• 因此,我希望大家努力学习只要全心投入,成功触手可

    Please, study hard, give full attention to your lessons and the success is waiting for you.


  • 以往一样,根据各组的表现,我们选出优秀的小组希望大家努力吗?

    As usually, we'll choose the best team in this class. I hope you'll work hard, ok?


  • 说,她希望大家通过自己的努力了解她,而不是她认识谁。

    She wants people to get to know her on her own terms, she says.


  • 我们明白大家一个英文授课项目学习中将面临许多困难但是你们努力我们帮助下,我们希望相信大家成功

    We are aware that you will face difficulties in studying a programme fully delivered in English but with your commitment and our support we hope and believe you will be successful.


  • 为此付出努力希望大家我一道,自己做起,从现在开始做起,让这个社会一点真诚、少一点虚伪

    I wish to pay the effort, also hope you and I together, from ourselves, to start from now, let the society more sincere, a bit less hypocrisy.


  • 希望大家成为好朋友,我相信我们一定会一起我们梦想鄂尔多斯学院努力

    I wish to make friends with all of you and I believe that we will struggle for our dream and the Ordos College together.


  • 愉快过去了面临我们苦难的三年,希望大家多多努力自己的理想目标奋斗

    Happy three years later, we will face the suffering of the three years, we hope that a lot of efforts to fight for their ideals.


  • 愉快过去了,面临我们苦难的三,希望大家多多努力自己的理想目标奋斗

    Happy three in the past, we will face the suffering of the three, we hope that a lot of efforts to fight for their ideals.


  • 大家面对同样危险如果大家明白这种危险,希望通过集体努力避免的发生。

    All, equally, are in peril, and, if the peril is understood, there is hope that they may collectively avert it.


  • 希望大家包括所爱努力保持身体健康

    I hope everyone, including you and your loved one will strive to stay healthy.


  • 新年临近希望大家朝着自己目标决心努力奋斗(如果你们已经制定好了目标)。

    Thee New Year is around us now, and I hope that you're working your way towards your goals and the fulfillment of your resolutions (if you made any).


  • 教育者学习者其他持有信念者也正在汇聚成为这种世界性努力一部分,大家希望教育能够更加容易获取有效

    Educators, learners and others who share this belief are gathering together as part of a worldwide effort to make education both more accessible and more effective.


  • 希望大家可以支持一定会最大努力的!

    I hope that we can support me, I will do my best effort!


  • 知道大家希望参加比赛,大家都在他们自己位置努力

    I know everyone wants to play and everyone is fighting for their place.


  • “说实在,”说道,“希望发生这件令人伤心的事情,对我们大家来说是个警告:我们必须习惯于振作起精神而且需要的时候,我们必须及时作出努力。”

    I am sure, 'she said,' I hope this heart-rending occurrence will be a warning to all of us, to accustom ourselves to rouse ourselves, and to make efforts in time where they're required of us.


  • 希望大家以后工作继续努力

    Hope to continue making great efforts in everybody's work afterwards!


  • 希望大家能够更加努力新的学期有所进步

    He hoped everybody in our school would work harder and make even more progress in the new term.


  • 记者昨日致电金广诚坚称阿身体没有问题表示阿梅正在努力康复中希望大家一点时间!

    King Wong Shing also Ah Mui has no problem with her health, also she is working hard for her recovery. Hope people will give her some time.


  • 国家美术希望带给大家精彩分钟,让我们十分钟继续努力吧!

    National Arts hopes to give all our readers an exciting ten minutes and will continue to work hard for those ten minutes of yours.


  • 希望你们今后要继续增进中国世界各国相互了解作出努力贡献谢谢大家

    I hope you will continue to make more efforts and contributions to deepening the mutual understanding between China and countries of the world. I thank you all!


  • 由于你们大家努力现在许多看到希望

    And because of all of you, so many people are now blessed with hope.


  • 身边很多朋友自己影片或者理想努力着,希望这个金秋季节无论是认识朋友还未认识的朋友,祝福大家大大的收获

    Close to many of my friends are in their own films or to the ideal, the same hope that this autumn season, Recognizing both the friend and not recognize friends, we all wish much of the harvest.


  • 欢迎大家梦想——希望我们共同努力

    You! Your dreamI hope, Let us work together!


  • 自己真心希望工作地方通过努力工作出色的表现来证明自己。 只要能做到这一点,可以向大家保证雇主们肯定会愿意聘用,给你提供报酬

    Find somewhere you really want to work and prove yourself by working hard and doing a great job, and I guarantee you that they will find a way to hire you and pay you.


  • 希望通过本人努力这部套曲更加广泛地被大家接受和喜欢。

    I hope that with my efforts, it can make this divertimento more widely accepted and enjoyed by everyone.


  • 专家组进行了工作大家做出了很多努力希望能取得进展,一点上我们目标一致

    The GGE has been working hard for the past three years. Many efforts were made with the hope of pushing the work forward. In this regard, we all share the same goal.


  • 国庆长假难得有大块时间进行系统反思希望同事们共同努力实现自己光荣梦想整理此文大家共勉

    National day holiday, rarely large time for the system to reflect, I wish my colleagues to work together to realize their own glory and the dream of finishing this article, and encourage one another!


  • 但是森德罗斯正在回到极佳的状态之中,希尔维斯特努力训练中他看起来不错所以没什么可担心的,不过当然还是希望大家健康

    But Senderos is coming back into a good condition, Silvestre is working very hard and looking very good in training, so we are covered but of course, you want to keep everybody in fitness.


  • 但是森德罗斯正在回到极佳的状态之中,希尔维斯特努力训练中他看起来不错所以没什么可担心的,不过当然还是希望大家健康

    But Senderos is coming back into a good condition, Silvestre is working very hard and looking very good in training, so we are covered but of course, you want to keep everybody in fitness.


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