• 尼古拉斯及其家族布尔什·维克逮捕当时布尔什·维克控制第一世界大战期间崩溃之后俄罗斯,正忙于孟什维克即白军斗争

    Nicholas and his family were arrested by the Bolsheviks, who were then engaged in a struggle with the Mensheviks, or Whites, for control of Russia following the country's collapse during World War I.


  • 可以使用的方法创建一个数组初始方法中的代码对应一个布尔值,然后添加代码,每执行一行代码设置相应标志

    One way would be to create an array of booleans, one for each line of the original method, and add code that sets the appropriate flag as each line is executed.


  • 除了诗布尔布尔养成了另一种嗜好

    Poetry went with another taste Babur developed in Kabul: for wine.


  • 他们必须要完成工作,把南非地图清除干净。

    They must complete the job of obliterating Afrikaans and the Afrikaner people from the map of South Africa.


  • DB 2UDB没有数据类型数据类型提供本机支持它既不支持逐位操作也不支持布尔代数操作

    DB2 UDB does not have native support for bit or Boolean data types, neither for bitwise operation nor for Boolean algebra operations.


  • 件事情必须做到:你清楚怎样不同的进制表示一个数,还要知道如何逻辑计算表达式

    There are a couple of things you should definitely be aware of: you should understand how to represent Numbers in different bases and how to manipulate Boolean expressions using Boolean logic.


  • 熟知历史布尔图书管理员阿兰·里特专的温布尔年鉴编撰了温网中央球场有趣入侵”。

    Wimbledon librarian Alan Little, who boasts an encyclopaedic knowledge of tournament history, has compiled for his annual Wimbledon compendium a history of the most intriguing Centre Court invasions.


  • 我们所知伊斯坦布尔间修道院里发现的,以前叫君士坦丁堡,现在叫伊斯坦布尔

    As far as we know, it was discovered in a monastery in Istanbul, Constantinople that is, now Istanbul.


  • HRG称,导致变化两个原因:首先是伊斯坦布尔作为商业中心吸引力日益增加,其次是,许多伊斯坦布尔旅行者出于安全考量选择入住五星级酒店。

    HRG suggests two reasons for the change: Istanbul’s growing appeal as a business centre, and the fact that safety concerns send many travellers in the city to five-star properties.


  • 布尔雄心勃勃布尔统治由于阿富汗人的抵抗而受到限制

    Babur was ambitious, and his dominion in Kabul was limited by the Afghans' insubordination.


  • V·布尔加科夫”号飞天车出自72岁飞行员瓦列里·布尔加科夫之手,虽然外形看似粗劣组装而成,可以确确实实地起来——只不过得不远

    The 'V. Bulgakov' is the work of former pilot Valery Bulgakov, 72, and though it looks rather cobbled together it does actually fly - albeit not very high or far.


  • 普罗夫莫先生德国董事长特·布尔关系已经恶化,而迪特·兰布尔暂时掌权

    Dieter Rampl, the German chairman with whom Mr Profumo's relations had soured, will for now take charge.


  • 布尔逃离肤浅戏剧情感主义(肯布尔对戏剧的评价),想有个知心的人陪伴自已,加之某种程度上还忘记奴隶制嫁给了

    Hoping to escape the shallow emotionalism of the theatre (as she saw it), assuming a companionship of equals and somehow managing to forget the slaves, she married him.


  • 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿参观斯塔布尔办公室的人们都被告知,斯塔布尔多次试图在四壁上行走——结果只是痛苦地被墙壁了回来。

    Visitors to Stubblebine's offices at Arlington, Virginia, are told of him repeatedly walking at walls - only to bounce painfully off them.


  • IDL常量TRUEFALSE映射相应布尔量 true 和 false 。

    The IDL boolean constants TRUE and FALSE are mapped to the corresponding Java boolean literals true and false.


  • 可以将原子这种使用方法扩展逻辑利用原子值truefalse标识语句布尔结果

    Using atoms in this way also extends to Boolean logic, with the availability of true and false atoms to identify the Boolean result of a statement.


  • 伊斯坦布尔,2007年1月27日—世界银行集团行长保罗·福威茨今天到达伊斯坦布尔土耳其进行为期两天的访问

    Contacts: Istanbul, January 27, 2007-world Bank Group President Paul Wolfowitz arrived in Istanbul today for a two-day visit to Turkey. Upon arrival, Wolfowitz issued the following statement.


  • 很多程序利用表达式Python提供一整套布尔比较逻辑运算详细信息请分别参见1 和表2

    Many programs utilize Boolean expressions, and Python provides the full range of Boolean comparison and logical operations, as detailed in tables 1 and 2, respectively.


  • 阿富汗布尔:喀布尔郊外无家可归营地,阿富汗女孩帐篷水果

    Kabul, Afghanistan: an Afghan girl eats fruit near her tent at a camp for displaced people on the outskirts of Kabul.


  • 2009年1118日,星期三阿富汗布尔当为美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿到达时,军用直升机阿富汗喀布尔军用机场起飞

    A military helicopter takes off from the military airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrives in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009.


  • 而且函数返回因为gtk Widget定义delete - event信号回调原型指明的是布尔返回值。

    Also, the function returns a Boolean value because the callback prototype for the delete-event signal defined for GtkWidget states a Boolean return.


  • false元素都被保留型。

    The Boolean false elements are maintained as Booleans.


  • 布尔大峡谷,裂缝最短的地方距离不过几百垂直高过喀布尔河流平面2000英尺的重重悬崖构成。

    The gorge, in some places no more than a few hundred yards wide, is framed by vertical rock cliffs that soar more than 2, 000 feet above the Kabul River below.


  • 慕克暗示,就他自己“分身”的相片一样,伊斯坦布尔正在另一个伊斯坦布尔所笼罩,生活它的重重阴影之中。

    As with himself and the picture of his "other," Pamuk suggests, Istanbul is haunted by another Istanbul, a shadowy presence in the shadows.


  • 论述通过组合一些置换构造布尔置换方法给出了例子

    In this paper, a method of constructing Boolean permutations of high degree by combining some Boolean permutations of low degree is provided, and an example is given.


  • 一般代数布尔置换进行了研究,即第二第一

    In the first section of the second chapter, the Boolean permutation on general Boolean algebra has been studied.


  • 去年布尔敦公开赛上,李娜中国网球队有了新的突破作为中国第一位女网球队员进入了温布尔大满贯单打半决赛

    Last year was a breakthrough season for not only Li but Chinese tennis as Li became the first from her country to reach a Grand Slam singles quarter-final (Wimbledon).


  • 这个系列吉塔曾提及布尔妻子(译注:就是小贝悟空发飙那次,因为悟空要送布尔玛写真集给老界王神),来说可能属于我们传统上的定义

    Vegeta has referred to Bulma as his wife a couple of times in the series, but what that term means to him may not go by our traditional definition.


  • 这个系列吉塔曾提及布尔妻子(译注:就是小贝悟空发飙那次,因为悟空要送布尔玛写真集给老界王神),来说可能属于我们传统上的定义

    Vegeta has referred to Bulma as his wife a couple of times in the series, but what that term means to him may not go by our traditional definition.


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