• 本文希望通过CRRALADA三种效用模型比较分析,对“不确定性投资决策问题研究提供有益思路

    By the comparative analysis of three utility models: CRRA, LA and DA, this paper tries to provide a helpful insight into the studies of investment decision problems under uncertainty.


  • 希望通过本文探讨能够相关方面研究提供理论性参考

    Hope that through this study, can provide theoretical reference for interrelated research.


  • 通过本文研究希望企业开发管理客户关系资产提供有益的帮助

    Through the research of this thesis, hoped to develop and manage Customer Relationship Assets to offer useful help to enterprises.


  • 本文通过问题提出分析解决希望现实存在研究诚信缺失问题提供有价值参考

    The adoption of the proposed, analysis, the solution to the problem that exists in reality postgraduate integrity deficiencies provide valuable information.


  • 本文通过模板技术方面研究希望能够更好促进模板技术在高层建筑中的应用。

    This article through to the template technology all aspects of research, hope to be able to better promote template technology in high-rise building of application.


  • 本文希望通过对这部作品分析研究我们更好地理解演奏拉威尔的作品提供一些参考和借鉴。

    Last, the author hoped it can provide some references for us to understand and play Ravels 'works better, through analysis and research.


  • 本着文化继承性宗旨希望通过本文的总结能为我国现代园林设计研究提供一个可行研究方向

    In line with the cultural inheriting objective, it is hoped that this paper would provide a feasible research direction for studying modern gardens in China.


  • 笔者希望通过本文研究,对我国跨国公司如何建立执行内部资金转移机制做出实际的努力有益探索

    I had made real efforts, and I hope through study on this text, know how to set up and carry out the inside fund mechanism and be helpful to exploration of our country transnational corporation.


  • 希望通过本文研究能够企业有效运用劳动合同法促进提升企业人力资源管理水平提供一些有益的参考

    Through this study, hope could provide some useful references for enterprises to promote and enhance the level of human resource management via using Labor Contract Law.


  • 通过本文研究希望突破工艺目前尚只能地区使用这样局限性今后钻孔咬合在我国西安地区的推广使用做出作贡献。

    Through this study, hope to break the process currently used only in the soft soil limitations and to contribute to the promotion of the secant piling use for the future of Xian in China.


  • 同时希望通过本文呼吁俄语教育工作者共同研究探讨大学俄语专业教材编写理论实践

    Meanwhile, it hopes to call upon those engaging in Russian education to jointly research and discuss the theory and practice of compilation of teaching materials.


  • 希望通过本文研究能为更多解决民生决策提供支持

    I hope through this study it can support the decision of the national planning on more livelihoods.


  • 鉴于本文希望通过胜任能力模型汽车销售企业员工胜任能力研究提供理论支持方法依据

    In view of these facts, this article hopes to offer a theory support and method basis to research on competence of the staffs in automobile sales enterprise through competence model.


  • 本文希望通过跨学科研究户外广告设计实践带来新的启示

    This text hopes that can bring new enlightenment to practice of the outdoor advertisement design through interdisciplinary research.


  • 同时希望通过本文对前人研究成果总结,能够后人研究提供便利

    At the same time I hope this text which summarizes the precurser's study can be convenient for the posterity's research.


  • 希望通过本文以后高级语言教学翻译乃至理论研究提供有价值参考

    Hopefully, this thesis will provide valuable referential support for the advanced language teaching, translation and theoretical studies in the future.


  • 希望通过本文研究可以丰富旅行社管理理论旅行社的管理实践有所启示。

    The author hopes to rich the theory of management and also offers some enlightenment for the practice of management in the travel agencies in China through the research of this thesis.


  • 本文目的希望通过各种分析辅以人力资源会计的运用,管理会计的角度研究企业裁员成本效益问题。

    With the help of various analysis and human resources accounting, the target of this thesis is to study the cost effective of a business redundancy at the approach of management accounting.


  • 笔者希望通过本文研究能够程国际大酒店乃至整个酒店业建立有效培训管理体系方面提供有效的参考理论思路

    I sincerely hope that the article can provide effective consultant theory and ideas in the establishment of the effective training management system of Dolton hotel and the whole hotel industry.


  • 通过本文研究,最终希望能为建筑业质量管理水平的提高提供理论依据技术手段

    From the research of this paper, we hope it can provide reference value or theoretic foundation and technique measures for quality management of construction enterprises.


  • 本文通过企业学习氛围调查研究希望能够抛砖引玉,对我国企业学习一定借鉴意义

    Through investigation and research, this article hopes to initiate learning of the Chinese enterprises have some reference.


  • 本文目的希望通过作者的研究能对九阳公司以及相关企业带来一些帮助

    The purpose of this paper is in odder to bring some help for the Joyoung Company and related companies.


  • 本文希望通过研究长江流域的思想解放、观念转变产生积极促进作用。

    The thesis start with the waterborne tourism of the Yangtze River, circumfuse the motif to study.


  • 通过对以上问题的研究希望能够使疾病诊断由于人为因素所造成诊断误差有所降低,同时希望本文会对某些疾病基于语义网络诊断方法研究些许帮助。

    I hope that the diagnosis error will be reduced through the research and the paper can help the peoples in research on the method to diagnose based on semantic network too.


  • 本文希望通过两种语言对比研究对于对外汉语教学的方面有较大的帮助

    The researcher hopes that comparative research of both the Chinese and the Vietnamese adverbs will be of help in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.


  • 通过本文研究希望能为研究其它地区民间传统的民间艺术现代社会中的演变提供参考

    The research of Qujiaying music association has high reference value for research on traditional music association and folk arts in other areas.


  • 希望通过本文研究我国上市公司不同比例溢价并购效果有所帮助。

    I hope this paper can do some help to the effect of company listed after various premium M&A in China.


  • 本文希望通过研究文化匹配员工组织承诺影响寻找一种比较有效的管理方式提高员工的组织承诺。

    The present study investigates the impact of culture fit on employee's organizational commitment to find an effective method to improve it.


  • 本文希望通过研究文化匹配员工组织承诺影响寻找一种比较有效的管理方式提高员工的组织承诺。

    The present study investigates the impact of culture fit on employee's organizational commitment to find an effective method to improve it.


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