• 故事告诉我们无论处境多么糟糕任何人都不应该失去希望

    His story shows that nobody, however bad their situation is, should lose hope.


  • 为了抵御灾难恐惧我们需要确定一些故事愿景行动默默地努力实现一个希望未来

    To counter the fears of disaster, we need to identify stories, visions and actions that work quietly towards a more hopeful future.


  • 事情的结果不我们希望那样时,我们容易假设如果我们的事情不同故事一个更快乐结局

    When things don't turn out as we would like them to, it is very tempting to assume that had we done things differently, the story would have had a happier ending.


  • 同时我们希望我们故事掩盖那些绝望出逃者的严重生存困境

    At the same time, though, we do not want our story to overshadow the critical plight of these desperate defectors.


  • 我们希望能为理解解决这类问题提供些帮助,因此封面故事美丽心灵”。

    To help us cope and, we hope, understand, we've made "Beautiful Brains," which is this month's cover story.


  • 关于她和她丈夫很多故事或者说我们希望带给观众的故事,都未知的。一个奇妙的爱情故事

    A lot of the story, or the story we wanted to tell... of their relationship, is not known. It is a fantastic love story.


  • 我们知道弗兰肯斯坦博士故事这位科学怪人沉迷研究狂妄地希望创造新的人类

    We all know the story of Dr. Frankenstein, the scientist so caught up in his own research that he arrogantly tried to create new life and a new man.


  • 看点我们期待看到国家不平静历史的深刻剖析同时也希望它是一部能经得住检视的不平凡人类故事

    Why We're So Excited: Expect unflinching dissections of the country's troubled past, but sieved through an unusual human drama.


  • 不是仅仅是一个探险故事,”RaphaelDomjan船长告诉CNN,“我们希望世界展现我们现在拥有技术改变我们做事方式。”

    "This is not just an adventure story, \" skipper Raphael Domjan told CNN. \"We want to show the world that we have the technology right now to change how we do things.\"


  • 一个黑色故事我们希望故事以外世界所有人都找到光明

    This is a dark story, while we hope everybody can find the light in the world outside of the story.


  • 关于她和她丈夫很多故事或者说我们希望带给观众故事,都未知的。

    A lot of the story, or the story we wanted to tell... of their relationship, is not known.


  • 出演《模仿游戏》中的很多来讲,像是我们希望参与其中的任务,因为感觉像是讲述一个意义重大故事,”奈特莉在接受卫报》的采访时表示。

    "For so many of us in The Imitation Game, it felt like a project we all wanted to be involved with because it felt like an important story to tell," she told The Guardian.


  • 我们会讲述那些失业者无家可归者未来失去希望故事

    We tell the story of people who lost their jobs, their homes and their hope for the future.


  • 希望儿子迎接挑战,要奋力明确什么样故事来定义我们美国

    I want my son to rise to the challenge of fighting to determine which stories will define our America.


  • 一位塞内加尔导演穆萨-塞恩-阿布萨(MoussaSeneAbsa)也深有同感:“希望好莱坞能够告诉观众非洲我们方式故事。”

    I want Hollywood to talk about the beautiful things in Africa, and to use our way of telling the story, ” says Moussa Sene Absa, a Senegalese director.


  • 往常一样时间最好的裁判同时我们希望反馈故事知道怎么面对web3.0的。

    As always, time will be best judge; but in the meanwhile we turn to you for feedback and stories about how your businesses are preparing for 'web 3.0'.


  • 希望这种方法能够帮助孩子更好理解课文内容,理解我们阅读到其它故事

    Hopefully, this will help us gain a better understanding of the stories in our textbook and other books we read as well!


  • 在今天我们欣赏首歌我们能了解过去岁月里故事不畏艰难困苦同时我们克服困难勇气希望

    Today, when we come to appreciate this song, we understand the story over the past years, without fear of hardship, but also give us the courage to overcome difficulties and hope.


  • 所以今天我们你们不醒伙计们准备了一个床头故事希望你们醒来感觉到即将照耀你们的新世界新鲜

    So we have come up with a sort of bedtime story for you sleepy ones to dream about in hopes that you will wake up feeling new and refreshed in the light of the new day that comes to shine upon you.


  • 奶奶说了这个故事希望我知道,就算他们收回所有援助我们感谢他们的帮助

    My grandma told me the story once and wanted me toknow that even if they withdrew their support, we should still be grateful fortheir help.


  • 因为小王子小小的故事我们静静的生活时,心中有着希望温存有着感动和关于驯养责任

    Because the little prince little story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and tenderness, have touched on the responsibility of domestication.


  • 我们重述一遍那个神圣夜晚发生故事记住传递给我们的永恒信息即无止境慈悲希望

    And as we retell His story from that Holy Night, we'll also remember His eternal message, one of boundless love, compassion and hope.


  • 我们重述一遍那个神圣夜晚发生故事记住传递给我们的永恒信息即无止境慈悲希望

    And as we retell His story from that Holy Night, we'll also remember His eternal message, one of boundless love, compassion and hope.


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