in Palo Alto in 2005 and sold this company to Salesforce.com, becoming VP of Product Management.


  • 最初顾客之一就是位于加州·奥图的IMVU公司。

    One of its first customers was Palo Alto, Calif. -based IMVU Inc.


  • 与其说苏尔科夫科学城·奥图相似,还不如说它和苏联拉格体制下封闭研究中心更像。

    Mr Surkov's science town has less in common with Palo Alto than with the closed Soviet research towns that mostly grew out of the gulag system.


  • 个例子,Facebook应用程序安装绝大多数iPhone上”,提到Facebook的罗·奥多市,在加利福尼亚总部本月早前事件

    For example, Facebook's app "is on the vast majority of iPhones," he said at an event earlier this month at Facebook's Palo Alto, California, headquarters.


  • 10月6日·奥图举行的会议上,Facebook老板马克·扎克伯格宣布了一系列关于这个世界上最大社交网站运营方式变革

    At a meeting in Palo Alto on October 6th, Mark Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, announced a series of changes to the way that the world's largest online social network is run.


  • 上周最新一个例子中,有100多人出现社交网络平台Ning位于加州罗·奥多办公室享用午餐

    In the latest example, more than 100 people turned up for lunch at the offices of Ning, a social networking web platform, in Palo Alto last week.


  • 达州,有一万三千多人像斯普拉·德雷这样自愿巴马工作

    Mr Spradley and Mr Ampaw were among 13, 000 people who volunteered to work for Mr Obama in South Carolina.


  • 电力研究院(electric PowerResearchInstitute)是位于加州·奥多市(PaloAlto)一家能源智囊团,该院的Roger Bedard说:美国海浪大约可以满足现今电能需求6.5%。

    In the United States, waves could fuel about 6.5 percent of today's electricity needs, says Roger Bedard of the electric Power Research Institute, an energy think tank in Palo Alto, California.


  • 他们第一款产品-AppleI沃兹尼亚克手工制造出来,加州奥图组装电脑俱乐部首次展出

    Their first product, Apple I, is hand built by Wozniak and first shown at theHomebrew Computer Clubin Palo Alto, California.


  • 最初顾客之一就是位于加州罗·奥图的IMVU公司。IMVU公司运营着一个有5千5百万名注册用户的3d网游

    One of its first customers was Palo Alto, Calif.-based IMVU Inc., which operates an online game where 55 million registered players can build virtual identities and chat in 3-d.


  • 我们设想有这样一个小城人口有30000,位置大概靠近莫斯科,小城有着高科技实验室现代化的玻璃房子加州奥图在它面前都黯然失色。

    IMAGINE a town or settlement of 30, 000 people, probably near Moscow. Its high-tech laboratories and ultra-modern glass houses make California’s Palo Alto look ancient.


  • 菲尔(Phil)2008年九月二十八加利福尼亚·奥多合法结婚了

    Phil and I got legally married on September 28, 2008 in Palo Alto, California.


  • 惠普位于于加州·奥多市的发言人梅林-麦格林丹拒绝此事做出评论ArcSight的发言人也没有正常工作时间之外立即作出电话回应。

    Mylene Mangalindan, a spokeswoman for Palo Alto, California-based HP, declined to comment. Spokesmen for ArcSight didn't immediately return calls placed outside normal business hours.


  • FACEBOOKCEO马克.扎克伯格)2011年76周三位于加利福尼亚罗奥总部发布会期间观看视频通话的演示PaulSakuma /APPhoto

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, left, watches a demonstration of Video Chat during an announcement at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif., Wednesday, July 6, 2011. , Paul Sakuma / AP Photo


  • 一群咯咯傻笑,可能未成年的头脑简单的漂亮女孩,她们扎克伯格位于加利福尼亚州罗奥图(PaloAlto, Calif)的夏季公寓沙发上吸食大麻电子游戏

    The giggling, possibly underaged bimbos who do bong hits and play video games on the couch of Zuckerberg's summer rental in Palo Alto, Calif.


  • 新书后来一次加州罗·奥图一家咖啡馆会面中,乔布斯告诉斯密特对于达成诉讼和解兴趣。

    In a subsequent meeting with Schmidt at a Palo Alto, Calif., cafe, Jobs told Schmidt that he wasn't interested in settling the lawsuit, the book says.


  • 纳康达·法议员是一接近最高议长办公室忠诚派议员。他克隆人战争早期代表罗迪亚星球。

    Senator Onaconda Farr, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Rodia during the early days of the Clone Wars.


  • 使用罗纳尔多罗比尼奥小罗布兰科或者其他人他们脚下魔术一样的功夫,或者罗伯特·卡洛斯他们标志性的任意球。

    Use the trick stick to have Ronaldo, Robino, Ronaldinho, Blanco and others do their footwork magic or watch as Roberto Carlos or Lampard take their signature free kick.


  • 此外,我们伦敦纽约旧金山奥多市设有办公室中国尤其关注

    We also have offices in London, New York, San Francisco and Palo Alto and a particular focus on China.


  • 其他消息马尔基奥尼、特雷泽盖图多尔扎内蒂莱罗塔列兰特仍然养伤中,不会接下来一周里面进入比赛名单。

    In other related news, Marchionni, Trezeuget, Tudor, Paro, Zanetti, Giannichedda, Legrottaglie and Mirante are still injured for the Bianconeri and will not be available for the next upcoming weeks.


  • 地方都是以夏日高温湿热闻名的,因此张卓姚十分享受惠普实验室的·奥图校园区的舒适气候

    Both places are known for their intensely humid summers, so Zhang's been enjoying interning in Palo Alto's mellower climate.


  • 位于沃云纳省尼·奥拉庄园意大利最好葡萄酒生产商首屈一指的出口商。产品质优,价廉获奖品牌阿马罗内为代表。

    Campagnola is based in Verona and is Italy's finest producer and leading exporter of affordable wines including their award winning Amarone.


  • 第三比赛位于洛·斯北面,首先进行的就是阿斯公亲阿瓜奥罗的长48.21公里的赛段。

    Day three, located north of Carlos Paz, begins with a monster 48.21-kilometre stage from Ascochinga to Agua DE Oro.


  • 第三比赛位于洛·斯北面,首先进行的就是阿斯公亲阿瓜奥罗的长48.21公里的赛段。

    Day three, located north of Carlos Paz, begins with a monster 48.21-kilometre stage from Ascochinga to Agua DE Oro.


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