• 提出应用VB实现嵌入式资源快速生成技术

    The paper presents the technology of using VB to fast create the embedded resources.


  • 如果这些都很正确,请确认映射文件编译类型是嵌入式资源

    If those are correct, verify that you set the file's Build Action property to Embedded Resource.


  • 返回嵌入式资源(位于设计使用程序集中)的URL引用

    Returns a URL reference to an embedded resource in an assembly that is used at design time.


  • 怎么访问嵌入式资源一个dll(测试)。净dll吗?

    How can I access an embedded resource in a. Net DLL from another (test). Net DLL?


  • 为了简单我们展示其中一个方法:通过XML文件映射,映射文件需要编译成程序嵌入式资源

    To keep things simple, we are going to show one way of mapping in this article: we will map to XML files that are compiled as resources of an assembly.


  • 下面代码示例演示如何嵌入式资源提取图标将其转换以便在图像每个单元格显示

    The following code example demonstrates how to extract an icon from an embedded resource and convert it to a bitmap for display in every cell of an image column.


  • 最关键一点文件的 BuildAction属性设置 EmbeddenResource嵌入式资源)。

    What's important is that the BuildAction property of the file be set to Embedded Resource.


  • 支持存储仿真媒体资源例如纹理地图位图网格文件直接被CLR编译为窗体嵌入式资源不是做为外部的文件。

    Support for storing simulation media resources such as texture maps, bitmaps, and mesh files directly as part of the CLR assemblies in the form of embedded resources rather than as external files.


  • 得益于轻量化设计较少的资源需求它们非常适合于作为嵌入式组件使用。

    Due to their lightweight design and modest resource requirements, they are also well suited for the embedded space.


  • 资源适配器提供具有本地事务支持嵌入式IBMCloudscape数据库访问

    The resource adaptor provides access to an embedded IBM Cloudscape database with local transaction support.


  • 资源适配器提供具有XA事务支持嵌入式IBMCloudscape数据库访问

    The resource adaptor provides access to an embedded IBM Cloudscape database with XA transaction support.


  • 用户发布资源链接,[]允许网站显示嵌入式内容(比如照片视频),无需直接解析资源

    [it] allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly.


  • 嵌入式目标通常资源受限的,分配资源调试目标程序可以变得十分困难

    Embedded targets are often resource-constrained, and it can be difficult to allocate resources to debug the application on the target.


  • 对于 TestConductorAddOn可以测试嵌入式目标运行程序而不用使用黑箱测试连接目标以测试资源限制型的目标

    With the TestConductor Add On, you can test applications that run on an embedded target without using black box tests to connect to the target to test resource-constrained targets.


  • SOAPoverJMS协议支持仅限于嵌入式(SIBus) JMS提供程序所拥有JMS资源使用是由于开发工具自动地生成这些资源

    The SOAP over JMS protocol support is limited to the use of JMS resources owned by the embedded (SIBus) JMS provider due to the automatic generation of these resources by the development tools.


  • 本文讨论嵌入式系统安全设计面临挑战以及受到攻击方式,探讨了如何弥合安全处理的资源缺陷和抵抗攻击的方法。

    This paper first discusses the challenges and attacks in the design of embedded system security, and then studies approaches to bridging the security processing gap and resisting security attacks.


  • 资源有限嵌入式系统环境中,如何通过软件技术提高音频系统性能当前一个研究热点。

    Currently, how to improve the performance of audio in embedded systems whose resources are limited by applying software techniques is a hot research topic.


  • 同时设计论述嵌入式窗口系统的设计原理分析了三项关键的设计技术消息驱动机制屏幕管理技术资源管理技术。

    It also presents the design principle for embedded window system and three key technology which are message driving, screen managing and resource managing.


  • 如何有效地利用FPGA的片存储资源实现高速嵌入式处理器成为需要研究问题

    How to efficiently use memory resources in FPGA to design high speed embedded processors has become a problem which should be researched.


  • 嵌入式软件设计过程中,如何有限硬件资源条件下提高软件运算精度影响软件性能的一个重要问题

    In the designing process of embedded software, it is an important problem that how to improve the operation precision with limited hardware resources.


  • 嵌入式数字电视终端系统软件设计中,由于终端硬件资源有限实时性要求,造成其软件设计具有较高的复杂度。

    Software design in embedded system software for digital television receiver is very complex for the limitation of hardware resource and requirement of realtime processing.


  • 由于嵌入式系统硬件资源有限性,本论文解释方式为主全面分析研究了数控系统译码模块实现绝大部分功能

    Mainly using interpretive mode, it rounded analysis and research majority function which need realized in decoding module, owing to finiteness of hardware resource in embedded system.


  • 硬件结构高性能8嵌入式处理器C8051F040 为核心,充分利用丰富资源扩展系统的输入输出功能

    The hardware is based on the high efficient 8 bit embedded microprocessor C8051F040, its input and output function is extended with its plenty of source on chip.


  • 嵌入式应用系统开发离不开调试环境支持,为了能够充分利用开发板上的有限资源一个完整高效开发平台必不可少的。

    The development of the embedded application system must be based on an efficient platform, in order to use the resource of the hardware sufficiently.


  • 嵌入式系统资源有限的,内核添加了LCD驱动触摸屏驱动后,将开发过程不必要的模块进行了裁剪使内核达到最小化的需求。

    Embedded system resources are limited, after adding LCD driver and touch screen driver to the kernel, cut some modules which is unnecessary during the development process to make the kernel minimize.


  • 然而由于嵌入式设备本身资源使用环境限制,该领域一直国内外语音识别技术研究的难点。

    Because of the computing resource shortage and unpredictable environment character of an embedded system, ESRS is still an international big problem of speech recognition technology.


  • 拷贝技术不仅提高了内存使用效率而且减少用于拷贝视频流消耗的嵌入式CPU资源

    It no only improves the efficiency of the usage of Memory, and also save the CPU resource of copying the Video Stream.


  • 嵌入式终端经过实际测试,基本满足远程系统技术指标要求资源信息管理系统的实现奠定坚实基础

    After tested by practice, the terminal has met the technical request of remote meter reading system, and has laid the solid foundation for the water resources information management system.


  • 嵌入式终端经过实际测试,基本满足远程系统技术指标要求资源信息管理系统的实现奠定坚实基础

    After tested by practice, the terminal has met the technical request of remote meter reading system, and has laid the solid foundation for the water resources information management system.


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