• 西安机场市区太远了,还好他们美味烤羊肉

    The Xi 'an airport is pretty far away from the city, however this is made up for by nice mutton on sticks.


  • 是个让人头疼的问题。这边离市区近。很大优势

    It gives me a headache. It is a great advantage that it nears the town.


  • 他们指出如果没有电梯市区不会摩天大楼不可能城市生活

    Without the elevator, they point out, there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings, and city life as we know it would be impossible.


  • 自己正要市区去。

    I'm going downtown myself.


  • 甚至那些赞同市区翻新认为目前的计划可能会实施过度。

    Even those in favour of urban renewal think it can go too far.


  • 即使城市郊外,花在往返上班的交通上时间不多,你需要1215分钟就能到市区

    The commute is not long;even if you live at the far end of the city, you're only talking about 12 to 15 minutes to downtown.


  • 即使城市郊外,花在往返上班的交通上时间不多,你需要1215分钟就能到市区

    The commute is not long; even if you live at the far end of the city, you're only talking about 12 to 15 minutes to downtown.


  • 底特律官方将市区3座写字楼内设置警告牌,提醒员工不要"使用香料制品如古龙水、须后水、香水、香味护肤液等"。 这些禁令写入员工手册的正文中。

    Signs will be placed in 3 city buildings warning staffers to avoid "wearing scented products, including colognes, aftershave lotions, perfumes and body/face lotions.


  • 标准的V - 6引擎相比,EcoBoost“探索者”高速公路上加仑行驶3英里市区每加仑可多行驶3英里。

    Compared with a standard V-6 version, the EcoBoost Explorer gets three more miles per gallon on the highway and three miles per gallon better mileage in the city.


  • 沈阳市东西主干道得到改善,项目还将在横穿市区的铁路上设立更多道口

    The principal east-west corridors in Shenyang will also be improved, and the project will create additional crossings of the railway lines which divide the city.


  • 作为一个真实划分,如果采用这样的设计的话,它看起来悦目我们可以更快获取信息

    But a city block, or rather a map of a city block, like this would seem more comfortable to the eye. Our brains can process the information much quicker.


  • 虽然市区很多公园,但是城市生活一点平静

    Though it has many perks, city life is rarely peaceful or serene.


  • 当然,你可以很容易找到世界其他地方饭菜,比如霍尔索烘焙,你就可以吃虾肉三明治。 这是一家瑞典面包店位于市区阿布特斯,专为客人提供午餐服务。

    But food from other parts of the world is also easy to find, like the shrimp sandwiches at Halso Konditori, a Swedish bakery that serves lunch on Arbutus Street downtown.


  • 在那可以乘船漓江可以坐免费公共汽车游览市区景点。

    There you can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River and visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.


  • 可以乘游船漓江风光免费公车参观市区景点。

    You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River. You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.


  • 一点儿不远我们高速公路上——市区只有英里周末斯坦福德车行

    Not far. We're on the turnpike, just two miles from downtown. See you this weekend - at Stamford Auto.


  • 虽然震中位于吉普斯兰北部Korumbarra地区,地震足以使建筑物摇晃,而墨尔本市区某些居民躺椅上跌落。

    The epicentre hit just north of Korumburra in South Gippsland, but the earthquake was powerful enough to shake buildings and cause some residents to fall off their couches in metropolitan Melbourne.


  • 它们适用市区目标,并且同时适用于其它许许多多近似理想情形

    They apply to urban targets as well as to a wide variety of other approximately ideal situations.


  • QuanyeBazaar商务中心间80平米大的房子,那里地处闹市区离办公场所学院

    He rented an 80-square meter space in the Quanye Bazaar, a business center with convenient access and office buildings and colleges nearby.


  • RSF越来越注重那些使用数据分析提高学习成绩具有健全管理计划的学校(市区特许六个星期测试一次)。

    Increasingly, RSF looks for those with sound management and plans to use data to improve performance. (Urban Prep tests students every six weeks.)


  • 由于女方亲朋大多来自海防市区之外,喜酒中午就开始了,腾龙旅店起了激扬音乐

    As the woman's friends are from Hai Phong city, the a Tao of the wedding party began at noon, Dragon Inn is also broadcast music from the boosting.


  • 主要出于期待影响市区车辆的行进因此收到罚单这么例子不在少数

    This is mainly due to the impact of expectations, in the urban areas, the vehicle may be the way to get a ticket, such examples are not a minority.


  • 作为国际中的二级城市不仅全球城市体系发挥作用,同时在国际担任重要功能

    This paper argues that a second-tier city in a global city region not only plays important functions in the global urban system but also within the global city region.


  • 伦敦所谓市区驾车拥堵同样减轻了交通污染压力。今年,伦敦将申办史上环保的奥运会。

    London's so-called congestion charge for driving in town likewise cuts traffic and pollution. This year, London is bidding to have the most environmentally friendly Olympics ever.


  • 伦敦所谓市区驾车拥堵同样减轻了交通污染压力。今年,伦敦将申办史上环保的奥运会。

    London's so-called congestion charge for driving in town likewise cuts traffic and pollution. This year, London is bidding to have the most environmentally friendly Olympics ever.


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