• ·艾勒是内布拉加州北部小镇莫诺维的领导,但她的工作远不止于此。

    Elsie Eiler is the head of Monowi, a tiny town in northern Nebraska, and that isn't her only job.


  • 蒙·普波兰克拉科夫压盖洛尼安大学物理学家。

    Szymon Pustelny is a physicist at the University of Galonian in Kraków, Poland.


  • 1952年,弗雷德·玛莎·沃林混合实验证实了DNA遗传物质

    In 1952, the "Waring blender experiments" of Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase confirmed DNA as the genetic material.


  • 谈论这些可能·洛西和迈克·不知所云喃喃之语天壤之别,除非是个精神病患者,你还是在乎这些问题的。

    It might seem remote; it might seem difficult; it might be a world away from the arcane mumblings of Nancy Pelosi and Michael Steele; but unless you are a psychopath, you care.


  • 辩护结束前,请出了朱莉·亚特·后者证明的做法也是如出一辙,在两次拒绝陪审团前作伪证之后,就对她进行了指控。

    To close her defense, she called Julie Hiatt Steele, who testified that Starr had done exactly that to her, indicting her after she twice refused to lie for him in a grand jury proceeding.


  • 詹金展览包括·贝歇美国作品

    Jenkins also included American work by Bernd and Hilla Becher in the show.


  • 那种波克拉底拒绝西破钢烂铁的姿势一丁点作用也不起。

    You produce on me no effect with your gesture of Hippocrates refusing Artaxerxes' bric-a-brac.


  • 著名电视工作者瑟•密•麦卡特尼本人是1993年一次严重事故之后输血受益者,她主持庆祝典礼

    Television personality Heather Mills-McCartney, herself a beneficiary of blood transfusion following a serious accident in 1993, will preside over celebrations.


  • 自然界控制着鹿群大小,”马特·希斯兄弟·皮德说。

    "Nature controls the size of the herd," says Mathis's brother, Nils Peder.


  • 将军希斯里尼奥哈佩齐名,成为仅有带领支俱乐部赢得冠的教练

    Ottmar Hitzfeld, or Der General, stands with jose Mourinho and Ernst Happel as the only manager to win the European Cup with two clubs.


  • 白水事件的调查没完,五月,还进行得“不错”。尽管肯尼·苏珊·麦克道审判中落败仍然继续起诉朱莉·亚特·

    Whitewater World was still alive and well in May, as Kenneth Starr, despite his defeat in the Susan McDougal trial, pursued his case against Julie Hiatt Steele.


  • 作品描述生日庆典的盛况,是累得伟大的金约翰•梅奥•丁灵他同时代德国大帝世纪奥古强者

    This work, depicting a celebration of his birthday, was made for a German contemporary, Augustus the Strong, by Dresden’s greatest goldsmith, J.M. Dinglinger.


  • ·奇拥有决定迈格·拉是否移交释放最终决定权。他上周探视了被监禁格拉附近的格林·诺克监狱的迈格·拉

    MacAskill, who has the final say over whether Megrahi should be transferred or released, visited the Libyan last week in Greenock prison, near Glasgow.


  • 普伦茨劳贝格位于弗里德里希斯区的北面先生它为高收入的“单一王国”,可没有人再想成为它的翻版。

    Nobody wants another Prenzlauer Berg, a region north of Friedrichshain that Mr Schulz calls a high-income “monostructure”.


  • 他们花巨资买进球员包括德国国家队队长的托马·佩格,弗雷德里克·皮奎翁内巴勃罗·巴雷拉

    They bankrolled the signings of players including Germany captain Thomas Hitzlsperger, Frederic Piquionne and Pablo Barrera.


  • 巴克莱财富(Barclays Wealth)的董事瑟•梅泽(HeatherMaizels)指出:“过去继承来的。

    In the past, the money was inherited,” says Heather Maizels, a director at Barclays Wealth.


  • 铜牌获得者分别是打败巴西选手埃迪-席韩国选手郑敬美,以及一个“有”击败西班牙选手丝特-圣米格的法国选手特凡妮-波萨马。

    Winning bronze were the Republic of Korea's Jeong Gyeong-mi, who pinned Brazil's Edinanci Silva, and Stephanie Possamai of France, with a waza ari over Spain's Esther San Miguel.


  • 现代人迁移得更多了,伟大的作品仍然不成比例地来自几个热点地区:鲍豪 (Bauhaus),曼哈顿计划,纽约客,洛克Skunk Works,施乐帕洛阿研究中心(Xerox Parc).

    Today we move around more, but great work still comes disproportionately from a few hotspots: the Bauhaus, the Manhattan Project, the New Yorker, Lockheed's Skunk Works, Xerox Parc.


  • 苏莱曼·阿·法姆(Sulaiman al-Fahim')入主茨茅俱乐部仅仅段难熬的经历昨晚终结,已经签署协议俱乐部90%的股份出售给沙特阿拉伯商人阿里·阿·法拉吉(Ali al-Faraj)。

    Portsmouth owner ended last night after only six weeks when he completed a deal to sell 90% of the club to the Saudi Arabian businessman Ali al-Faraj.


  • 比赛进行70分钟马丁替换欧文这位尼日尼亚前锋仅用不到分钟时间就让纽卡斯尔比赛中第一领先。

    Shearer hauled Martins off the bench to replace Michael Owen after 70 minutes and the Nigerian striker responded within a minute with the goal that put Newcastle in front for the first time.


  • 乔治娜·波蒂··英尼可能世界节俭夫妻了,他们结婚典礼遵从节约一切费用的原则。

    Georgina a Porteous and Sid Innes could be the world's thriftiest couple after tying the knot in their all expenses spared wedding.


  • 哥伦布牛顿南丁格,托马·爱迪生·阿特,查·林白埃米·约翰逊埃德蒙·拉里·阿姆特朗这些当中

    Christopher Columbus, Isaac Newton, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Edison, Nancy Astor, Charles Lindbergh, Amy Johnson, Edmund Hilary and Neil Armstrong are among such individuals.


  • 午夜·关于回家路程时,他们首先注意到一个周围圆形窗户工艺

    After midnight the Cahills were on their journey home when they first noticed the lights of a rounded craft with Windows around it.


  • 可能替代克雷格其他人选还有:理查德麦登汤姆·顿、亨利·卡、迈克·宾德以及汤姆·哈迪

    Others considered possible replacements for Craig include Richard Madden, Tom Hiddleston, Henry Cavill, Michael Fassbender and Tom Hardy.


  • 如果想象希斯、马加特等那样管理球队,就用这个补丁吧。

    If you want to manage the matches as Doll, Hitzfeld, Magath, Schaaf and co - take this patch!


  • 作为一个国家我们非常荣耀拥有诺贝文学奖获得者威廉姆·巴特勒·叶芝乔治肖伯纳塞廖贝克谢默·尼。

    As a small country, we have been privileged to have four winners of the Nobel Prize for literature - William butler Yeats, George Bernard shaw, Samuel beckett and seamus heaney.


  • 现在厄兰森博士中国正大集团养猪兽医主管妻子两个女儿西(11岁塔(10岁)生活陕西西安

    He is currently the Director of Swine Veterinary Medicine for the CP Group in China. He lives in Xi'an, China with his wife, Nancy and daughters Kelsey (11) and Trista (10).


  • 现在厄兰森博士中国正大集团养猪兽医主管妻子两个女儿西(11岁塔(10岁)生活陕西西安

    He is currently the Director of Swine Veterinary Medicine for the CP Group in China. He lives in Xi'an, China with his wife, Nancy and daughters Kelsey (11) and Trista (10).


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