• 人类文明进程可以分为四个时代工具时代农业时代工业时代知识时代

    There are four stages in the process of human civilization progress, which are the tool age, the agriculture age, the industry age and the knowledge age.


  • 这些物品必须覆盖整个世界烹饪一艘金色帆船,从石器时代工具到一张信用卡。

    The objects had to cover the whole world, from a cooking pot to a golden galleon, from a tool in the Stone Age to a credit card.


  • 这个信息时代我们应该熟练使用互联网这个搜索工具

    In this age of information, we should be experienced in using the Internet as a search tool.


  • 1996年对中部进行了全面重建主要是为了了解青铜时代复制工具如何工作的。

    A full-scale reconstruction of a mid-section had been made in 1996, primarily to see how Bronze-Age replica tools performed.


  • 我们这里在新石器时代石器开始青铜其他金属制工具取代之前的那个时代

    We are talking about the Neolithic period here, which was the time before stone tools began to be replaced by tools made of bronze and other metals.


  • 作为已灭绝物种人类种族,尼安德特旧石器时代中期的工具有关

    An extinct species or race of human beings, Homo neanderthalensis, associated with Middle Paleolithic tools.


  • 我们时代最佳工具最终击败了法老时代以来一直我们在一起敌人

    The best tools of our age finally defeated this enemy who has been with us from pharaonic times.


  • 希望使用互联网工具课堂带入数字化时代

    He hopes to use Web tools to bring classrooms into the digital age.


  • 鉴于它的所有缺点是个大胆构想能够例行进出轨道运载工具取代一次性火箭开启太空时代

    For all its flaws, it was a bold idea: to replace the throw-away rockets that began the space age with a truck that could go in and out of orbit routinely.


  • 所以如果人体试验证实这些结果外科修复师工具就会增添一个有用的额外工具,且生控体系统时代来临就又接近了一点点

    So, if human trials confirm these results, the surgical-repairer's toolkit will have acquired a useful additional instrument-and the age of the cyborg will be just that little bit nearer.


  • 其中最主要工具是完全的镜像核糖体——这个任务可不轻松,因为核糖体分子蛋白RNA的集合体,其形成的时间甚至可以上溯到露卡时代之前

    Chief among them will be a full-on mirror ribosome-no easy task, since the ribosome is a mountain of a molecule, protein and RNA, dating from a time before LUCA.


  • 尽管户口制度作为控制工具已经无法适应时代需要一点已经清晰,“户口重新统一”带来冲击却很难被看清楚

    Although it is clear that the hukou system as a tool of social control is obsolete, the impact of “hukou re-unification” is much more difficult to discern.


  • 研究流动前驱(及其他领域),时代计算工具的复杂性还不足以支持他的理论想法

    He was a pioneer of the study of moving fluids (among many other things), but his ideas outran the computational tools of his day.


  • 这种手持石斧以及Kokiselei其它阿舍利文化的古器物也许早在他们的时代之前便用作工具了。

    The hand ax and other Acheulian artifacts at Kokiselei may have been tools before their time.


  • Ruby解释器包含一个命令调试器,但是这个图形工具时代使用命令行调试器?

    The Ruby interpreter includes a command-line debugger, but who wants to use a command-line debugger in this age of graphical tools?


  • 马克尔说道:“使用伟大工具会带来巨大责任”,“骚扰死者,这在跨越很多社会制度,很多时代为了某些有益理由,都忌讳的。”

    "With great tools come great responsibilities," says Markel. "Disturbing the dead is taboo across many societies, many time periods, and for good reason."


  • 组织是否拥有任何自动部署而生成BPEL运行业务流程建模工具

    Whether the organization has any business process modeling tool which automatically generates BPEL run time code for deployment?


  • 金融市场上那些掌握产生自由化时代复杂金融工具(衍生产品)的同样也能够大捞一笔。

    In financial markets, those who mastered the sophisticated instruments (such as derivatives) that emerged in the era of liberalisation were also able to cash in.


  • 故事发生汽车时代之前那时人们马做交通工具

    It takes place in the days before automobiles when everyone used horses.


  • 其中一项便是象征工农锤子镰刀造型转变成了太空时代宣传工具上图所示。

    One of these was the evolution of the hammer and sickle symbol from its agrarian roots into a space-age propaganda object, as seen above.


  • 分析这个分析所带来影响之前我们看看那些在工具时代或许终会成为领航者服务

    Before I analyze the effects of this trend, let's first take a look at the services that may ultimately become flag bearers of the Sidebar era.


  • 美国《时代》杂志近日评出年度50大发明,榜单被分为“科技产品”、“交通工具”、“健康医药用品”、“生物工程”、“绿色能源10个类别

    Time Magazine has released a list of this year's top 50 inventions. The breakthroughs fall into 10 categories, such as technology, transportation, health and medicine, bioengineering and green energy.


  • 很快我们行驶破烂不堪郊外柴油烟柱火车头吹来。坦赞尼亚尚未开发心脏地带,阳光我们乘坐的工业时代交通工具遮蔽

    Soon we were chugging through the city's ragged outskirts, pillars of diesel smoke barreling from the engine, the sun blotted out by our industrial-age progress into the raw heart of Tanzania.


  • 以前书里写过不少先进的、时代交通工具,你觉得自己享受哪种交通工具呢,那些最新最伟大还是那些摇摇晃晃地老古董?

    You’ve written quite a bit about advanced transportation and cutting-edge transportation. Do you enjoy more of the latest and greatest or are you more a connoisseur of the rickety and the old?


  • 以前书里写过不少先进的、时代交通工具,你觉得自己享受哪种交通工具呢,那些最新最伟大还是那些摇摇晃晃地老古董?

    You’ve written quite a bit about advanced transportation and cutting-edge transportation. Do you enjoy more of the latest and greatest or are you more a connoisseur of the rickety and the old?


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