• 选择篇幅短小材质尽量是纸板防水

    Select a short book. Good selections include sturdy cardboard, waterproof, or fabric versions of children's classics.


  • 主要开发06婴幼儿智能体能社交能力而设计益智玩具系列

    Cloth book is a series of educational toys for infant's from age 0 to 6 years old, where the prime objective is to exploit infant's capabilities in intelligent, physical and social.


  • 赖恩先生还要查阅美国记者安东尼·斯卡杜托写

    Mr. Bryan also referred me to a book by the American journalist Anthony Scaduto.


  • 《拉动力》作者约翰·格尔表示林约尔松迈克菲没有考虑到为什么这些工作容易受到科技影响。

    John Hagel, author of The Power of Pull and other books, says Brynjolfsson and McAfee miss the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable to technology in the first place.


  • 来自麻省理工学院数字商业中心埃里克·林约夫松安德鲁·麦卡菲合著的《与机器较量》获得成功,这让这个观点得到了极大的关注

    This argument has attracted a lot of attention, via the success of the book Race Against the Machine, by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, who both hail from MIT's Center for Digital Business.


  • 《一分钟经理》一的作者之一肯尼思·兰查德也这样认为:“注意人们的时候,然后告诉大家。”

    "Catch people doing something right!" he says. Then tell everyone about it.


  • 只是坏情况下汽车燃料选择,”火箭科学家罗伯特·,他还是《能源胜利作者,这是一讲述关于后石油未来

    Hydrogen is "just about the worst possible vehicle fuel", says Robert Zubrin, a rocket scientist and the author of "Energy Victory", a book on the post-petroleum future.


  • 森先生的平民读者们感受到人们错过了什么,同时人们又是多么幸运地能享受如今所拥有的舒适安逸。

    Mr Bryson's book gives humbler readers a feeling of what they are missing-and how lucky they are to enjoy what comforts they have.


  • 当然英国喜欢文学作品名单他们所引起争执以至于他们把候选人划分短单和长单

    Of course. The British love literary lists and the fights they provoke, so much so that they divide candidates for the Man Booker Prize into shortlist books and longlist books.


  • 塔利网站上,在《天鹅百年一遇冲击》一平装更新即将发行接受任何采访。

    Taleb says on his website that he's not giving interviews ahead of the upcoming release of the updated, paperback version of 'The Black Swan.


  • 路易斯·兰代斯…,希望公司能够始终提供信息他那个时代,是指提供文档比如当时称为招股说明一类的文件。

    Under Louis Brandeis -brandeis wanted companies to always present the information, but for him it always meant presenting a document, so they had something called a prospectus, for example.


  • 尼古拉斯.斯曼最好人群中间开始进行交谈不是边缘位置,怎样90内成为众人焦点》一作者

    Nicholas Boothman, the author of How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less, says it's better to start in the middle of a room rather than skimming the periphery.


  • 讲道来自迪。欧文,他是马鞍峰教会的教牧,也是《拜者之》一作者

    This week's devotionals are by Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of 'The Way of a Worshiper'.


  • 女士长期合作者合作帮助发表最后一的西格尔这样大规模选举舞弊非常难以实施

    A longtime associate of Ms. Bhutto's who collaborated with her on her just-published final book, Mark Siegel, tells VOA such figures make massive vote fraud very difficult.


  • 那些那些塔诺里成排架则这些放回架上跨栏

    The reviews, the stacks in Brentano's, are just hurdles to get over, to place the books on that shelf.


  • 莱茵贝克,欧打折除了一小部分积压已久的

    In Rhinebeck, Oblong offers no discounts, except for a few overstocked books.


  • 莱斯特的竞选经理人暗示可能人们吞掉所有”的意愿认真了。

    Mr Blessed's campaign managers suggest that perhaps people took his desire to devour all the books in the library a touch too seriously.


  • 吉姆斯·k·加尔·雷斯肉食国家保守派怎样抛弃自由市场以及为什么自由派应该如此》一作者

    James K. Galbraith is author of the Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too.


  • 巴里·迈尔斯艾伦·金斯堡杰克·凯鲁亚克、威廉·巴勒斯、查尔斯·考斯基人物传记作者写过一些其他关于“垮掉的一代”的

    Barry Miles is the author of biographies of Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski and other books about the Beat Generation.


  • 这个过程就是纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒随机性欺骗主题

    This process is the topic of Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book "Fooled by Randomness."


  • 德尔夫斯•先生并不准备关于学习也不可能HBS作为百年诞辰的标志物,因为今年已经大规模地庆祝过了。

    Mr Delves Broughton did not set out to write a book about the course. Nor is this probably the book that HBS would choose to mark its 100th birthday, which it is celebrating extensively this year.


  • 周一出版商卢沃特(Bluewater表示12月制作发行传记漫画Facebook创建者扎克伯格》一

    Publisher Bluewater Productions on Monday said it will issue the biographical comic "Mark Zuckerberg; the Creator of Facebook" in December.


  • 见面》一成功卓尔不群且无懈可击,其强大的感染力一如J.M.Coetzee的耻辱以及少数赢得评委一致赞许并捧走小说的作品。

    House of Meetings” is a singular, unimpeachable triumph, as powerful as J.M. Coetzee'sDisgraceand the small list of novels that have unanimously carried off[8] the Man Booker prize for fiction.


  • 克里斯·瑞杰克内尔大学社会文化学教授,也是最畅销《名人》(Celebrity)的作者

    Chris Rojek is Professor of Society and Culture at Brunel University and author of the bestselling Celebrity (Reaktion, 2001).


  • 劳伦斯•厄当(LaurenceUrdang多产编纂——编纂了字典其他参考100部——于星期二死于兰福德康恩,享年81居住美国康涅狄格州的OldLyme(地名)。

    Laurence Urdang, a prolific lexicographer who had a hand in more than 100 dictionaries and other reference books, died on Thursday in Branford, Conn. He was 81 and lived in Old Lyme, Conn.


  • 57岁35,准备最近明尼阿波里斯州北部顿·海维尔中学(Highview Middle School)退休

    At 57, she was about to retire after 35 years of teaching, most recently at Highview Middle School in New Brighton, just north of Minneapolis.


  • 57岁35,准备最近明尼阿波里斯州北部顿·海维尔中学(Highview Middle School)退休

    At 57, she was about to retire after 35 years of teaching, most recently at Highview Middle School in New Brighton, just north of Minneapolis.


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