• 充分认识安阳物流存在问题,抓住机遇大力发展安阳经济一项重要基础性工作

    The full knowledge of the problems of the interflow of commodities industry in Anyang City is an important and basic job to get hold of chance and develop greatly economy of Anyang City.


  • 最后以湘潭物流中心规划为例证明了本文提出的规划模型方法可行性有效性

    In the last section, the feasibility and effectiveness of the planning model and method proposed in this paper are proved by the case of logistics centers planning in Xiangtan city.


  • 报告最后介绍了面向物流空间信息服务一个应用示例-深圳物流空间信息公共服务平台的实现。

    Introduces an example that based on the theory and technique in this report: Shenzhen Logistics Spatial Information Common Service Platform.


  • 最后,对广东湛江现代物流园区规划建设实例进行分析提出了湛江市物流园区布局方案建设运营模式

    At last, analysis the planning and operation of logistics park of the city of zhanjiang. the planning and operational theory of Logistics Park is tried to be studied in the article.


  • 2下午山东省临沂兰山区金兰物流城发生一起化学物品意外爆燃事故,共造成18死亡10受伤

    Eighteen people died and 10 others were injured in a chemical explosion in a logistics park in Linyi, Shandong, Wednesday afternoon.


  • 其中,圩作为农村物流中的一个关键流通环节引起诸多学者专家关注研究

    In these problems, country fair, as a key link in country logistics, has aroused the concern and research of many scholars and experts.


  • 深圳和微宏防静电器材有限公司防静电、物流研究开发生产销售代理相关进口产品一体的实业公司

    HWH (SZ) Corporation is a industrial company engaged in the research and development and production and sale and import agent for Anti-static and Logistic.


  • 本厂座落经济发达交通物流便利地理位置优越珠江三角洲腹地佛山城区。

    The factory is located in economically developed transport logistics facilities and strategic location in the Pearl River Delta hinterland Foshan area.


  • 健全哈尔滨鲜活农产品物流体系当前农产品流通重要环节,是农村建设工作重点之一

    The perfect establishment of Harbin fresh agricultural product logistics system is an important link in current agricultural product circulation, is a key task in the new rural construction.


  • 此外,未来园区成为榆林大型物流中心有相当运输量

    In addition , there will be also a large logistics center in the park , which may generate the huge transport volume as well.


  • 同时,随着松花江即将通航吉林的对俄罗斯航运开辟新的物流通道

    Meanwhile, as it is nearly navigable in Songhuajiang river, Jilin will open up a new logistics channel to Russia shipping.


  • 通过重庆第三方物流企业导向绩效问卷调查访谈,测度了重庆第三方物流企业场导向程度。

    Then the author had an interview with the manager of logistic business in ChongQing and the managers filled in the questionnaire as well as.


  • 广西北部湾经济区南宁北海钦州防城港所辖行政区域组成,同时,包括玉林崇左交通物流

    Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone covers the territory of Nanning, Beihai, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang, and includes the transportation and logistics of Yulin and Chongzuo.


  • 商城位于怀化洪江沅水之滨犁头嘴,这里自古就是深入我国大西南腹内重要的生资集散与物流转运的咽喉之地

    The ancient city is located in Hongjiang District of Huaihua city, where is the throat transit for entering Southwest of China since ancient times.


  • 深圳天美新机械设备有限公司是专业从事涂装设备物流保送设备的规划设计生产施工维护配套服务的专业性公司。

    Shenzhen Tims Machinery Installation co., Ltd is specialized in planning designing, manufacturing, constructing, maintaining and servicing painting equipments and logistic equipments.


  • 湖南省衡阳鸿物流有限公司一家中国A物流企业

    The Hunan Province Hengyang great wild goose brocade physical distribution Limited company is a Chinese A Level Physical distribution Enterprise.


  • 这里物流业对促进经济增长成长视域,考察临沂成长现代物流财富必要性就临沂成长现代物流的机缘提出了相关对策

    The paper studies necessity of developing modern logistics industry in Linyi and proposes relevant measures from the perspective of action of logistics industry on economic growth.


  • 深圳城建梅园实业有限公司成立于1988年,是以仓储物流专业服务为经营主业的大型物流企业

    Shenzhen City Construction Meiyuan Industry Co., Ltd. established in 1988, it is a large-scale logistics enterprise specializing in the storage logistics and specialized market service.


  • 一方面,北京人口分布入手分析了人口分布郊区化趋势物流需求影响

    On the other hand, the article starts from population distribution in Beijing, analyzes the impact of population distribution trend to the logistics demand.


  • 文章郑州第三物流企业存在问题展开了分析针对性的提出了相应的对策

    This paper analyses the problem that exists in the third party logistics enterprise in Zhengzhou City, then brings forward countermeasure.


  • 深圳神州物流有限公司(以下简称“神州通物流”)一家致力于提供快速服务专业全国性网络物流公司

    Shenzhen Sinomaster Logistics Co. , Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " Sinomaster ") is committed to providing rapid service of a national network of professional logistics company.


  • 深圳泰达日晶科技有限公司,位于深圳宝安区西乡镇,紧邻宝安大道和107国道,交通方便,物流发达。

    Shenzhen Tyder-Region Technology is located in Xixiang Town, Bao 'an Shenzhen. The Factory is close both to Bao 'an Avenue and Interstate Highway G107 and enjoys excellent logistics advantage.


  • 基础上从两个层次分析北京居民消费物流需求之间关系。

    The correlation of inhabitant consumption and logistics demand is analyzed by statistics software.


  • 第五针对武汉第三物流需求存在问题提出自己对策建议

    Chapter 5 puts forward my own countermeasure and suggestion to the question existing to the third party logistics market demand in Wuhan.


  • 中国31个物流先锋省、组成中国物流行业协会联盟秘书处设在我会秘书处。

    Union of China Logistics Industry Associations, which consists of 31 pioneering logistics cities in China, has its secretariat in LSCMA.


  • 浙江金华山友户外用品位于人杰地灵物流发达浙江省金华

    Zhejiang jinhua shanyou outdoors products factory located in jinhua zhejiang province there human outstanding earth deities and Logistics developed.


  • 公司位于长江三角洲宁波交通物流便捷

    The company is located in the Yangtze river delta, convenient transportation logistics city.


  • 兰州作为西北地区重要物流节点建设兰州物流中心具有重要现实意义

    As a key logistics node city in the Northwest China, the construction of Lanzhou logistics centers has an important practical significance.


  • 通用运费深圳联通实业有限公司深圳顶迅网络科技有限公司联合开发一款全球通用的物流运费流转软件

    UFSOO is by Shenzhen Uniontown Industry Co. Ltd. and Shenzhen Ding Xun Network Technology Co. Ltd. jointly developed a global freight logistics chain transfer software.


  • 通用运费深圳联通实业有限公司深圳顶迅网络科技有限公司联合开发一款全球通用的物流运费流转软件

    UFSOO is by Shenzhen Uniontown Industry Co. Ltd. and Shenzhen Ding Xun Network Technology Co. Ltd. jointly developed a global freight logistics chain transfer software.


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