• 流经雨林亚瑞从事这项令人亢奋运动最佳地点

    The best location for this thrilling sport is down the Pacuare River, which flows right through the rain forest.


  • 更多相同未来机架作为帕古拉扬抱歉数字,在舞台上,等待一个机会。

    There was more of the same in the next rack as Pagulayan cut a sorry figure in the arena, waiting for a chance.


  • 食物频道的发言人拉蒂:“研究显示了忙碌生活节奏缺少烹饪知识如何影响我们对自身厨艺信心的。”

    Good Food spokesman Roopa Gulati said: 'the research shows how busy lifestyles and a lack of culinary know-how are impacting on the dishes we feel confident to cook.


  • 柔佛州三个港口西,丹戎伯乐斯港丹戎兰萨特港。

    Johor has three ports, the Pasir Gudang Port, the Port of Tanjung Pelepas and the Tanjung Langsat Port.


  • 在那里发现了热情,1985年普林斯顿大学获得社会心理学博士曾经他在哈佛工作获得奖学金巴特·教育奖。

    He found his passion there, earned a doctorate in social psychology in 1985 at Princeton, and has since won a Guggenheim Fellowship and the Phi Beta Kappa teaching prize for his work at Harvard.


  • 第二研究为期一年,匹兹堡大学医学院的布莱特·德·斯负责。该研究得出类似结论

    The second, intensive one-year study led by Bret Goodpaster of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, reached similar conclusions.


  • 卢安镇长伊斯梅尔·托•曼达达图妻子吉娜林就是受害者之一愤怒地指着图恩周围的人不得不阻止

    Ismael "Toto" Mangudadatu, deputy mayor of Buluan, whose wife, Genalyn, was one of the victims, angrily pointed at Ampatuan and had to be restrained by those around him.


  • 博斯总经理特里西奥·埃吉伦称,如果不是因为上帝保佑而导致法国发出酒瓶到货延误,该厂2008年产的葡萄酒可能已经损毁了。

    The 2008 vintage might have been spilled and lost but for a providential delay in the arrival of bottles from France, according to Patricio Eguiguren, Lapostolle's managing director.


  • 与其说苏尔科夫科学城·奥图相似,还不如说它和苏联拉格体制下封闭研究中心更像。

    Mr Surkov's science town has less in common with Palo Alto than with the closed Soviet research towns that mostly grew out of the gulag system.


  • 乌鲁奇亚人生活盐土荒漠边缘地带著称。 盐土荒漠生存条件残酷可怕即使印加人也望而却步,但鲁奇亚人却依靠河水灌溉土地而生存。

    The tribe is renowned for surviving on the fringe of a salt desert, a harsh and eerie landscape which even the Incas avoided, by flushing the soil with river water.


  • 九月廿一日终于做到了,现身巴西驻德西加(首都)大使馆

    On September 21st he finally made it, turning up at the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa, the capital.


  • 五月廿三日名七十报社老闆西加遭人连开侥幸保住了性命上周电视台的一位大股东遭人杀害

    On May 23rd a 70-year-old newspaper boss was shot six times in Tegucigalpa, but survived; the previous week, the owner of a television station was murdered.


  • 这位奥斯卡获奖演员正在洽谈扮演特里齐亚·蕾加妮(Patrizia Reggiani)-- 一名1995年指使他人杀害前夫时装巨头莫里吉奥·(Maurizio Gucci)而被判入狱的女子

    The Oscar-winning actor is in talks to play Patrizia Reggiani, the woman jailed for ordering the 1995 killing of her ex-husband, fashion magnate Maurizio Gucci.


  • 从未看见天空如此湛蓝美丽,”Zelaya巴西西加大使馆拨电话CNNenespanol频道。

    "I have never seen the sky so blue and beautiful," he told CNN en espanol in a telephone call from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa.


