• 再三重复声称特立尼达人民支持他的行动

    He repeated his claim that the people of Trinidad and Tobago backed his action.


  • 哈佛大学2011年的一份报告显示马萨诸塞取得了堪比韩国和芬兰数学成绩密西西比州分数则更接近特立尼达

    A 2011 report from Harvard University shows that Massachusetts produces math scores comparable to South Korea and Finland, while Mississippi scores are closer to Trinidad and Tobago.


  • 特立尼达和多首都西班牙港郊区詹姆斯街头生活喜欢自称永不休眠城市”,通常都要喧闹凌晨

    STREET life in St James, a suburb of Port of Spain, Trinidad’s capital, that likes to call itself thecity that never sleeps”, normally blasts on until the early hours.


  • 因此接下来新加坡印度特立尼达中国韩国的访问实乃破天荒第一次。

    So the trips he plans to make over the next three weeks to Singapore, India, Trinidad and Tobago, China and South Korea are a novelty.


  • 财季BP获得了特立尼达(拉丁美洲岛国——译注)附近深海区域进行钻井勘探租约

    Just this quarter, BP received leases to drill in new deepwater blocks off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago.


  • 实际上特立尼达哥位于加勒比海地区,是位于委内瑞拉东北部一个群岛

    Trinidad and Tobago is actually in the Caribbean, a group of islands northeast of Venezuela.


  • 目前粮农组织在以下国家开展项目喀麦隆哥伦比亚哥斯达黎加印度尼西亚伊朗墨西哥尼日利亚菲律宾特立尼达以及委内瑞拉

    Countries where FAO is implementing the project are Bahrain, Cameroon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela.


  • 世界杯赛中,特里球门线处一技出色凌空解围帮助英格兰战胜小组赛对手特立尼达队。

    This stunning goal line clearance kept England in the game against Trinidad and Tobago during the competition.


  • 特里尼达国际海滨大厦丝带有三百九十四英尺

    And in Trinidad and Tobago, the International Waterfront Towers take the blue ribbon at 394 feet.


  • 劳拉一局375分的消息传出,整个特立尼达欢腾——这件对于一个两个小岛组成国家来说绝对是件可以炫耀的事。

    In the wake of Lara’s 375-run tally, Trinidad and Tobago was—if such a thing can be said of a country comprising two neighboring islands—beside itself.


  • 恰巧对一家收购企业珀米拉老板达蒙菲尼(DamonBuffini)一系列采访之后。一个从穷小子富翁的故事使得成为这个行业的一个榜样。

    This comes on the heels of a series of interviews by Damon Buffini, boss of Permira, a buy-out firm, with a rags-to-riches story that has made him a model for the industry.


  • 丈夫第一个妻子死于孩子,于是他决定努尔·尼萨送到法扎医院里去。医院离开他们达赫尚省的村庄,需要坐4小时汽车。

    Her husband, whose first wife had died during childbirth, was determined to get Noor Nisa to the hospital in Faizabad, a four-hour drive from their village in Badakhshan Province.


  • 没有人期待特立尼达和多这样剧情

    Nobody expects such drama in Trinidad.


  • 不过最好还是特立尼达因为如果说特立尼达的话,来自哥的感到他们受到了冒犯。

    However, it is best to just say Trinidad and Tobago cause sometimes people from Tobago may get offended if you just say Trinidad.


  • 我们建立利比亚叙利亚特立尼达增长领域材料立场

    We are also building material positions in the growth areas of Libya, Syria and Trinidad and Tobago.


  • 紧接着排在后面特立尼达理查德·汤普森9.89秒获得银牌美国的沃尔特·克斯以9.91秒获得第三

    Well behind, Richard Thompson of Trinidad and Tobago took the silver medal in 9.89, and Walter Dix of the United States was third in 9.91.


  • 特立尼达西印度群岛东南部一个国家,位于委内瑞拉东北部大西洋上。

    Trinidad and Tobago: a country of the southeast West Indies in the Atlantic Ocean off northeast Venezuela.


  • 318 其次是利未人弟兄中管理基伊拉一半、希拿达儿子瓦伊修造

    Nehemiah 3 : 18 After him repaired their brethren, Bavai the son of Henadad, the ruler of the half part of Keilah.


  • 这些国家中,即使最小,也进入世界杯较高期望值:如果特里尼达哥那样的国家都入围,我们凭啥不行

    Even the smallest of these nations has high hopes of getting into the World Cup. If countries like Trinidad and Tobago can make it, why not us?


  • 声称,他举行了一次竞赛伦敦亚特兰大特立尼达和多哥的经营最喜爱的。

    He claimed that he had already held a contest in London and Atlanta, but Trinidad was going to be his favorite.


  • 瑞典如果要想取得小组第一,必须取得进球一场平局可以他们牺牲特里尼达和多情况下晋级

    After SOT Sweden will have to score once to stand any chance of topping the group, but know that a draw will also see them progress at the expense of Trinidad &Tobago.


  • 2005年始,测值明显恶化一些国家西以色列约旦老挝、塞舌耳、特立尼达突尼斯美国

    Some of the countries that have a significantly worse rating since 2005 include Brazil, Cuba, Israel, Jordan, Laos, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, and the United States.


  • 2005年始,测值明显恶化一些国家西以色列约旦老挝、塞舌耳、特立尼达突尼斯美国

    Some of the countries that have a significantly worse rating since 2005 include Brazil, Cuba, Israel, Jordan, Laos, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, and the United States.


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