• 但是存在着标准设立过高危险因为如果许多银行通过了这个测试市场失去信心。

    There is also a danger, however, in setting the bar too high, for markets would also be unnerved if many banks were to fail their tests.


  • 任何营销活动来说,第一件事就是设立目标了解观众市场

    The first thing any marketing activity needs to start with include setting goals, understanding your audience and the market.


  • Kayak准备好在苏黎世设立欧洲总部迅速地扩大英国团队规模以及英国的市场投入

    Kayak is poised to establish a European head office in Zurich and will significantly increase its head count and marketing spend in the UK market.


  • 而限制市场禁止信用违约互换交易设立更易掌控的评级机构)的压力视作试图迁怒信使的行为而被驳回。

    Pressure to trammel the markets (banning trading in credit-default swaps, setting up a more pliable European rating agency) should be dismissed as an attempt to shoot the messenger.


  • 呼吁设立共同的民意机构不是“将真实的权力交给市场投机者”。

    He called for pooled democratic sovereignty rather than "handing over real sovereignty to markets and speculators".


  • 确实新兴市场国家银行瑞士设立分支机构包括最近的巴西中国

    Indeed, emerging-market Banks continue to set up in Switzerland. Recent arrivals include firms from Brazil and China.


  • 福特本次的目标是设立一个全球化主题排除为了适应当地市场需求而调整一些广告宣传的可能性。

    Ford intends to have a global theme this time, but does not rule out tailoring some advertising to local markets where it is felt appropriate.


  • 到目前为止美联储只是决定停止更多流动性注入按揭债券设立市场没有采取切实行动撤资

    So far, the Fed has decided to stop pumping more liquidity into such markets as that for mortgage-backed securities, but it isn't actually yet taking steps to pull money out.


  • 2007年起,这个美国搜索巨头已经冒头进入非洲市场拉各斯阿克拉约翰内斯堡康培拉设立办公室,在内罗华建立了巨大的踞点。

    Since 2007, the American search giant has entered the African market head first, establishing offices in Lagos, Accra, Johannesburg, Dakar, and Kampala, with its largest presence in Nairobi.


  • 哈利·波特市场营销设立社会企业学之间惊人联系在于,就两者而言,达尔·萨斯教授要求企业思考衰老死亡

    The striking connection between Harry Potter marketing and the new chair of Social Business is that, in both cases, Prof Dalsace is demanding companies think about ageing - and death.


  • 美国市场现在优势就是随着美元贬值,外国公司能够以更加低廉成本购买美国公司和设立分支机构

    The advantage right now is that, with the decline of the value of the dollar, it's a lot cheaper for foreign companies to buy U. s. companies and establish new branches.


  • 虽然花旗集团一直稳步开拓国际市场,到1960年美国几千家银行只有其他设立国外分支

    Whereas Citigroup steadily built its international presence, in 1960 only seven others of the several thousand American Banks had any foreign branches.


  • 同时据称,欧洲中央银行已经要求爱尔兰使用今年早期设立欧盟援助资金重新打开能够银行引入资金市场

    The ECB is said to have pressed Ireland to avail itself of aid from the euro zone's rescue fund, created earlier this year, to reopen market financing for its Banks.


  • 最近设立一家期权交易所占据全美11%的市场

    It also recently set up an options exchange, which already has more than 11% of the American market.


  • 毕美娜准备阿联酋迪拜设立办事处加快当地市场信息的反应能力,以此作基地打入整个中东市场

    Bi Meina said she plans to set up the United Arab Emirates of Dubai, the Office of the Office to speed up the local market responsiveness, as a base for the entire Middle East into the market.


  • 埃克森扩张有助于分散风险,除此之外,迅速侵占了海外新兴市场比如中国,它已经设立公司

    Exxon's spread helps diversify its risks; and it positions the firm well to leap into new growth markets, such as China.


  • 泰国国家旅游局昆明北京上海广州成都设立办事处证明了该国对中国旅游市场重视程度

    Thailand National tourism Administration in Kunming, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, the establishment of the office has also proved the importance of the country's tourism market.


  • 原因就是外国公司必须设立子公司,才可以使用自己品牌进入中国电子商务市场中。

    The reason is that foreign companies have to set up a subsidiary in order to participate in the Chinese online sales market under their own brand name.


  • 中国股票市场设立之初,制度设计就存在一些规范之处,从而今天导致了相当问题

    The Chinese stock market system has some features which do not accord with the standard and are regarded as the cause of many problems today.


  • 值得注意的是,七月其他设立四个基金市场同样经历剧烈的冲击仍然取得了良好收益

    It is worth noting that in July the same for the other to set up four funds in the market experienced a sharp shock still achieved positive returns.


  • 四川省商务有关负责人证实四川设立白酒期货交易市场计划。

    Sichuan bureau confirmed the relevant person in charge has been established in Sichuan liquor futures market.


  • 我们知道中国市场潜力是否足够以便让我们设立代理商。

    And I doubt whether the market potential in China is big enough for US to appoint an agent.


  • 同时许多美国公司力图通过自己在外国设立的厂家外国市场服务。

    At the same time, many U. s. -based firms have sought to serve foreign markets from local plants.


  • 由于监督电话设立,现在的市场运作越来越规范了。

    Eg: By setting up the supervision hotline, market operation is becoming.


  • 由于监督电话设立,现在的市场运作越来越规范了。

    Eg: By setting up the supervision hotline, market operation is becoming.


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