  • 这些行动中,他杀凶残九头蛇怪兽,偷了赫斯德斯(译者注:传说中守护金苹果树的仙女)的金苹果.活捉冥府看门狗地狱之犬地府了上来.海格力也是亚尔的船员(译者注:去海外寻找羊毛的船).

    Amongst these were slaying the many-headed Hydra, retrieving the Golden Apples of the Hesperides and bringing the hellhound Cerberus up from the Underworld. Heracles was also an Argonaut.


  • 研究人员发现女人对于格兰特德并没有太多兴趣她们关注的赫本

    The researchers found women weren't interested in looking at Grant or Peppard: it was McCutcheon and Hepburn they focused on.


  • 录像回放显示德杨森传球一瞬间处于越位位置德罗巴没有

    Replays showed that Eidur Gudjohnsen was in an offside position to his side when the ball left Lampard's boot, but the Ivorian was not.


  • 由于克·蒂、吉奥诺·西斯森塔尔斯的卓著功绩和出色表现,受到了最高议长尔·亲自表彰

    Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself officially commended Shaak ti for her efforts and notable actions on Dagu, Geonosis and Centares.


  • 来自马里兰大学克分校安尼儿普塔指出这些市场都是世界上最麻烦市场

    Anil Gupta, of the University of Maryland at College Park, points out that these markets are among the toughest in the world.


  • 但现在属于我们切尔西,属于特里,属于,属于约·汉森并且属于所有为我们三个赛季来做出贡献的球员们。

    Now it belongs to Chelsea, it belongs to Terry, to Lampard, to Eidur Gudjohnsen and to all the players who gave a contribution over the last three years.


  • 比赛结束已经一个小时队员不情愿地走进通道离去,特里德扬森最后离开奖杯

    An hour after the final whistle had gone, the team reluctantly trooped off down the tunnel, Lampard, Terry, Gudjohnsen and the trophy the last to leave.


  • 周三晚上的比赛的后面小时中,同样用兰下了布里奇德·约翰森防守位置推攻击位置。

    He did the same after an hour on Wednesday night, bringing off Wayne Bridge for Lampard and pushing Eidur Gudjohnsen from midfield into attack.


  • 就是3个人麦克兰德、博雷尔、塞将会利物浦俱乐部未来起到重要作用

    And these three men, McParland, Segura and Borrell will play a very important role in the future of Liverpool Football Club.


  • 德·约翰森独自好的完成了德之前角色

    Eidur Gudjohnsen individually played a very good game in the Lampard role.


  • 本周六下午拉迪诺尤文赶赴客场对阵由格雷齐执教的维查。

    On Saturday afternoon, Palladino will go head to head with his former mentor as Juventus take on Vicenza.


  • 毕竟我们拥有托、博内拉·库夫这些球员……吉拉迪诺看上去也不老啊,卡卡显然没有40

    After all, we have players such as Pato, Bonera, Gourcuff... Gilardino doesn't seem old to me and kaka certainly isn't 40 years old!


  • 现在二十七岁,送到南部尼亚,掌理奥·斯塔水渠。

    Now he, at twenty-seven, had been sent south to Campania and given command of the Aqua Augusta.


  • 所参与建设或者帮助建设工程有:洛杉矶高架渠、奥克兰-圣弗兰西斯科海湾大桥胡佛大坝、大坝舍斯特大坝力水坝。

    Among the projects he constructed or helped construct: the Los Angeles Aqueduct; the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge; and the Hoover, Parker, Shasta and Grand Coulee DAMS.


  • 座落于雅典台农神庙,是座几乎大理石结构雄伟精妙圆柱型巨殿。它是希腊式建筑完美之典范

    An immense, columned temple built almost entirely of marble, Athens's ancient Parthenon is the consummate example of classical Greek architecture.


  • 实际上最后奉献给大家威廉•默(William Palmer)被忽视的1990年初版经典之作《共和国再版Faber& Faber出版)。

    What he actually ended up packing was a newly republished (by Faber & Faber) edition of William Palmer's neglected 1990 classic, "The Good Republic".


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