• 总结了沿海岛屿地区滑坡特点初步探讨海岛地区滑坡灾害的定值预测模型

    Sum up the characteristics of local landslide, discuss the landslide hazard prediction model in island area.


  • 研讨会开始之前,粮农组织太平洋岛屿地区IUU捕鱼港口现行管制措施进行一次调查

    In advance of the event FAO conducted a survey of IUU fishing and existing port state controls in the Pacific Islands region.


  • 一种极乐鸟鸟类,生于几内亚邻近岛屿地区雄鸟常有色彩鲜艳的羽毛羽毛

    Any of various birds of the family Paradisaeidae, native to New Guinea and adjacent islands, usually having brilliant plumage and long tail feathers in the male.


  • 太平洋岛屿地区人口970万人,其中约有40%人被诊断患有传染性疾病特别是心血管疾病、糖尿病高血压。

    About 40% of the Pacific island region's population of 9.7 million has been diagnosed with a noncommunicable disease, notably cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension.


  • 密西西比佛罗里达一些大陆地区沿岸组成海湾群岛国家海滨七座屏障岛屿中的座。

    It is one of seven barrier islands that, along with some mainland areas of Mississippi and Florida, make up the Gulf Islands National Seashore.


  • 阿拉斯加东南海岸岛屿洞穴中提取的化石的放射性碳年代测定法表明最后一个冰河时代地区至少一部分保持无冰状态。

    Radiocarbon dating of fossils taken from caves on islands along southeastern Alaska's coast suggest that at least a portion of the area was remaining ice-free during the last ice age.


  • 纳武特地区包括190万平方公里被岩石冰雪覆盖陆地,以及北极附近几个岛屿

    Nunavut is 1.9 million square kilometres of rock and ice, and a handful of islands around the North Pole.


  • 堪察加半岛库页岛地区许多岛屿岩石这些美丽鸟类命名

    Many islands and rocks located in the Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions are named after the pretty birds.


  • 这些岛屿一种石油南部旋转进入地区规模

    The islands provide a sense of scale for the ribbons of oil swirling into the area from the south.


  • 气候变化情况下,自然灾害使亚洲迅速城市化地区,以及首当其冲太平洋岛屿社区面临更为严重自然灾害威胁

    With climate change, this threat of natural disaster will only worsen for Asia's rapidly urbanizing areas and for the exposed island communities of the Pacific.


  • 作为夏威夷群岛第四岛屿考艾岛地球最为潮湿的地区之一

    The fourth largest of the Hawaiian Islands, Kauai is one of the wettest spots on earth.


  • 这位恐龙男爵将这块骨头鉴定一条可能曾经地区岛屿生存恐龙。

    The baron, who was a dinosaur buff, identified the bone as belonging to a dwarf dinosaur that likely once lived on an island in the region.


  • 研究者表示这样一个装置用来保护大洋中的孤岛,比如石油钻井平台或是低洼岛屿,或者容易遭受海啸袭击的地区

    The researchers say that such a device could be used to protect isolated spots in the ocean-like drilling platforms or low-lying islands-or coastal regions vulnerable to tsunamis.


  • 当地媒体报导该国主要岛屿爪哇一些于南部爪哇地区发生一起山体滑坡,其他人房屋以及其他建筑物倒塌

    Local reports said some of the victims had been killed in a landslide near the southern coast of Java, the country's main island, while others died when houses and other buildings collapsed.


  • 报告警告说南半球大部分地区受到特别严重的折磨,澳大利亚新西兰以及邻近太平洋岛屿有可能成为世界上物种灭绝热点

    Much of the southern hemisphere is suffering particularly badly, and Australia, New Zealand and neighbouring Pacific islands may become the extinction hot spots of the world, the report warns.


  • 日偏食发生宽的区域包括太平洋许多岛屿南美洲多数地区

    But a partial eclipse phase could be enjoyed over a broader region, including many southern Pacific islands and wide swath of south America.


  • 谈到天然气时,不妨美国北美其他地区视为一个自成一体岛屿

    When it comes to natural gas, think of the U.S. and the rest of North America as an island of its own.


  • 席琳·迪翁的私人岛屿不在热带地区

    Celine Dion's private island is not in the tropics.


  • 患病岩貂与3只已发现Schaprode附近岛屿受到严重感染的相同地区

    The ill animal was found in the same heavily affected area of the island, near Schaprode, as three dead domestic cats.


  • 为了太平洋岛屿论坛年度峰会8月4日5日太平洋上领导们齐聚瓦努阿图维拉,但是缺席了这一地区一些重要人物。

    Pacific leaders gathered in Port Vila, Vanuatu, August 4th and 5th for their annual summit of the Pacific Islands forum-but missing some of the region's key players.


  • 柬埔寨KampongCham就是例子连接地区两个岛屿,一直享有世界上最长竹桥荣誉

    One such example is the Kampong Cham bridge in Cambodia, which connects two islands in the region and holds the distinction of being the longest bamboo bridge in the world.


  • 这个多山岛屿大部分地区笼罩云雾之中,苔藓将繁茂的森林覆盖得严严实实,这儿也是多姿多彩的夏威夷旋蜜雀故乡,夏威夷旋蜜雀是一濒临灭绝的鸟类。

    Large parts of the mountainous island are swathed in cloud. These lush and mossy forests are home to the colorful Hawaiian honeycreeper, an endangered bird species.


  • 马达加斯加脱离大陆超过1.6亿世界第四岛屿,也是一个拥有数千特有奇异物种的“热点保护地区”。

    Madagascar, which has been isolated from landmasses for more than 160m years, is the world's fourth largest island and a "conservation hotspot" with thousands of exotic species found only here.


  • 围绕领海岛屿以及与之相关的自然资源的冲突是亚太地区的一个焦点。

    The clash over territorial waters and islandsand the natural resources.


  • 北极地区气候整体解冻变暖以及海平面逐渐上升,使得这些岛屿比起地球其他任何地球都消逝更快

    The overall thawing of Arctic climates, as well as increasing sea level rise, have these islands retreating more rapidly than elsewhere in the world.


  • 世卫组织非洲区域办事处总部派出一个小组已经部署地区评估各个岛屿正在采取控制措施

    A WHO team from the Regional Office for Africa and headquarters has been deployed in the zone to assess the control measures under way in the different islands.


  • 周三菲律宾议员登上了一菲律宾占据岛屿,以确认菲律宾对该岛主权此事凸显了地区发生冲突风险

    The risk of conflict in the region was underscored Wednesday when a group of Filipino lawmakers traveled to a Philippine-occupied island to affirm their country's claims there.


  • 周三菲律宾议员登上了一菲律宾占据岛屿,以确认菲律宾对该岛主权此事凸显了地区发生冲突风险

    The risk of conflict in the region was underscored Wednesday when a group of Filipino lawmakers traveled to a Philippine-occupied island to affirm their country's claims there.


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