• 研究电力市场环境下输电服务考虑可靠性因素嵌入成本合理分摊问题

    This paper mainly concerns on the reasonable distribution of embedded cost considering reliability in transmission services under power market.


  • 第二需求相关的影响源自保险,(即使自负)像楔子一样嵌入服务成本价格之间事实,因此,导致需求增加。

    A second demand-related costeffect will result from the fact that insurance,(even with deductibles andcopayments, drives a wedge between the cost of a service and its price, and soincreases demand.


  • 顶层工具可能提供嵌入软件规模向导援助软件的规模,它是影响到开发成本工作量进度重要因素

    Top-shelf tools may provide embedded software sizing "wizards" to assist in software sizing, the single most significant driver of development cost, effort, and schedule.


  • 答题卡设置嵌入试卷中,无须特殊纸张单独印刷只须普通打印纸复印纸即可,有效地降低成本

    Sheet can be set into the test without special paper and printing alone, just ordinary printing paper or copy paper, effectively reduce the cost.


  • 中型嵌入系统主要16位32微控制器微处理器它们有助于减少尺寸成本和系统功耗

    Medium scale embedded systems are supported by 16 and 32 bit microcontroller or microprocessor and they help to reduce size, cost and power consumption of the systems.


  • 嵌件能够很高重复精度嵌入零件,后期正式生产阶段显著降低装配成本

    Inserts can be moulded in with a high degree of accuracy and repeatability, and can dramatically reduce assembly costs at later production stages.


  • 病人端心电监护仪实现采用嵌入系统技术具有成本体积小、重量轻、功耗低、稳定性高等特点。

    By using embedded system technology, the client has the features of low cost, small volume, light weight, low power, high stability and so on.


  • 由于因素造成结果:图形显示设备成本适合用于嵌入系统图形用户界面软件的缺乏

    This has been the result of two main factors: the cost of graphical display hardware and the lack of GUI software suitable for use embedded systems.


  • 及时调度机制克服了经典实时调度算法不足可以降低嵌入分布式实时系统构建成本

    Timely scheduling mechanism overcomes the drawbacks of traditional scheduling algorithms in many real-time systems, so it can reduce the cost of constructing the Embedded Distributed real-time system.


  • 为了提高用户数据接收站处理能力尽可能降低成本研制基于嵌入技术卫星数据接收系统成为当务之急

    It was urgent to develop the satellite data receiving system based on embedded technology in order to improve the capability of the user data receiving station and reduce the cost.


  • 性能卓越的嵌入处理器构建的指纹识别系统不仅降低了系统成本而且大大提高了系统性能

    Embedded processor with high ability is introduced into the AFIS, it not only reduces the price, but also improves the performance of the system.


  • 这种新型数控真正嵌入系统,大大降低了数控系统体积成本

    The new kind of CNC is a real embedded compact system which reduces the size and cost of the CNC system significantly.


  • 此基础上,提出两种新的家庭信息网络蓝牙解决方案,并对方案中核心部分的研制进行了初步探索,提出一种成本嵌入设计方法

    So two new Bluetooth solutions for the networks are suggested, in which the main part is studied and the low cost embedded system design method is proposed.


  • 应用SOPC技术嵌入软件,能够以成本制作实用以太网电话机

    With the SOPC technology and embedded software a low cost production of the Ethernet telephone set for practical use has been made.


  • 与此对应编程方法研究关系嵌入系统开发进度嵌入式系统的开发成本

    Corresponding research on programming technology matters in the schedule and cost of embedded system's development.


  • 嵌入系统满足特定要求专用计算机系统,一般功能可靠性成本体积功耗严格要求

    The embedded system is a special-purpose computer system which meets the particular requirement and has strict requirements for the function, dependability, cost, volume and consumption.


  • 我们所研究这个嵌入系统具有成本高效率特点

    Our embedded system has the characters of low cost and high efficiency.


  • 嵌入系统看似不是计算机的计算机,成本高效率完成一组任务

    Embedded system is a kind of seemingly not computer computer, it can low cost, high efficiency accomplish a set of tasks.


  • 大多例子中采用嵌入方法结构加工容易模具校直重要的因素降低模具成本影响方法选择。

    In the majority of cases the insert-bolster method of construction is used, the ease of manufacture, mould alignment, and resulting lower mould costs being the overriding factors affecting the choice.


  • 嵌入系统具有体积成本功耗小、维护容易等优点非常适合铁路道口检测记录装置开发

    Embedded system is suitable to develop railway information extraction and record device for it has many merits like small size, low cost, low consumption and convenience to main.


  • 采用嵌入GUI进行人机界面设计后能够提高设备开发效率、节省维护成本丰富人机交互信息

    The HMI design with embedded GUI increases development efficiency, lowers maintenance cost and enriches HMI information.


  • 根据水印二进制中0”、“1个数差异选择对应着色策略提高水印嵌入效率降低程序运行成本

    According to the different Numbers between the watermarking binary "0" and "1", the corresponding coloring strategy is selected, which can improve the embedding efficiency and lower the running cost.


  • 验证结果表明方法升级速度快、安全系数大可靠性高可以有效地降低嵌入式无线信息终端软件更新维护成本

    The result shows the method is rapid, safe and reliable, and the cost of software renewal and maintenance can be effectively reduced.


  • 相比于普通RFID中间件嵌入RFID中间件具有很多优良性能成本适应性强直接部署阅读器等,因而应用空间更加广阔

    Embedded RFID middleware has more excellent properties then normal RFID middleware, such as low cost, adaptability, can be directly deployed to the readers. It can be utilized more widely.


  • 大量测试实际使用证明这种新型嵌入停车场管理系统工作稳定性上有大幅提高的同时使得停车场的成本有所下降。

    By a great number of tests and practicalities, it is certificated that this new parking management system is stable and the cost is decreased.


  • 而STM32CC2520高性能成本功耗广泛应用无线传感器网络嵌入式系统。

    STM32 and CC2520 for its high-performance, low-cost, low power consumption are widely used in wireless sensor networks.


  • 通过这种嵌入CMOS工艺技术可以实现具备最小体积、最低成本的MEMS器件。

    MEMS devices with minimum volume and cost were realized by the embedded CMOS process.


  • 针对目前应用日趋广泛简单小型无人机系统本文提出了基于ARM嵌入处理器的控制体系结构,此系统简化配置的成本通用系统。

    For the widely-used simple UAV system, an embedded Flight-Control system based on ARM processor is presented in this paper. Minimum sensors are hired for the demand of low-cost and universal purpose.


  • 针对目前应用日趋广泛简单小型无人机系统本文提出了基于ARM嵌入处理器的控制体系结构,此系统简化配置的成本通用系统。

    For the widely-used simple UAV system, an embedded Flight-Control system based on ARM processor is presented in this paper. Minimum sensors are hired for the demand of low-cost and universal purpose.


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