• 通过数据说明帕乔里绝对正确的。

    By the Numbers, Pachauri is absolutely right.


  • 那么帕乔里提出的素食拯救地球是否正确

    So is Pachauri right that going vegetarian can save the planet?


  • 帕乔里说,“现实情况我们生活方式不可持续。”

    The reality is that our lifestyles are unsustainable.


  • 帕乔里斥责某些餐馆没有冰水顾客提供冰水的习惯

    Pachauri also denounced the practice in some restaurants of providing iced water to customers who had not ordered it.


  • 帕乔里强调提出建议酒店客人应该自己使用能源负责

    Among the proposals highlighted by Pachauri were the suggestion that hotel guests should be made responsible for their energy use.


  • 截至2013年后续安排中,乔里指出工作重心将会转移

    In the next series, due in 2013, Pachauri said the focus would change.


  • 乔里说,消费者应该只是因为看到就要买而是购买真正需要东西

    Pachuari urges consumers not to buy things "simply because they are available" but only purchase goods you actually need.


  • 帕乔里寻找项可以达成的协议而延误六个月一年不是坏的结果

    Pachauri said that a six-month or one-year delay in the search for a deal was not the worst outcome.


  • 虽然IPCC已经发表声明为此错误表示遗憾但是乔里拒绝为此断言道歉

    Pachauri has refused to apologise for the claim, though the IPCC has issued a statement expressing regret for the mistake.


  • 为了做好他们也许可以咨询乔里博士关于怎么详细意见然后根据结果传达报告

    They might do well to ask Dr Shapiro for more detailed views on how that should be done, and to report back on the results.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是,把大众排除在外强调这样一个事实帕乔里博士不是主要问题

    Ironically, that exclusion underlines the fact that replacing Dr Pachauri is not the main point.


  • 昨天斯顿韦尔·科姆收藏馆哲学家ac·格雷林进行公开讨论之前乔里《观察家》发表了讲话

    Pachauri was speaking to the Observer before a public discussion at the Wellcome Collection in Euston with the philosopher ac Grayling yesterday.


  • 乔里博士目前处于非常困难境地因为针对IPCC最为激烈指责认为个人应对委员会已知失误负责

    Dr Pachauri is in a very difficult position, because some of the most vociferous critics of the IPCC hold him personally responsible for the panel's perceived failings.


  • 乔里指出如果成本那么“内部惯有的既定利益不复存在,正如美国的,就遍地黄金不复在。”

    But Pachauri argues that if the costs are negative, then "inertia and vested interests would be washed away. As the Americans say, it would be like dollar bills lying on the sidewalk."


  • 去年接受《观察家采访时,乔里倡议说,因为排放水平饲养家畜关联人们应该吃肉,从而引发了争议

    Pachauri caused controversy last year by advocating, in an interview with the Observer, that people should eat less meat because of the levels of carbon emissions associated with rearing livestock.


  • 乔里表示尽管谈判尚未取得很大的成绩许多领导人淡化外界对会议成果的期望,但没有放弃争取达成一份协议

    Pachauri said although negotiations had not moved far and many leaders are playing down expectations, he has not given up on an agreement.


  • IPCC报告中的错误导致专门小组乔里受到世界各地那些认为全球变暖理论危言耸听科学家怀疑论者尖锐批评

    The error in the IPCC report led to sharp criticism of the panel and its chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, by scientists and sceptics worldwide who believe global warming theories are alarmist.


  • 乔里博士目前处于非常困难境地因为针对IPCC最为激烈的指责认为个人应对委员会已知失误负责,”沃德说道

    "Dr Pachauri is in a very difficult position, because some of the most vociferous critics of the IPCC hold him personally responsible for the panel's perceived failings," said Mr Ward.


  • 已经指控针对帕乔里博士一些顾问工作尽管今年3月毕马威会计师事务所审计人员所作的调查已经为排除了财务违规行为

    The charge has been levelled at Dr Pachauri over some of his consultancy work, although an investigation in March by auditors KPMG cleared him of financial irregularities.


  • 解决气候变化危机对于营造更好能源安全就业形势健康条件有所裨益乔里博士在关于2013年报告宣读如是说

    The cost of tackling climate change will be paid for by benefits that would come from better energy security, employment and health, Rajendra Pachauri says ahead of major announcement on 2013 reports


  • 乔里同时也谴责那些借IPCC2007年报告中的错误质疑关于气候变化科学依据评论家,他们将气候变化的科学依据描绘成“一种令人惊讶的智力上的戏法花招”。

    Pachauri also accused critics who have used an error in the 2007 IPCC report to question the scientific basis of climate change of "an act of astonishing intellectual legerdemain [sleight of hand]".


  • 发现·哈克·费恩巷子偷来甜瓜

    He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon.


  • 转述这场父子对话口气着描述伊孩子气的不平,梅判断丝毫没有察觉自己儿子康妮在搞什么鬼。

    From the way Patty reported this conversation, laughing at Joey’s innocent indignation, it was clear to Merrie Paulsen that Patty still had no inkling of what her son was doing with Connie Monaghan.


  • 约翰·巴斯隆赛达扮演丽娜梅贝吉演员安妮·扮演

    John Basilone, played by Jon Seda, and a female Marine, Lena Mae Riggi, played by an actress called Annie Parisse.


  • 队长约翰当然名单内,另外两位弗兰克-兰韦恩-布奇。-科尔由于近期的伤势而没有入选

    New captain John Terry is of course in the party, as are Frank Lampard and Wayne Bridge. Joe Cole's current injury prevents his selection.


  • 翻过围墙,走近厢房,见客厅窗户光亮他就朝张望,屋坐着波莉姨妈希德玛丽,还有·妈妈,大家正在聚谈

    He climbed over, approached the "ell," and looked in at the sitting-room window, for a light was burning there. There sat Aunt Polly, Sid, Mary, and Joe Harper's mother, grouped together, talking.


  • 米歇尔·巴拉克、罗伯特·特、约翰·、维伊恩·、弗兰克·以及·科尔成功随队晋级世界杯16强

    Michael Ballack, Robert Huth, John Terry, Wayne Bridge, Frank Lampard and Joe Cole have all reached the last 16 of the World Cup.


  • 米歇尔·巴拉克、罗伯特·特、约翰·、维伊恩·、弗兰克·以及·科尔成功随队晋级世界杯16强

    Michael Ballack, Robert Huth, John Terry, Wayne Bridge, Frank Lampard and Joe Cole have all reached the last 16 of the World Cup.


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