• 确定预应力布索方案超长预应力混凝土结构设计关键内容

    The tendon disposition option is an important part in the design of extra-long post-tensioned concrete frames.


  • 布索严重不良反应在数量上多于安慰剂组但是没有统计学上的显著性差异

    The incidence of serious adverse events was numerically higher with febuxostat than with placebo, but the difference between treatments was not statistically significant.


  • 根据他同事的观点,避免这个难题唯一方式就是引进一个标准,这样才能使得更有意义

    According to Bousso and colleagues, the only way to avoid this conundrum is to introduce a cut-off point, which then helps make sense again.


  • 每种不同方式下,对预应力钢管混凝土压弯构件的受力性能进行分析与研究。

    The mechanics behavior of prestressed concrete-filled square steel tubular beam-column in four different cable wires are analyzed.


  • 本文通过预应力结构不同方案研究,提出了适用于预应力网壳结构的布索原则

    By comparing for different types of arrangement for prestressed cables of prestressed lattice shell structures, a general arrangement rule for prestressed cables is presented.


  • 来自澳大利亚国利大学斯特朗洛天文台的查尔斯莱恩威弗说,团队通过统计推论更加加深了大灾难

    Charles Lineweaver from the Australian National University's Mount Stromlo Observatory says Bousso's team are simply imposing a catastrophe for statistical reasons.


  • 毛虫布索伦:走了久了爱丽丝理由太多事情得益于关心朋友不能忽视,哈利

    Blue Caterpillar: You've been gone too long, Alice. There are matters which might benefit from your attention. Friends cannot be neglected. Hurry.


  • 直接计算方法不但简支梁适用比较普遍框架按单跨进行体外布索加固的情形也是可行的。

    The direct design approach is applied not only in the simple-span beams with external post-tensioning, but also in the multi-span frame beams.


  • 潜水员乘坐着黛西号双人小型潜水器,在法国海岸边缘同行潜碟雅克库斯托海船卡一部分

    Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.


  • 辛达·洛德里奇十四行诗第四首中惊人地表达了这种强烈的感情。

    There is real intensity as Lucinda Broadbridge strikingly conveys in the fourth of the Casos Sonnets.


  • 但是阅读可以帮助到每一个人。因此,同事们受灾地区分发传单。在过去周里,他的团队致力于洪水

    But reading is something that can help everyone.So Jacobs and his colleagues distribute fliers in disaster areas.In the past two weeks, his team has focused on the Missouri River flooding.


  • 关注不是企业文化而是未来现金紧缺的困难。

    His concern is not culture but rather the coming cash crunch.


  • 为了抗衡所说欧洲俄罗斯能源依赖潜在威胁。提议伊朗开展对话从而伊朗管道输送天然气

    To counter what he sees as a potentially dangerous European dependence on Russian energy, Socor advocates a dialogue with Iran, which could lead to Iranian gas being supplied to the Nabucco pipeline.


  • 白宫顾问美国国家能源政策委员会政策总监保罗··德表示:“德波尔辞职确实令人沮丧。”

    "This resignation is simply dispiriting," said Paul Bledsoe, policy director at the us National Commission on Energy policy and a former White House adviser.


  • 斯比显然没有料到上周纽约展览富人们反应:由雅克·斯特拉达他的工作室设计的20神话银像居然无一售出

    Yet Sotheby's also suffered an unexpected consequence of the riches on view in New York that week: a series of 20 designs for fabulous silver objects by Jacopo Strada and his workshop failed to sell.


  • 镇上片正在兴建区域名叫萨阿一片泡沫形状的难民棚屋很多渔民称之为”的铁皮小屋中间,宽敞阔绰的住宅正在拔地而起

    There is an emerging section of town called New Boosaaso with huge homes rising above the bubble-shaped huts of refugees and the iron-sided shacks that many fishermen call home.


  • ,纳科计划是大部分来自土库曼斯坦天然气穿越土耳其抵达巴尔干地区,这一规划只有欧盟美国大力支持下才能付诸实施

    Socor said Nabucco, intended to carry mostly Turkmenistan gas across Turkey to the Balkans, will happen only if the European Union and the United States give the project high level support.


  • 萨阿南边加鲁威人们总是说起海盗们如何招摇掷万金。

    People in Garoowe, a town south of Boosaaso, describe a certain high-rolling pirate swagger.


  • 即便如此萨阿依然日益破碎、濒临破产粗陋衰败地方,就和饱经战乱马里一样被世人复一年地遗忘。

    Even so, Boosaaso is still a crumbling, broke, rough-and-tumble place, decaying after years of neglect like so much of war-ravaged Somalia.


  • 名潜水员乘坐着黛西双人小型潜水器,在法国海岸边缘同行。这潜碟搭载于著名航海家雅克·库斯托海船号。

    Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small, two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.


  • 除了这样公开的荒谬言论位领先的社会党候选人玛蒂娜·奥瓦·奥德给出的承诺似乎几乎冻结了1981年前后

    Next to such patent nonsense, promises by the two front-running candidates, Martine Aubry and francois Hollande, seem merely frozen in time, circa 1981.


  • 此案中止一些极端犹太团体扬言要对科夫进行报复。最终,科夫1985年位于新泽西州帕特森市的家中遭遇炸弹袭击身亡

    After the case was dismissed, radical Jewish groups urged violence against Mr. Soobzokov, and he was killed in 1985 by a bomb at his home in Paterson, n.j..


  • 其他房屋并入西西里王国之后来自西西里岛人们建立的。

    Others were built later by families who moved up from Sicily in the days when the Abruzzo formed part of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.


  • 展览最先展出的是巴黎艺术家鲁·雷诺设计的不同寻常装置

    The show starts with an unusual installation by Paris-based artist Pablo Reinoso.


  • 多多少少的谈论到了EC2他们2006年最新服务(弹性计算)。

    Bezos also talked a little about EC2, which is their newest service released in 2006 (Elastic Computing Cloud).


  • 没有哪个人真正自己经历之后那耳做的称之为爱。”卡伦•温特劳

    Nobody who has experienced real love themselves would call what Narcissus is doing love.’’ K.W.


  • 世行支持孟加拉国尼加拉瓜塞内加尔基拉法肯尼亚牙买加马拉维等国实施天气指数保险项目

    The World Bank also supports weather index insurance initiatives in Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Jamaica, and Malawi.


  • 世行支持孟加拉国尼加拉瓜塞内加尔基拉法肯尼亚牙买加马拉维等国实施天气指数保险项目

    The World Bank also supports weather index insurance initiatives in Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Jamaica, and Malawi.


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