• 日本留学深造期间积极参与社会实践经常在日本各大港口超市市场实习

    In Japan studying abroad during, actively participate in social practice, often in Japan to major ports, supermarket and market practice.


  • 很多人人才市场他们可选择范围寻找他们的第一工作然而其他人已经作为暑假实习工作好几获得了实际经验

    Many enter the job market looking for their first real job in their chosen field, while others have been working as summer interns for several years and already gained practical experience.


  • 大学毕业后几乎没有工作经验没有市场所需技能,我明白在我找到我梦寐以求出版工作之前,我做上一系列无报酬实习工作。

    I had little work experience and few marketable skills when I graduated, and I knew I would have to take a series of unpaid internships before I could find the publishing job I've always wanted.


  • 巴黎欧莱雅实习走遍法国南部超级市场推销护发产品

    She got an internship at L’Oréal in Paris and travelled around the north of France selling hair products to supermarkets.


  • 社交网络市场销售提供了大量的能轻量地工作机会,还有能一段夏季实习的时间就可以开始完成好的可衡量项目

    Social networking/marketing presents a great opportunity to work on bite-size, measurable projects that you can start and finish during a summer internship.


  • 如果请求的是一份市场工作你曾经不同公司做过实习助理,也曾经百货店做过收银员,请不要简历上写那些无关的工作

    If you're applying for a marketing position and you've worked as an intern and an associate in separate firms, but also as a cashier at a grocery store, don't pad your resume with the irrelevant job.


  • 知道有个公司市场经理是个兼职实习还有个公司,有人担任“总编”,但编辑团队只有一个人

    I have known a company where an intern moonlit as the head of marketing, and another where an employee was the editorial director … of an editorial team of one.


  • 我们实习应该进行市场调查

    Our intern is supposed to conduct a market research.


  • 实习候选人需要展示出自己可以今天市场氛围中扮演科技灵感设计角色

    The candidate will be shown the role of technology-inspired design in today's marketing atmosphere.


  • 未来,研华甚至计划巴西俄罗斯许多华人熟悉国家吸纳实习生,这些国家都是公司重要市场

    It plans in the future to bring interns from countries to which many Chinese have had even less exposure, but which are important markets for the company, including Brazil and Russia.


  • 市场调研展览博物馆参观环境艺术设计工作室项目设计、室内设计公司实习毕业设计论文等环节。

    Marketing investigation and study, exhibitions and museums visiting, environmental design studio project, internship, graduation design and thesis.


  • 专业认识实习高职建筑装饰专业针对大一新生,有针对性地安排专业对口建筑装饰企业、建筑装饰材料市场所开展的为期一周的实践性教学环节

    The practice of specialty understanding is a teaching procedure scheduled for the first grade students of architecture and ornament major to visit related enterprises and markets for one week.


  • 本文结合我们新侨饭店实习经验以及个人的相关认识和见解,市场营销学的角度探讨如何提高服务外包业务量

    This article will combine with our internship experience in hotel to discuss how to improve the service outsourcing volume from the Angle of the marketing study.


  • 整个设计过程总共分为五个阶段主要包括实习市场调研创意草图效果图模型制作。

    Total of the entire design process is divided into five stages, including: training, market research, creative sketches, maps and modeling results.


  • 能说一下现在的拓展到了第几阶段你们是否需要中国市场经验实习生呢?

    At what stage in your expansion are you and would you need internship assistance from someone who has experience in the Chinese market?


  • 本公司将在校大学生提供个非常宝贵而且能够很好地锻炼自己各方面能力的实习工作岗位,工作内容将包括市场销售电子商务活动策划管理执行等相关工作。

    An exciting opportunity exists for current students to engage in some practical work experience involving elements of marketing, sales, e-commerce. Events attendance, events management and execution.


  • 市场调研展览博物馆参观产品设计工作室项目设计、产品设计公司实习毕业设计论文等环节。

    Marketing investigation and study, exhibitions and museums visiting, product design studio project, internship, graduation design and thesis.


  • 不久之前品牌经理暑期实习处理社会化媒体市场推广

    Not long ago social-media marketing was something that brand managers might ask their summer interns to deal with. Today it has become a pillar of the advertising industry.


  • 我们电视机发现瑕疵之后市场占有率下跌了百分之七十五。(实习编辑:顾萍)。

    After all of our TV sets were found to be defective, our market share dropped by 75%.


  • 来信邮件主题注明申请市场实习每周可工作天数

    Pls indicate "Apply for Intern of Client&Market" and available working days on the email subject.


  • 实习期间,在经理带领迅速了解金融市场简单操作办法

    During the internship, under the leadership of the manager to quickly understand the financial markets, and the simple method of operation.


  • 这些公司认识到其他公司的暑期实习要么亚裔精英,要么是深谙亚洲文化的美国人,而不论是哪一种,都是将来会亚洲金融市场大展身手的人。

    They realize that these summer interns are outstanding Asian candidates, or Americans with Asian knowledge and background, chosen by other firms to work in Asian capital and financial markets.


  • 本文结合我们酒店实习经验市场营销学的角度探讨如何提高服务外包业务量

    This article will combine with our internship experience in hotel to discusses how to improve the service outsourcing volume from the Angle of the marketing study.


  • 本文结合我们酒店实习经验市场营销学的角度探讨如何提高服务外包业务量

    This article will combine with our internship experience in hotel to discusses how to improve the service outsourcing volume from the Angle of the marketing study.


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