• 北美洲生活着各种各样兽,猛犸象乳齿象是长着巨大象牙的象状动物还有骆驼巨大名单待续。

    North America was populated by a wide variety of great beasts, like mammoth and mastodons, both elephant-like creatures with big tusks, and camels, giant sloths, the list goes on.


  • 月球上相同,那些巨大陨石坑范围例如,那些巨大形成尚未被尘埃满的陨石坑标志火星表面年龄

    As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering (i.e. craters too big to have been filled in by erosion since they were formed) serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface.


  • 如果大腿骨旋转不够充分巨大压施加半月板上——胫骨大腿骨就好像一把巨大钳子

    If the thighbone doesn't rotate enough, you'll apply huge pinching pressure to the meniscusas if your shinbone and thighbone were a giant pair of pliers.


  • 然而板块构造不能完全解释某些巨大地表特征例如非洲南部的“superswell”,即一个直径超过1000英里、高度接近1英里巨大高原

    However, plate tectonics cannot fully explain certain massive surface features, such as the "superswell" of southern Africa, a vast plateau over 1,000 miles across and nearly a mile high.


  • 我们回到锡尼时,比较看看两者间巨大差异,也就可以明白希腊巨大进步了。

    Let's jump back to Mycenae and compare the huge differences between the two to understand the great progress of Greece.


  • 计划巨大转变以及主题巨大转变,其原因值得探讨

    The reasons for this really enormous shift in plans, and the enormous shift in subject matter, are worth exploring.


  • 巨大闪电一个巨大闪光灯我们周围闪过。

    The gigantic strikes flash around us like a giant strobe.


  • 迎接这些巨大挑战要求美国人付出巨大的努力

    Meeting these extraordinary challenges will require an extraordinary effort on the part of every American.


  • 黑色天宇笼罩着这些死气沉沉的街巷,有如巨大覆盖巨大的坟墓上。

    A black sky rested on these dead streets, as though an immense winding-sheet were being outspread over this immense tomb.


  • 炸弹威力如此巨大以至于几乎所有活着的东西——人和动物——都冲击波产生巨大热量压力毫不夸张地烤焦致死

    The impact of the bomb was so terrific that practically all living things-human and animal-were literally seared to death by the tremendous heat and pressure set up by the blast.


  • 男孩地带斯蒂芬爱尔兰生活一部分而且不止过去15年里他们十分成功所以是个巨大巨大的悲剧

    Boyzone and Stephen, they've all been part of Irish life and far wider than that, the last 15 years, and so successful, so it's a huge, huge tragedy.


  • 贯穿这部电影始终就是一大群历经大战巨大机器人来到地球,一路在各地造成巨大的破坏

    Giant robots from space battle it out over the course of this movie and its sequel, causing quite a bit of damage along the way.


  • 项举措瑞典带来巨大利益引起了关于版权巨大争议

    The two events generated a great deal of interest and deeply divided debate about copyright in Sweden.


  • 如果他们这么世界带来巨大灾难,造成生命巨大损失,使世界和平稳定遭受重大打击

    Were they to do so, it would be a catastrophe for the world -- causing extraordinary loss of life, and striking a major blow to global peace and stability.


  • 两个比赛场地则设有巨大喷雾遮那里有巨大风扇马匹使马匹比赛后凉快下来

    Both venues also have large so-called misting tents, where huge fans blow icy sprinkles of water on the horses, allowing them to cool down after a race.


  • 所以巨大市场潜力巨大商机,个人真正得到需要文件

    So huge market opportunity and huge opportunity also for individuals to truly get the documents they need.


  • 巨大预算巨大舞台意味着奥运会永远不会单纯运动会

    The games' huge budget and massive publicity power mean it can never be a simple sporting event.


  • 该图显示出来巨大反差使我们警醒地意识到人们贪婪海洋生态系统造成了巨大的破坏。

    The tremendous contrast presented by the drawing alarmingly reminds us of the detrimental deterioration of oceanic ecosystem by the greediness of mankind.


  • AIG经营者巨大信用互换业务因此此次房屋次危机中面对巨大风险

    AIG had a vast business in credit default swaps and therefore a huge exposure to a residential mortgage crisis.


  • 最近计算机模式推测,这种合并事件非常火爆它们释放出巨大光芒两个黑洞之间气体严重压缩,然后冲向更多巨大黑洞。

    Recent computer modeling speculates the event would be violent, unleashing tremendous light as gas is trapped between the two black holes and then rushes toward the more massive one.


  • 他们认为,爆炸产生巨大能量“浪要么来自星系黑洞抛出星云碎片,要么来自濒临死亡超新星产生巨大风暴。

    Theybelieve the huge surge of energy was caused by either the outflow ofdebris from the galaxy's black hole or from powerful winds generated bydying stars called supernovae.


  • 研究现在认为太阳系外围巨大碰撞可能击倒遥远冷冻卫星导致月球表面巨大裂缝

    Colossal impacts in the outer reaches of the solar system may have bowled over remote, frozen moons, leading to vast cracks across their surfaces, research now suggests.


  • 但是,在众多公众事件以及德黑兰当下纷杂流言背后场隐藏的巨大纷争可能这个国家未来产生巨大的影响。

    But a Titanic struggle behind the scenes, obscured by public events and often blurred by Tehran's whirring rumour mill, may be just as crucial to the country's future.


  • 坡坠落熔岩形成巨大分散式沉积物表明熔岩穹丘最近发生了崩塌形成巨大的岩屑崩落现象

    The hot trail of material descending to the south forms a large distributed deposit, indicating a recent collapse of the lava dome and formation of a large debris avalanche.


  • 基于复杂模型回报毋容置疑是被扭曲了:巨大额外收入多于巨大损失

    And returns based on the deluxe model had a positive skew: large windfalls were more likely than big losses.


  • 印度预算赤字巨大,而巴西公司则出现巨大的外汇风险

    India has a big budget deficit and many Brazilian firms have a large foreign-currency exposure.


  • 印度预算赤字巨大,而巴西公司则出现巨大的外汇风险

    India has a big budget deficit and many Brazilian firms have a large foreign-currency exposure.


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