• 应用软件重用的交叉嵌入式平台只是因为一个嵌入式系统不同的应用软件。

    The application software is unlikely to be reusable across embedded platforms, simply because each embedded system has a different application.


  • 嵌入式软件构建产品数量正在快速地增长并且嵌入式软件功能性能逐渐丰富起来满足不断增长的复杂需求

    The number of products built around embedded software is rapidly growing, and the embedded software's functional capabilities grow increasingly richer and satisfy increasingly complex needs.


  • 摩托罗拉的ECC业务部爱默生网络能源部的嵌入式计算嵌入式能源业务带来补充技术

    Motorola's ECC business brings complementary technology with Emerson Network power's embedded computing and embedded power businesses.


  • 字段名的更改破坏嵌入式SQL语句URL更改则会破坏嵌入式Ajax调用

    A table- or field-name change would break an embedded SQL statement, and a URL change would break an embedded Ajax call.


  • 基于Linux嵌入式系统通常采用一个规模更小的内核应用程序堆栈提供嵌入式设置适合限制的环境

    Linux-based embedded systems typically employ a smaller footprint kernel and application stack that is better for the constrained environment than an embedded setting provided.


  • 嵌入式系统另一个名字这个术语常常软件开发期间使用,用来区别与嵌入式系统通讯主机

    Another name for the embedded system. This term is usually used during software development, to distinguish the embedded system from the host with which it communicates.


  • 嵌入式系统嵌入到各种产品工程应用中的处理器或微控制器为核心软硬件系统。

    Embedded system is the hardware and software system, which has been embedded in the application of product and engineering, and is cored with MCU.


  • 应用软件重用的交叉嵌入式平台只只因为一个嵌入式系统不同的应用软件。

    The application software is unlikely to be reusable across embedded platforms, simply because each embedded system has a different application.


  • 嵌入式系统中,硬件抽象作为嵌入式操作系统硬件之间软件层次嵌入式应用的关键问题

    As a software layer between embedded operation system and hardware in embedded system, HAL (hardware Abstraction layer) is a key problem of embedded application.


  • 有人我们现在已经处于后PC时代门口,未来嵌入系统的世界嵌入式智能设备将会无所不在并且对比PC来说,嵌入系统的产业将会是一个市场

    They say we are in the gate of Post-PC times, it will be a embedded world, and there will be embedded smart device everywhere, and the embedded industry will build a far large market compare to PC's.


  • 本文根据嵌入式网络技术最新研究开发探讨嵌入式设备网络连接结构体系协议层次

    With the latest research and development in embeded-net technology, here discussed the architecture of embeded device net connection and protocol hierarchy.


  • 嵌入式软件开发平台作为一类重要复杂系统软件,其技术含量高价格昂贵现代嵌入式系统开发必备工具环境

    As a kind of important and complicated system software, embedded software development environment is a high-tech, expensive and necessary tool of the modern embedded system.


  • 已经配置嵌入式控制系统软件硬件环境基础上,建立了在嵌入式编程过程中需要使用的交叉开发环境。

    Basing on the condition of hardware and software of embedded control system, the cross-development circulation that is necessary when the programs of embedded system are compiled is built up.


  • 嵌入式系统GUI软件开发研究基础上,提出了一种基于嵌入式系统RTOS上GUI的软件框架

    After studying on GUI software research and development of embedded system, a GUI software framework is proposed based on RTOS of embedded system.


  • 一个嵌入软核,非常有利于构建自己的专用嵌入式系统

    As a softcore, Nios II is beneficial to build own special purpose embedded systems.


  • 其次通用嵌入式CPU进行深入的研究,设计了适合应用嵌入式CPUMPEG-4编、解码和传输的电路

    Then, the deep research into general embedding CPU is conducted, and embedding CPU and MPEG-4 Encoding and transmitting circuitry fit for 4-route application is designed subsequently.


  • 文章首先介绍嵌入式系统基本特点然后分析RTOS嵌入式系统开发中的作用,以及系统设计人员如何嵌入式系统选择合适的RTOS。

    First, It introduces the feature of embedded system, then analysis the importance of RTOS in developing embedded system and how to select a proper RTOS.


  • 基于应用前景嵌入式技术研究现状,论文研究了嵌入式开发技术,尤其是嵌入式软件技术研究了它移动电话软件开发中的应用

    Based on foreground of use and requirements of development, this paper will make a thoroughly research of Embedded techniques and software development of Mobile Terminal based on Embedded techniques.


  • 简要介绍PECOS技术及其特点之后,结合嵌入式视频监控系统基本需求,定义了嵌入式视频监控系统主要组件

    After discussing the characteristics of PECOS and the basic requirements for Embedded Video monitoring system, this paper proposes a new idea of componentization design for remote monitoring system.


  • 文章嵌入式手持终端设计为主线,详细讨论了嵌入式手持终端的硬件系统设计软件系统设计。

    This paper focus on the system design of the embedded handhold , addresses the hardware design and software design in detail.


  • 嵌入式设备软硬件开发环境方面,介绍嵌入式设备的操作系统处理器以及系统的开发平台应用平台。

    On the aspect of software and hardware environment, operation system and CPU of embedded device, develop and application platform of system were introduced.


  • 嵌入式GUI就是嵌入式系统特定的软硬件设备环境而设计图形用户界面系统。

    Embedded GUI is a graphic user interface system designed for specific software and hardware equipment or environment in the embedded system.


  • 详述了此嵌入式系统硬件软件设计思路介绍了嵌入式系统实现远程软件升级工作原理

    The design theory for embedded system hardware and software is expatiated, and the working principle for embedded system remote software upgraded is introduced.


  • 嵌入式软件嵌入式系统灵魂嵌入式操作系统又是嵌入式软件的核心

    The embedded software is the soul of embedded system, and the embedded OS is the kernel of the embedded software.


  • 介绍嵌入式计算机自动测试系统概念特点应用提出基于嵌入式计算机ATS模型,并叙述结构组成。

    The concept, the characteristic and the application of both ATS and Embed-System were introduced. An ATS model based on Embed-System and its structure were put forward.


  • 本文分析嵌入式远程实时监控系统实际需求之后,提出了基于嵌入式数据库应用系统架构方案

    After analysing the real requirement of embedded remote real-time supervisory system, the application system architecture based on embedded database was put forward in the paper.


  • 该文简单概要嵌入式系统嵌入式浏览器介绍了嵌入式浏览器相关技术详细地描述实现细节主要模型

    The simple outline of the embedded systems and embedded browser, introduced the embedded browser technology, and a detailed description of the realization of the details of the model and major.


  • 介绍嵌入式系统特点及其水电站中的应用,对嵌入式水电站系统和传统典型水电站系统进行了比较

    The article introduces the characteristics of the embedded system and the application status, and compares the embedded hydropower station system with the traditional hydropower station system.


  • 设计嵌入式仿真平台可以大大缩短开发嵌入式软硬件周期使得调试操作系统代码更加方便

    Designing embedded simulation platform can shorten embedded software and hardware development cycle greatly and make debugging codes of operating system level more conveniently.


  • 研究嵌入式系统可视化开发环境嵌入式开发技术的重要组成部分。

    Research of visual development environment for embedded systems is an important component of embedded development technology.


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