• 工程连接中欧盛产天然气的里海地区经过土尔巴尔干半岛。

    This would connect the gas-rich Caspian region with central Europe, via Turkey and the Balkans.


  • 这种规定涵盖用于PVCCPVC系统特殊工程连接附属部件

    This specification covers special engineered fittings or appurtenances for use in PVC or CPVC systems.


  • 】:代码列出主要函数完整代码参见后面给出工程连接

    Note: the code is only listed in the main function, complete code is given in the back of the project connection.


  • 所用空调系统也是于那时建成的,将它们深水冷却工程连接起来节省了7.5兆瓦特电力

    So was their air conditioning. Connecting them to the deep-water cooling project saves 7.5 megawatts of electricity.


  • 有史以来最为复杂工程项目创造了巨大相互连接模块,其小时27000公里的速度地球运行。

    The most complex engineering project ever attempted has created an enormous set of interlinked modules that orbits the planet at more than 27,000 kilometres per hour.


  • 国拥有世界上最庞大的高速铁路工程,铁路总长3.79万公里,连接了中国所有主要的大城市。

    With 37,900 kilometers of lines linking all of its major big cities, China has the world's largest work of high-speed railways.


  • 公司为此计划建立一个系统工程步骤其中包括其他现存陆军系统相连接

    The company will establish a systems engineering approach for the program that includes linking the towers to other existing Army systems.


  • 即使他们选择方向工程这一工具也使得选择正确连接变得十分容易

    Even if they choose not to do that, the tool makes it very easy to choose a correct connector.


  • 逆向工程提供连接数据库功能可以译成可视化模型源代码

    Reverse engineering provides the ability to connect to databases and source code, which you can then render into visual models.


  • 同时大量新兴的交通工程,例如穆迪高桂林通过长青线温哥华连接起来项(预期2015年完工),市场带来了很大推动力。

    Additionally, new mass transit projects, like the one that will link Port Moody and Coquitlam to Vancouver via the Evergreen Line (expected to be complete by 2015), are giving the market a boost.


  • 所有版本工程所支持工具处理过程都是授权变更跟踪变更、构建变更、并且最终变更交付给内部或者外部用户连接的。

    All of the tools and processes supported by release engineering are geared to enabling the change, tracking it, building it, and ultimately delivering it to customers whether internal or external.


  • 为了得到用于组织工程单个细胞研究者们首先必须将组织分离打散,即用酶消化原本组织中连接细胞的细胞基质。

    To obtain single cells for tissue engineering, researchers have to first break tissue apart, using enzymes that digest the extracellular material that normally holds cells together.


  • 第二工程方案是把南部城市尼姆蒙彼利埃用高铁连接起来。

    A second scheme will connect the southern cities of Nîmes and Montpellier.


  • 起用软管连接建筑物内的固定移动部分3sixty公司独特卫生管道工程系统使用钢材制成水平环形

    Rather than using rubber hoses to connect the stationary and moving parts of the building, 3sixty's ingenious plumbing system employs horizontal ring-shaped pipes made of steel.


  • 经过数十年争论终于达成协议,建设连接东西快速地铁伦敦横贯铁路,Crossrail),但是项目动工时间不会早于2017年,而且工程成本也在不断增加。

    After decades of wrangling, there is agreement at last on a fast underground Crossrail linking suburbs west and east, but this will not be open until 2017 at the earliest and the cost has spiralled.


  • 产生代码的时候,使用一个WebSphereInformation Integrator连接——和反向工程初始模型一样

    When generating code, you'll use a connection to WebSphere Information Integratorthe same as used to reverse engineer initial models.


  • 有趣的几乎没有任何其他工程媒介能够一个模型相应的工程工具提供如此紧密连接

    It is interesting to note that few, if any, other engineering media can provide such a tight coupling between a model and its corresponding engineering artifact.


  • 这位资深工程所知道就是音响部件之间连接,两段铜线一些绝缘介质之间的接收器、混音器放大器扬声器

    What the senior engineer knew was the connection between two sound components — such as receiver, mixer, amplifier, and speakers — went beyond two copper wires and some insulation.


  • 建立连接验证角色分析阶段确定或者可能是反向工程实际系统参与者之间关系有用的。

    This is useful to make a linkage and validate the relations between the Personas and the actual system actors that are determined (or possibly reverse-engineered) during the analysis phase.


  • 能够运行EAB组件之前,您必须将它们导入测试服务器上运行的工程,而测试服务器配置支持所需连接工厂

    Before you can run the EAB components, you must import them into projects that run on a test server configured to support the required connection managed factory.


  • 如果一个机翼脱落了,工程首先查看机翼连接位置物理系统上,错误功能临近度通常很高

    If a wing falls off an airplane, the forensic engineers will look first at where the wing attaches to the airplane: in physical systems, proximity of error to function is frequently high.


  • 生成ant脚本时,您就办法确定资源适配器位置了,因为连接工程没有提供信息

    When you generate the Ant script, you have no way of figuring out the location of the resource adapter, because the connector project does not provide such information.


  • 渤海海峡跨海通道大连-烟台隧道工程提出一个海底隧道建设,以连接大连辽东半岛烟台的山东半岛。

    The Bohai Strait tunnel or Dalian-Yantai tunnel project proposes the construction of an underwater tunnel to connect Dalian on the Liaodong Peninsula to Yantai on the Shandong Peninsula.


  • 第三计划Nabucco工程一项连接里海伊拉克气田,从土耳其输送欧洲的覆盖面极大的工程

    The third plan is Nabucco, an ambitious pipeline to connect Caspian and Iraqi gasfields to Europe via Turkey.


  • 但是没有阻止Lichtman博士这样梦想着绘制出人类基因组工程草图成功所激发的人类连接工程草图。

    But that does not stop people like Dr Lichtman dreaming of a Human Connectome Project inspired by the success of the Human Genome Project.


  • 对于希望使用Portlet连接后端的企业来说,管理员系统工程可以通过配置文件轻松地删除其他适配器

    For companies that only want to use the portlet to connect to a single backend, administrators or system engineers can easily remove the other adapters through the configuration files.


  • 与此同时美国宾夕法尼亚州许多承担公用工程设施建设的公司表示他们在跟进天然气连接管道建设的进度遇到了麻烦。

    Meanwhile, back in Pennsylvania, some utilities say they're having trouble keeping up with demand for new gas hookups.


  • 2003年,新的小组工程师们出了一个可以连接电视的Linux电脑耗资三百美元,花了两个小时下载电影

    In 2003, a new group of engineers built a small, TV-connected Linux PC that could pull in movies. It cost $300 and took two hours to download a film.


  • 2003年,新的小组工程师们出了一个可以连接电视的Linux电脑耗资三百美元,花了两个小时下载电影

    In 2003, a new group of engineers built a small, TV-connected Linux PC that could pull in movies. It cost $300 and took two hours to download a film.


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