• 市场学市场学理论营销管理

    Marketing: Marketing theory, sales management.


  • 神学角度讲,假如经济学家认定市场会自动出清,全球失业现状则需神学理论解释

    Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy to explain it.


  • 那些市场就是答案人们,蔑视的经济学理论无可辩驳的事实。

    And people who say that the market is the answer are flying in the face of both theory and overwhelming evidence.


  • 论文从HF电气集团公司(简称HF公司)的实际出发,结合现代市场营销学理论系统制定出HF公司电力二次设备市场营销战略

    I establish systematically the marketing strategy on electric power secondary Equipment for HF electric Corporation with modern marketing theory in this thesis.


  • 法律市场中,行政立法成本有着丰富经济学理论基础分为动态行政立法成本静态行政立法成本。

    In the legal market, the cost of the administrative legislation has its rich base of economic theory, it can be divided into movement and the geostationary.


  • 论题结合市场营销学理论探析了旅游规划中的营销概念问题,建立了旅游营销概念设计一般逻辑结构图

    Based on marketing theory, this paper discusses the marketing concept in tourism plan and tries to set up a general logical structure model for tourism marketing concept design.


  • 相应地旅游目的地形象营销理论基础市场营销理论经济学理论拓展公共管理理论传播学理论

    Accordingly, the destination image marketing theoretical foundation of the travel is expanded from the marketing theory, economics theory to the public management theory and dissemination theory.


  • 系统动力学理论基础,结合产业集聚效应反馈特征,对人才流、技术、资金流市场流的因果关系进行了探讨。

    Based on theory of system dynamics, the causal loop diagrams of manpower, technology, money and market flows are analyzed together with positive feedback of industrial agglomeration effect.


  • 论文研究结果表明电力市场中的策略性投标行为产生的结果有可能应用传统经济学理论研究得到的结果不同

    The paper research manifests that the result by strategic bidding behavior in power market might differs from the result by applying traditional economics theory.


  • 方法市场营销学理论为基础,采用文献检索对比分析法

    METHODS:This study was conducted based on marketing theory using literature retrieval and contrast analysis method.


  • 本文内容展示关于犯罪刑罚经济学理论将经济分析方法应用于非市场领域成功范例

    The article will revelate that the economical theory on crime and punishment will be a successful example to applying the economy-analyzing method to the non-market field.


  • 内容提要公共品是否是商品是否存在市场,是当前公共财政学、公共经济学中的核心问题之一我国经济学理论对此问题大多持否定态度

    Summary: whether public goods are goods, the existence of the market, the current public finance, public economics, one of the key issues, China's economic theory on this sector are mostly negative.


  • 本文基于产业组织学理论SCP分析范式,认为市场绩效最终取决于实际的市场结构而不是名义上的垄断集中程度

    Based on the SCP analysis model of Industry Organization technology, the paper points out that the market performance finally depends upon the real market structure, instead of nominal monopolization.


  • 只有经济学理论找到依据,才能找到适合生长金融市场我们才能够坚定不移实践推广这种金融产品

    Only reasoning from the theory of economics can we find the suitable financial market for its development and keep carrying out and promoting this financial product.


  • 目的利用可拓理论建立种医药目标市场选择方法

    Objective By using extension theory, the pharmaceutical target market selection method is established.


  • 本文对称信息诚信主线利用博弈论、信息经济学理论及进化博弈理论理论工具,对房地产市场参与各方之间复杂博弈关系进行了系统分析。

    By taking asymmetric information and sincerity as a clue, this paper analyzes the complex relationship among the participants by using game theory, information economics and evolution game theory.


  • 采用文献资料、数理统计法、对比分析法,运用微观经济学理论探讨我国体育健身娱乐市场涵义、产品特点以及影响体育健身娱乐市场需求供给的因素。

    The paper is intended to explore the relationship of Chinese sports with the entertainment market and the characteristics of this relationship which influence its supply and demand.


  • 通过论文写作,对市场营销学理论加深了理解实际的营销工作起到指导作用。

    By finishing the thesis, the writer has widened and deepened the knowledge of marketing theories which supplies guidance for market assignments in the future.


  • 基于分工交易费用两难冲突,运用新兴古典经济学理论,解释了双边市场形成和演进根本原因。

    This paper explores the emergence and development of Two-sided markets based on the division of labor and transaction costs dilemma confliction in the framework of new-classical economics.


  • 基于经济学理论方法煤炭市场供给和总需求进行了分析奠定了煤炭产业经济学基本概念框架

    Total supply of, and total demand for coal in the market is analyzed based on economics theory and methodology. A basic conceptual framework of coal industry economics has been established.


  • 基于经济学理论方法煤炭市场供给和总需求进行了分析奠定了煤炭产业经济学基本概念框架

    Total supply of, and total demand for coal in the market is analyzed based on economics theory and methodology. A basic conceptual framework of coal industry economics has been established.


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