• 亚洲特别是广阔市场为代表东亚东南亚新兴市场机会个公司的一个主要优先事项。

    Asia, particularly the vast market opportunity represented by the emerging markets of east and Southeast Asia, has become a major priority for ACT as a company.


  • 微软自己的Office软件生产力”软件市场占据主导地位,这些初创公司代表智能手机世界从头开始设计技术浪潮。

    Microsoft's own Office dominates the market for "productivity" software, but the start-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphone world.


  • 虽然Nest恒温器的市场定位瞄准iPhone为代表新生代早期采用者但法德尔潜在市场非常宽广。

    While the Nest thermostat is clearly aimed at early adopters in the iPhone generation, Fadell says the potential market is large.


  • 美国学者R代表交易成本理论市场交易成本角度出发企业规模经济做出独到的解释

    Representative by America learner R H Coase, the transaction cost theory from view of market transaction cost, made up another explain to scale economy.


  • 2005年许先生加入杜邦公司担任市场代表杜邦工程塑料汽车市场开展业务销售

    He joined DuPont Company as marketing Representative responsible for marketing of DuPont engineering plastics in automobile market in 2005.


  • 第一劳动市场出清说,古典经济学古典经济学一般均衡理论为代表

    The first is labor market clearing theory which was. represented by classical economics and neoclassical economics general equilibrium theory.


  • 代表公司经销商终端客户提供销售导向,包括市场开发,宣传促销支持经销商的活动

    Represent the Company to the distributors and end users in all sales-oriented activities, including marketing, advertising, sales promotions and other distribution support activities.


  • 怪圈背后是以东亚为代表新兴市场国家固有金融资源利用率偏低现象

    Behind the Doubtful Recycling phenomenon is the low utilization ratio of financial resources, which exists especially in emerging markets, including East Asian Countries.


  • 家外国保险公司准备大连设立代表处,进入这个市场作准备。

    Many foreign insurance companies will set up agency in Dalian and are ready to enter the market.


  • 工业机器人主要用于工厂为代表第二产业家用机器人则主要用于第三产业的服务业普通家庭中蕴藏着巨大的潜在市场

    Industrial robots are mainly used in the second industry represented by factories, while home robots usually appear in the service industry. So it has potential markets in normal families.


  • 大量的实地调研基础上,以西递宏村南屏代表对黟县村落海外旅游市场进行了研究

    Based on empirical research and taking Xidi village, Hongcun village and Nanping village for example, this paper researches on the overseas tourist market of the ancient villages in Yixian County.


  • 近年来,移动电视、数字多媒体广播为代表新兴媒体,逐渐技术市场研究的重点。

    In recent years, with the development of broadcasting and wireless communication technologies, the new services, such as mobile TV and DMB. became hotspots in technical research and market.


  • 联系代表当事人之一世界领先智能传感解决方案电子组装半导体提供市场

    I am contacting you on behalf of my client, one of the world leader in intelligent sensing solutions for the electronics assembly and semiconductor equpment markets.


  • 断言公司8GB-最高指数装置这种类型代表市场特定时刻

    On the assertion of company, 8 Gb - maximum index for devices of this type, represented on the market at the given moment.


  • 本次签约标志在线代表国内第三网游企业正式出海内地以外市场

    This second autograph is indicating about with La Gang online for the representing's home the 3rd acting net swims the business is official " go to sea " beyond inland the market.


  • 主要模式英美法系市场主导型,两国代表的以股市主;

    There are mainly two kinds of patterns: one is type of Britain, America and France, also type of market leading, taking British and American stock market as representatives;


  • 歌唱代表中国早期电影在电影市场好莱坞影片垄断情况下创立起来的,所以自发商业竞争行

    Early Chinese films, take singing films as its example, had been built under the circumstance where Hollywood films holding the market. So it firstly is a kind of unprompted commercial rival-ship.


  • 北美日本等国家,ABS传感器齿圈、不锈钢排气管 法 兰为代表粉末冶金4XX系列 不锈钢零件,已成功打入汽车零件市场

    Tone wheels working with ABS sensor and exhaust flanges made from PM 4XX series stainless steel are available in the automotive part market in North America and Japan.


  • 卢湾区二手房市场历来呈现出“南低、北南冷”态势新天地板块为代表的高档住宅抢去了其他板块的“风头”。

    The market of luwan second-hand house always presents a situation that the price was high and the market was hot in the north .


  • 完全本土化资深客户代表客户提供量身订做媒体专业服务市场营销理念!

    We have professional custom service delegates, to design the perfect media services and marketing programmes for our customs.


  • 爱特丝i -TEX代表健康舒适床上用品品牌,是集设计产品开发市场一体的时尚先锋。

    I-TEX is a bedding brand that is synonymous with sleeping healthy. It is involved in the design, product development, marketing and retailing of I-TEX bedding products ladies' fashion apparel.


  • 本文正是2002年证券市场具有代表重大资产重组样本进行实证检验,考察了时期我国上市公司并购重组的绩效情况。

    On the ground of representative samples of the Momentous Asset Restructuring (MAR) in 2002, this thesis probes into the performance of M&A of Chinese listed companies in the new era.


  • 中国食品为代表东方食品日益世界关注热 点,不断分流消费市场传统食品提出了新的需求

    Oriental foods are increasingly becoming the new focus of the world's attention. The consumer market developing in all directions demands more from the traditional foods.


  • 纪念首航船顺利挂靠,蛇口集装箱码头市场代表泳向首航船长赠送了纪念品

    To extend welcome and memorize the successful call of the new service, SCT representatives, Mr. Yong Yu presented a memento to the master vessels' captain.


  • 中国代表新兴市场国家业务增长迅猛

    Our operations in emerging economies, with China as the leading example, saw particularly rapid growth.


  • 传统观光代表休闲性旅游受到经济收入工作时间季节性的影响,存在脆弱灵敏特性需求弹性大,市场波动明显

    The traditional tourism as the leisure tourism is affected by the economic income, working hours and season. It has some features as fragile sensitive, elasticity of demand, market volatility.


  • 本文试图工业自动厂商典型代表o公司探索工业自动化厂商中国市场如何进行有效渠道管理

    Through Company o case study, the article intends to explore how the industry automation manufacturers in Chinese market can manage the channel effectively.


  • 企业区域销售代表保证代理商权利利益坚守以价格体系营销思想,让代理商具有市场价格竞争优势。

    The enterprise takes regional sales as the typical, guaranteeing the right and profit of agents, holds the pricing structure as its marketing strategy and provides the agents competitive market price.


  • 在现在激烈市场竞争中,以ERP为代表管理信息系统成了提升企业效益竞争能力的重要手段。

    Because of severe market competition nowadays, many organizations choose implementing management information systems such as ERP to enhance their benefit and competitiveness.


  • 在现在激烈市场竞争中,以ERP为代表管理信息系统成了提升企业效益竞争能力的重要手段。

    Because of severe market competition nowadays, many organizations choose implementing management information systems such as ERP to enhance their benefit and competitiveness.


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