• 1显示实例工程布局

    Figure 1 shows the example project layout.


  • 页面抓取本质上HTML页面反向工程可以看成页面解释器,网页HTML编码,HTML以树型结构表示信息,实际数据布局代码以及效果信息混杂在一起,不能被计算机直接利用

    It can also be thought of as parsing out chunks of information from a page. Web pages are coded in HTML, which uses a tree-like structure to represent the information.


  • 地上地下工程管线规划布局设计敷设严格执行有关安全生产法律法规标准

    The layout, design and installation of pipelines on the ground and underground projects shall strictly enforce the laws, regulations and standards concerning safety in production.


  • 机房布局电缆走行、电缆沟地线制作到设备各部件之间的连接都降噪系统工程

    The work of reducing noise is a system engineering which includes scientific layout machine room of ADVANTX system, interconnection cables, making cable duct and earthling assembly, and so on.


  • 类型化布局策略上,屋顶工程连续性创造建筑形态化统一大规模景观建立了关系

    The continuity of the roof works on both a typological and topological level, creating morphological unity for the building and establishing relationships with the large scale of the landscape.


  • 本文记述了郑国渠大坝发现依据考古资料论述了郑国渠渠首枢纽工程布局,以及技术特点。

    The present paper describes the discovering of the dam of zhengguo canal and discusses the layout of its main structure at the starting part according to archaeological data.


  • 典型的单位挖方混凝土工程立方布局吨位

    Typical units are cubic yards for excavation or concrete work and tons for structural steel.


  • 公路工程必须确定合适位置布局新线新结构的通行能力

    The highway engineer must determine the most suitable location, layout, and capacity of the new routes and structures.


  • 工程技术研究中心布局日趋合理各行业作用日益凸显

    Engineering Research Center of the layout is becoming more rational, in the increasingly prominent role in various industries.


  • 计算整治流量、整治、整治半径提出了具体的整治措施工程布局

    By the calculation of renovation flow rate, renovation river width and renovation radius, concrete renovation measurements and project layouts were presented.


  • 基于标准幅面布局分析,提出一种基于二叉工程组合排版算法

    Through analyzing standard size's layout, this paper puts forward an algorithm of engineering drawing combination composing based on binary tree.


  • 工程中能实现更加美观合理布局规划同时能保证最大限度的发挥产品功效

    The project can achieve a more beautiful and reasonable layout planning, while ensuring the maximum extent of the product's effectiveness.


  • 然后一个实际工程火电电源布局方案模糊优化进行了全面分析计算

    With example of a real project, the complete analysis and calculation for fuzzy optimisation of fossil power source arrangement plans are made.


  • 本文概述齐齐哈尔市中华路道路绿化工程规划设计布局

    This textual objective discussion on the planning and designing an layout of Qiqihar city ZHONGHUA road afforest engineering.


  • 具备原材料,生产过程工艺布局工业工程质量控制成本控制等其他知识和技能最大限度实现有效加工

    Be accomplished in raw materials, production processes, layout, IE, quality control, costs control, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture.


  • 优化结果经验算合理有效算法可供旋转工程布局优化问题借鉴

    The optimization result is proved to be reasonable and effective, and the algorithm can also reference for rotating cabin and other engineering layout optimization.


  • 统一规划合理布局选择具有一定规模实力企业建设再生有色金属回收示范工程

    Through overall planning and reasonable deployment, we shall choose some enterprises with scale and strength to a certain extent to build recycling non-ferrous metal recovery demonstration projects.


  • 再入飞行器气动布局优化设计一个复杂工程系统设计问题通常包含若干子系统大量的设计参数

    The optimization design of aerodynamic shape for reentry vehicles (ASRV) is a design problem of the complex engineering system, which often involves several subsystems and various parameters.


  • 复杂布局问题布局方案设计问题复杂工程系统,应用领域广泛

    Complex layout problems are complex engineerings ystem, which exist in many fields and belong to layout plan design.


  • 针对高校工程实训中心规划建设中的特殊要求提出了“模块化设计”和机群式布置结合的“复合式布局模型

    To meet the special requirements of engineering training centers in universities, this article presents an integrated layout model that combines modular design and machine group layouts.


  • 尽管人们布局问题进行了较为深入地研究许多领域取得一些进展,然而布局设计问题在机械工程领域方面研究还比较薄弱。

    Many research works on layout problem in many fields are made. However, it is weak to apply layout theory in the aspect of mechanical project field.


  • 工程存在大量布局设计问题很多NPC问题很难求解

    There are a large number of layout design problems in engineering, most of which are NPC problem difficult to solve.


  • 通过患者生理心理状况行为模式分析,运用人机工程原理病房布局、病房规模、病房空间和设施进行人机分析,得到病房环境设计基本参数

    A set of basic parameter about ward environmental design are gained in term of analysis of patient physiological, psychological condition and behavior pattern based on ergonomics principal.


  • 第四章论述了本课题工程云南民族村新建民族村寨总体规划布局原则

    In the fourth chapter, the overall planning and layout principle of the project "newly-built villages in Yunnan Ethnic Villages" is presented.


  • 按键布局符合人体工程设计规范手感舒适,集成激光教鞭功能

    The layout of the buttons meets the human engineering design specifications, presenting comfortable feeling and integrating the function of laser pointer.


  • 本文提出了软件工程中的图形文档进行布局处理设计思想布局规则并且对数据流图和结构图这两类常用图形文档布局给出算法概述

    Design ideas and rules of graphic documents about layout processing in software engineering are described. An algorithm outline of ordinary DFD and sc layout is given.


  • 布局问题NP -困难性航天器设计本身巨大复杂性使得问题的解决既有理论上的开拓性和挑战性,又存在工程实践上的艰难性和复杂性。

    Great challenges and barriers exist in both theory and practice due to the NP-hard of layout problems in computation complexity and alarming difficulties in the design of spacecraft themselves.


  • 当前农村小学布局调整我国教育两基攻坚工程一个重要内容

    At present, rural primary and middle schools' distribution adjustment constitutes a major aspect of China's elementary education program.


  • 当前农村小学布局调整我国教育两基攻坚工程一个重要内容

    At present, rural primary and middle schools' distribution adjustment constitutes a major aspect of China's elementary education program.


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