• 坐落巨石壁垒上,俯瞰着湖水

    It stood on massive stone ramparts above the lakes.


  • 看到巨石时候,我看到了大卫

    When I saw a huge piece of marble. In it I saw David.


  • 路线开在葱翠的峡谷中一堆巨石悬空面上,真是让人惊叹。

    The line is amazing, a steep line out the overhanging side of a massive bloc in a green valley.


  • 如果观察一下巨石排列以及这些巨石应用懂得建造原因

    If you can see the alignment and the use of these stones then you will know the reason for the construction.


  • 它们包括纽约家庭的度假,一座围绕巨石住宅一侧攀岩房子

    They include a vacation estate for a New York family, a residence arranged around a giant boulder and a house with a climbing wall up one side.


  • 巨石神秘之处在于,只能南威尔士的普雷西山:脉取材,而那里位于150英里开外

    The mystery of this stone is that they are only found in the Brescelly Mountains in south Wales, nearly 150 miles away.


  • 巨石神秘之处在于,只能南威尔士的普雷西山:脉取材,而那里位于150英里开外

    The mystery of this stone is that they are only found in the Brescelly Mountains in south Wales, nearly 150 miles away.


  • 能够雕刻竖立这些巨石先进文明,却生活这样贫瘠的地方,的确令人难以置信

    It's difficult to believe that an advanced culture, capable of carving and erecting these monoliths, grew up in such a barren landscape.


  • 能够雕刻竖立这些巨石先进文明,却生活这样贫瘠的地方,的确令人难以置信

    It's difficult to believe that an advanced culture, capable of carving and erecting these 4 monoliths, grew up in such a barren landscape.


  • 巨石之王可能石头联系可能参与巨石设计或者帮助巨石的运输

    It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he may have had a hand in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones.


  • 重叠的山势,厚重形体苍松巨石烘托,云烟的变化,使雄浑兼有明丽,静穆中透神奇

    Overlapping mountains, thick body, contrast pines Boulder, changing clouds, making it both in the powerful bright and quiet with magic.


  • 重叠山势厚重形体,苍松巨石烘托,云烟变化使在雄浑中兼有明丽静穆中透着神奇

    The overlapping terrain and massive body, and the supporting giant rocks and ever changing clouds combine to make it look graceful while massive and magic while serene.


  • 的确,今后172年中,这种在太空漫游巨石的去向有各种可能,撞击地球概率为千分之一。

    Of course, a lot can happen to an errant space rock in 172 years, hence the odds of one-in-a-thousand.


  • 假设花费了4个小时来战翻一个Boss,过程中你必须在准确把握攻击时间同时避开火焰巨石攻击。

    Say you spend four hours fighting a boss where you have to perfectly time your attacks while dodging flame and giant rock fists.


  • 此次对于巨石测量将会竖立倒下巨石进行定位,会对位于巨石顶端横向石的位置作出描绘。

    The survey will map the standing and fallen stones of Stonehenge, as well as the top of the horizontal lintels.


  • 英国遗址专家团队使用激光扫描技术高分辨率数字成像技术获取巨石透视图,通过这些透视图片巨石细节部分的展示,专家有望揭示巨石的一些新的特征

    Experts at English Heritage are using laser scanning and high-resolution digital imaging to create a virtual rendering of Stonehenge that will show it in detail and hopefully reveal new features.


  • 其中一张照片里,一个孩子尖叫着,看起来就要下悬崖,父亲拼命拉住孩子;另一张照片里,一对夫妇分别抱着巨石下边,正在亲吻,眼看着就要跟巨石一同坠落了。

    In one, a father pretends to pull his screaming child up to the safety of the rock's edge, while in another a couple share a kiss while appearing to perch precariously over the 'giant drop'.


  • 上一次这些巨石的表面进行的测量工作1993年的时候,使用摄影测量技术- - -通过这种技术可以把好多张照片合并起来- - -其极限分辨率可以达到2厘米

    A survey of these surfaces was last undertaken in 1993 using photogrammetry - a technique that combines overlapping images - to achieve a somewhat limited resolution of 2cm.


  • 海岸线杂乱巨石构成。

    The shoreline was made up of a jumble of huge boulders.


  • 另一个流行观点巨石可能日历

    Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar.


  • 他们吃力地爬过绝壁脚下巨石

    They clambered over the rocks at the foot of the cliff.


  • 如果予以足够警示有可能块有威胁性巨石推开。

    Given enough warning, it should be possible to push a threatening boulder out of the way.


  • 巨石英国索尔兹伯里平原巨石纪念碑,位于伦敦西南85英里处

    Stonehenge is a megalithic monument on the Salisbury Plain in England, about 85 miles southwest of London.


  • 一旦开始巨石滚动巨石就会产生动量质量速度决定的。

    Once you have started the boulder rolling, it develops momentum, which is defined by its mass and velocity.


  • 巨石一个巨石不仅英国著名历史遗迹也是英国最大谜团之一

    Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britain's most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries.


  • 一些考古遗址一直很容易被观察到——例如希腊雅典帕特农神庙埃及吉萨金字塔以及英格兰南部巨石

    Some archaeological sites have always been easily observablefor example, the Parthenon in Athens, Greece; the pyramids of Giza in Egypt; and the megaliths of Stonehenge in southern England.


  • 欢迎各位游客,欢迎大家跟随安德森旅行社游览巴斯巨石

    Welcome aboard. Welcome to Anderson Tour to Stonehenge in Bath.


  • 一台巨大扫雪机一样冲下陡峭山坡走了树木巨石成吨表土沿途六个村庄彻底摧毁

    As it crashed down the steep mountainside like a gigantic snowplough, it swept up trees, boulders and tons of topsoil, and completely crushed and destroyed the six villages that lay in its path.


  • 一台巨大扫雪机一样冲下陡峭山坡走了树木巨石成吨表土沿途六个村庄彻底摧毁

    As it crashed down the steep mountainside like a gigantic snowplough, it swept up trees, boulders and tons of topsoil, and completely crushed and destroyed the six villages that lay in its path.


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