• 本文设计实现了一种新型嵌入式智能无线视频传感器网络系统

    This paper implements a novel design of embedded intelligent wireless video sensor network system.


  • 分析了基于嵌入式智能单元维护技术应用特征发展前景。

    Finally, the application features and future tendency of IIUM-based maintenance technology were analyzed.


  • 经验证明具有较可靠的效果,用于嵌入式智能便携心电监护仪中。

    These two can be applied to the ambulatory ECG monitor based on Embedded Microprocessor Unit.


  • 讨论嵌入式系统网络接口设备中的应用介绍一种嵌入式智能双以太网系统的设计原理方法

    The article discusses the application of the embedded system used in the Ethernet interface equipment. It introduces a design theory and method of Embedded intelligent dual-Ethernet system.


  • 最后结合嵌入式智能控制器运行调试焊接工艺试验结果今后方面研究方向进行了讨论展望

    Finally, combined with the result of debugging and welding technology experiment, the future study on this aspect is discussed in the end of the thesis.


  • 介绍一种基于ARM的小区供水嵌入式智能控制系统,它采用了ARM7内核的工业级微控制器LPC 2129。

    An embedded intelligent control system of water supply for community based on LPC2129 with ARM7 kernel is proposed in this paper.


  • 本文介绍采用嵌入式技术智能代理技术相结合嵌入式智能代理技术,实现多代理系统设备智能代理方案

    This paper introduces the scheme and implementation of the (equipment) agent in the MAS by adopting the embedded intelligent agent technology.


  • 接触测量,为了清晰精确地观测发射机发出的经过空间和地下介质耦合微弱信号设计接触电法测量仪器嵌入式智能化系统。

    In untouched electronic measurement, the scheme of designing the intelligent instrument is described so that the weak signal which is transmitted by transmitter and coupled by medium is measured.


  • 这个手机使用了全面技术——嵌入式J VMGPRS蓝牙但是遭遇所有智能手机都苦恼问题——有限屏幕实际使用

    It is crammed full of technologyan embedded JVM, GPRS, Bluetoothbut it suffers from the same problem that plagues all smart phoneslimited screen real estate.


  • 通过一部智能电话采用一个嵌入式虚拟机监控程序单个设备可以通过单独容器(VMs)中隔离两个使用模型同时用于安全公司用途个人用途。

    By employing an embedded hypervisor on a smart phone, the single device can be for secure corporate use and for personal use by segregating the two use models in separate containers (VMs).


  • 下按钮嵌入式冰箱便会智能桌”中部冒出来。

    At the click of a button, the centre of the SmarTable rises to reveal the inbuilt fridge.


  • 开发者可以通过一个兼容于Servlet 2.5的嵌入式Web容器或是直接管理连接的方式智能IP网络WebServices集成起来。

    Developers can integrate smart CARDS within IP networks and web services either through an embedded Servlet 2.5 compatible web container or by managing the connections directly.


  • 有人我们现在已经处于后PC时代门口,未来嵌入系统的世界嵌入式智能设备将会无所不在并且对比PC来说,嵌入系统的产业将会是一个市场

    They say we are in the gate of Post-PC times, it will be a embedded world, and there will be embedded smart device everywhere, and the embedded industry will build a far large market compare to PC's.


  • 嵌入式系统日益部署先进设备比如智能仪表确保符合要求精确运作

    Embedded systems are being increasingly deployed in advanced devices such as smart meters, in order to ensure desired and accurate functioning.


  • 智能效率更高电子设备日益增加需求以及嵌入式系统汽车工业中应用更多,成为推动市场增长主要因素。

    Increasing demand for smarter and power efficient electronic devices and increasing application of embedded systems in the automobile industry is primarily driving the growth of the market.


  • 传统直流四探针测试仪嵌入式系统相结合,研制出数字化智能四探针测试仪。

    A digital and intelligent four-probe meter can be designed by combining traditional four-probe meter with embedded system.


  • 最后简要论述了一下语音识别技术以及嵌入式TTS汉语语音系统智能机器人方面应用提出自己的观点

    In the end, discussed application of speech synopsis and embedded TTS Chinese language speech synthesis using in the intelligence robot, and put forward own standpoint.


  • 在电伺服装置采用嵌入式数字控制器,使其具有面向用户柔性设置智能控制功能,实现了液压伺服装置的数字化

    Applied the embedded digital controller, the hydraulic servo actuator has the function of flexible setting and intelligent control. The digitization of hydraulic servo actuator has been achieved.


  • 在电伺服装置采用嵌入式数字控制器,使其具有面向用户柔性设置智能控制功能,实现了液压伺服装置的数字化

    Applied the embedded digital controller, the hydraulic servo actuator has the function of flexible setting and intelligent control. The digitization of hydraulic servo actuator is achieved.


  • 本文主要研究基于嵌入式平台的便携式智能仪器设计实现。

    The dissertation is mainly concerned with design and research of the portable intelligent instrument based on embedded system.


  • 智能无线电子解说系统主要部分组成,第一、无线区域识别;第二、基于嵌入式数字化语音录放系统。

    Intelligent wireless explication system is mainly made up of two parts: wireless area distinguishing system and the digital speech record and play system based on embedded technology.


  • 本文研究基于TCP/IP协议嵌入式系统网络智能设备中的测控应用设计

    The applied design that embedded system based on TCP/IP protocol stack is applied to monitor and control network intelligent equipment is studied.


  • 嵌入式便携智能仪器设计降低功耗核心技术之一。

    The power consumption reduction is one of the core techniques in designing the portable intelligence instruments based on embedded microprocessor unit (EMPU).


  • 随着嵌入式技术普及各种智能设备具有嵌入网络功能,以便实现远程监控

    As the embedded technology becomes more and more popular, various intelligent devices are provided with the function of embedding network, for the sake of implementation of remote monitoring.


  • 本文详细的论述作者面向信息智能设备嵌入式软件平台国家863课题组中研究和实践工作

    This paper discourses upon the author's research work on "information and smart device oriented embedded software platform " which is part of national 863 plan.


  • 智能嵌入式彩色液晶控制系统性能突出技术领先

    Intelligent embedded color LCD screen control system, more outstanding performance and more advanced technology;


  • 应用嵌入式实时操作系统实现智能式电子熔断设计

    The embedded real-time operating system is used to realize the design of the intellectual electronic fuses.


  • 本文论述基于DSP嵌入式系统智能串口1553总线扩展研究实现

    The research and implementation about intelligent serial and 1553 bus expansion, which is on the basis of DSP embedded system, is presented in this thesis.


  • 本文论述基于DSP嵌入式系统智能串口1553总线扩展研究实现

    The research and implementation about intelligent serial and 1553 bus expansion, which is on the basis of DSP embedded system, is presented in this thesis.


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