• 用户辅助内容嵌入命令链接

    Embed command links in user assistance content.


  • 我们需要一个可以嵌入命令中的进度度量工具。

    What's needed is a progress meter that you can embed in the command line to measure throughput.


  • 清单1展示了如何嵌入一条命令

    Listing 1 shows how to embed a command.


  • 如果攻击可以这些参数嵌入恶意命令,那么外部系统就可能应用程序的名义执行这些命令

    If an attacker can embed malicious commands in these parameters, the external system may execute those commands on behalf of the... application.


  • 可以通过特殊存储过程ADMIN_CMD执行许多管理命令,从而把管理命令嵌入应用程序代码中。

    Many administrative commands can also be embedded in application code by executing the administrative commands through the special stored procedure ADMIN_CMD.


  • 可以进行筛选工作例如使用grep或者其他工具但是需要确保整个远程命令表达式嵌入引号中(请参见清单3)。

    Filtering, for example, using grep or other tools, is also possible, but you need to make sure to embed the entire remote command expression into the quotes (see Listing 3).


  • PHP允许Web应用程序进行快速应用程序原型设计并且允许根据需要将HTML嵌入的PHP命令混合在一起,这使得Web接口开发变得非常容易

    PHP allows for very rapid application prototyping of Web applications, and the freeform mix of HTML and embedded PHP commands makes it very easy to develop a Web interface.


  • 只有ADMIN_CMD调用嵌入LOADFROMCURSOR操作的情况下,这种语法才是有效命令行上无效的。

    This syntax is only valid when the LOAD FROM CURSOR operation is embedded in an ADMIN_CMD call, but it is not valid on the command line.


  • 运行的时候,命令将会自动启动一个嵌入servlet容器使得Hudson 已经为使用做好准备。

    When run, this command will automatically start an embedded servlet container, making Hudson ready-to-use.


  • 使用命令date嵌入日期时间戳有助于组织归档文件

    The use of the date command to embed a date and timestamp helps to organize your archived files.


  • 注意可以圆括号嵌入命令序列得到相同结果然而,两者之间重要区别

    Note: You can also embed a sequence of commands in parentheses to achieve the same result; however, there is one important difference.


  • 在没有全套命令实用工具时,可以凑合使用嵌入lamp堆栈

    Embedded LAMP stacks can make do without a full set of command-line utilities.


  • XML封装——xml负载嵌入系统命令通过CDATA标记

    XML encapsulationEmbedding system command in the XML payload, such as through the CDATA tag.


  • 大多数Shell环境中都可以使用基本进程替换命令输出嵌入另一个命令输入参数中。

    Within most shell environments, you can use basic process substitution to embed the output of one command into the input or arguments of another.


  • 以上命令使用嵌入Derby数据库安装sdo程序结束时应该WebSphere管理控制台上看到一个新的被称为sdo库的应用程序

    The above commands install a SDO repository using the embedded Derby database, at the end of the procedure, in WebSphere admin console, you should see a new application called SDO repository.


  • 通过URL作为参数传递清单1中的嵌入命令轻易地启动Eclipse浏览器打开了Eclipse.org网站

    The embedded command in Listing 1 simply launches the Eclipse browser and opens the Eclipse.org Web site by passing in the URL as a parameter.


  • 然后需要通过使用下列ij命令指示ij使用嵌入驱动程序

    Next you'll need to instruct ij to use the embedded driver by using the following ij command.


  • 他们可能会验证每个表单字段删除电子邮件注入命令嵌入超文本标记语言(Hypertext Markup Language,HTML)标记其他不当信息。

    They may validate every form field entry to remove E-mail injection commands, embedded Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) tags, and other naughty bits.


  • 数据适配器这些单独命令要么公开MicrosoftIISWeb方法,要么公开为使用DB 2WORF技术DB 2嵌入应用服务器Web服务

    These individual commands on the data adapter could be either exposed as Microsoft IIS Web methods or as DB2 embedded application server Web services using the DB2 WORF technology.


  • 现在可以使用DB 2WORF技术这些命令暴露MicrosoftIISWeb方法或者DB 2嵌入应用服务器Web服务而不需要编写任何代码

    These commands can now be exposed as either Microsoft IIS Web methods or DB2 embedded application server Web services using the DB2 WORF technology, without having to write a single line of code!


  • 这是大家需要了解Ubiquity的第一个命令,可以快速的查找地图嵌入电子邮件中,就算只有一个命令已经值得大家来尝试他了。

    If Ubiquity did nothing but look up maps and embed them into an email, it would still be worth the installation.


  • 嵌入SQC程序需要使用PREP命令编译命令创建绑定文件

    The embedded SQC program needs to be precompiled using the PREP command, which will create the bind file. This bind file needs to be bound with the OPTPROFILE option to the database, for example


  • 嵌入其他程序使用,通过命令行使用。

    It is designed to be embedded inside a parent program or used from the command line.


  • 本文设计实现了嵌入虚拟磁带(VTL)SCSI控制器驱动模块完成数据传输、SCSI命令处理和任务管理等VTL的核心功能

    A SCSI controller driver module of Embedded Virtual Tape Library is designed in this paper. It realizes core functions of VTL such as data transformation, SCSI commands operation and task management.


  • 本文设计实现了嵌入虚拟磁带(VTL)SCSI控制器驱动模块完成数据传输、SCSI命令处理和任务管理等VTL的核心功能

    A SCSI controller driver module of Embedded Virtual Tape Library is designed in this paper. It realizes core functions of VTL such as data transformation, SCSI commands operation and task management.


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