• 饱受羞辱的觊觎王位者南方布尔日统治一个残余的王国

    A humiliated pretender governed a rump kingdom from Bourges in the south.


  • 布尔日大教堂,不是那种华丽而轻浮、杂乱多样高耸入云拱化建筑

    It is not, like the Cathedral of Bourges, the magnificent, light, multiform, tufted, bristling efflorescent product of the pointed arch.


  • 1月31布尔傍晚一个阿富汗骑着自行车

    An Afghan man rides his bicycle at dusk in Kabul, on Jan. 31.


  • 除了布尔什·维克三大力量(指德、意、)附属国外,德国希望旨在罗马尼亚吸收进来,波兰可能也包括在内。

    Apart from the dependencies of the three anti-Bolshevik Powers, Germany hopes for and aims at obtaining the adhesion of Rumania and possibly of Poland.


  • 然而事实并非如此。第一布尔战役中,南方邦联取得了胜利,而后又不得不在弗吉尼亚·里士满之战中进行邦联首都保卫战。

    However, the South scored victories at the first battle of Bull Run and while defending the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia, during the Seven Days' Campaign.


  • 李肇星是3下午抵达布尔开始阿富汗进行访问

    Li Zhaoxing arrived in Kabul on the afternoon of April 3 for the official visit to Afghanistan.


  • 8月10最新民调显示仅有26%的被调查者满足成绩较六月中旬的民调结果下降了18%之巨,而与此同时,认同陆克文先生作为首相的民众是认同特恩布尔先生的

    A poll released on August 10th showed only 26% of voters approving of his performance, a plunge of 18 points since mid-June. Almost four times as many voters prefer Mr Rudd as prime minister.


  • 九月14布尔栋大楼附近,阿富汗安全员媒体聚集激进分子尸体周围

    27afghan security men and media members gather around the body of a militant at a building in Kabul on Sept. 14.


  • 美国妇女资助了体育馆,2011年九月7在喀布尔,一个阿富汗女孩体操

    42an Afghan girl practices during gymnastics class at a U.S. funded gymnasium for women women, September 7, 2011 in Kabul.


  • 20106月25考古学家西班牙北部布尔戈斯(Burgos)阿塔埃卡(Atapuerca)山脉矿藏开采挖掘具5000年前人体骸。

    An archaeologist cleans a skeleton dating from about 5, 000 years ago during excavations in the deposits of Atapuerca's mountain range in Burgos, northern Spain, on June 25, 2010.


  • 伊斯坦布尔,2007年1月27世界银行集团行长保罗·福威茨今天到达伊斯坦布尔土耳其进行为期两天的访问

    Contacts: Istanbul, January 27, 2007-world Bank Group President Paul Wolfowitz arrived in Istanbul today for a two-day visit to Turkey. Upon arrival, Wolfowitz issued the following statement.


  • 2009年11月23阿富汗的喀布尔队伍中等待照顾食品发放阿富汗妇女

    Afghan women wait in line at a CARE food distribution aimed at widows November 23, 2009 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


  • 38吉大港专区坚德布尔名9女孩确诊患脊髓灰质炎,她于1月23瘫痪

    On 8 March, polio was confirmed in a nine year-old girl from Chandpur district of Chittagong division who became paralyzed on 23 January.


  • 2009年119阿富汗男孩阿富汗首都喀布尔的某个市场兜售口罩

    An Afghan boy tries to sell protective masks on a market in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Nov. 9, 2009.


  • 为了安抚反对者,特布尔保证将法案8月13提交上议院带领联盟反对票。

    To placate them, Mr Turnbull committed his coalition to voting against the bill when it came before the upper house, on August 13th.


  • 2009年1118星期三阿富汗布尔当为美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿到达时,军用直升机阿富汗喀布尔军用机场起飞

    A military helicopter takes off from the military airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrives in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009.


  • 因此卡梅伦新闻主管克雷格·奥利弗7月5布尔外的架拥挤飞机来爬去时,这标志着有什么急事正在发生。

    Thus it signalled that something urgent was afoot when David Cameron's director of communications, Craig Oliver, began clambering about on a cramped flight out of Kabul on July 5th.


  • 9月8银行挤兑一周之后警察布尔主要分行驱赶焦急顾客

    On September 8th, a week after the bank run began, police were still beating back anxious customers at the main Kabul branch.


  • 当地媒体报道,尼泊阿格尼航空公司的小型客机24中部默格万·布尔坠毁机上14名人员全部遇难

    An aircraft owned by Agni air with over a dozen people onboard crashed in Makawanpur in central Nepal early Tuesday, local media reported. A total of 14 persons have been killed.


  • 2009年11月6阿富汗布尔砖厂工人搅拌粘土沾满泥土的双脚

    An Afghan brick worker shows his dirty feet, after using them to mix the clay on November 6th, 2009 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


  • 来自芝加哥大学尼古拉斯·道法迈阿密大学的阿里·布尔曼德篇学术论文提出火星迅速形成的说法。篇论文发表在2011年5月26的《自然期刊上。

    Nicolas Dauphas at University of Chicago and Ali Pourmand at University of Miami made the suggestion of Mars' rapid formation in a study published in the May 26, 2011 issue of the journal Nature.


  • 2001年10月7北约首次空袭布尔

    On October 7th, 2001, the first NATO airstrikes hit Kabul.


  • 图12.2010年21阿富汗布尔名男子穿过旧城区一家出售宝莱坞影碟的商店。

    A man passes a vendor displaying Bollywood videos for sale in the old city February 1, 2010 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


  • 图12.2010年21阿富汗布尔名男子穿过旧城区一家出售宝莱坞影碟的商店。

    A man passes a vendor displaying Bollywood videos for sale in the old city February 1, 2010 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


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