• 兄弟艇梅全金属的多丽丝·帕顿版的阿克与梅肯

    The Long Island, and her sister, the Mercer Island, are enlarged, Metalclad descendants of the Akron and Macon.


  • 恶魔39码头唐人街联合广场

    There's Alcatraz, Pier 39, Chinatown, and Union Square.


  • 日本经济产业省原子能安全和保安院14日宣布,第一核电站3机组当地时间11时01分(北京时间10时01分)发生氢气爆炸反应堆所在建筑遭到损坏,但是放置反应堆容器损坏的可能性很小。 保安呼吁周围居民尽量待室内。

    Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Monday that hydrogen blast occurred at the No. 3 nuclear reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 02:01 GMT (11:01 local time).


  • 今天午饭时服务员告诉我们菜单所有食物产自这里,天字的。不会地球进口任何食料呢?

    At lunch today, the waiter told us that all the food on the menu was produced here on Island One. Do you import any food from Earth?


  • 今天午饭时服务员告诉我们菜单所有食物产自这里,天字的。

    Q: At lunch today, the waiter told us that all the food on the menu was produced here on Island One.


  • 星期三核电站的工作人员自从三月15发生爆炸以来,首次进入反应堆厂房

    At the nuclear power plant on Wednesday, workers entered the number two reactor building for the first time since an explosion on March 15.


  • 观看太平洋采取和平空间站碎片视频

    Watch video of Mir's debris trail taken from a South Pacific island.


  • 十月份美国船只“马金艘两栖攻击,成为12混合动力船中第一下水船只。

    In October the USS Makin Island, an amphibious assault ship, was the first of 12 hybrid-powered ships to take to the water.


  • 星期三日本北海道核电站3核反应机组,成为灾难发生以来日本第一恢复商业运作核能设备

    Wednesday also saw reactor 3 of the Tomari nuclear plant in Hokkaido become the first of Japan's nuclear installations since the disaster to resume full commercial operation.


  • 十多年来,英荷皇家壳牌公司及其日本合作伙伴三井公司三菱公司一直试图劝诱俄罗斯远东萨哈(库叶项目)附近冰封海上开采石油天然气

    FOR over a decade Royal Dutch Shell, along with its Japanese partners, Mitsui and Mitsubishi, has been struggling to coax oil and gas out of the frozen seas off Sakhalin Island, in Russia's far east.


  • 机构表示核发电厂反应堆冷却系统断电可能会发生爆炸。此前这座核电厂核反应堆星期六发生了爆炸。

    The agency says the cooling system at the number three reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is offline and could possibly explode, following Saturday's blast at the plant's number one reactor.


  • 在外班克斯10穿越本州高速路中的12高速路因为风暴潮带来洪水冲刷被关闭

    On the Outer Banks, Highway 12 was one of 10 roads across the state closed because of flooding and overwash from storm surges.


  • 周六,福第一核电站反应堆混凝土结构的厂房发生爆炸,日本官员爆炸并未危及反应堆核心

    On Saturday, the steel and concrete building housing the Fukushima Daiichi Number One nuclear reactor was blown apart by an explosion, but officials said the blast had not breached the reactor’s core.


  • 至于水面舰艇我们已经制造了混合动力驱动马金两栖攻击舰,它对燃料利用效率有极大提高

    For our surface ships, we have developed a hybrid electric drive for the USS MAKIN ISLAND that dramatically increases fuel efficiency.


  • 能源开采历史一向一系列推动变化灾难为里程碑:帕玻尔·阿尔法钻井平台爆炸、三里核事故、切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故,以及埃克森·瓦尔迪兹溢油事故。

    The history of energy extraction has been marked by a number of disasters that have driven change: Piper Alpha, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez to name but a few.


  • 根据日本官方报道,周六爆炸反应堆没有融化——只是建筑物一部分而已

    The explosion that occurred at Fukushima Daiichi Saturday was not a meltdown itself—it was in another part of the building, according to Japanese officials, anyway.


  • 我们到了巴厘四季旅馆,他们告知我们婚礼在星期二举行,正是10月10

    So we turned up at the Four Seasons Resort in Bali and were told we would be having our wedding on the Tuesday which turned out to be 10/10.


  • 日本北部遭受地震核电站星期一发生爆炸,炸毁了3机组外墙屋顶

    An explosion blew the roof and outer walls off of the number 3 unit Monday at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in earthquake-stricken northern Japan.


  • 已经不仅仅高铁相关问题了,因为阿尔伯·克基市墨西哥圣达的新墨西哥特快通勤铁路特快铁路运营,就使用第25洲际公路的安全

    the issue is relevant beyond HSR as the New Mexico rail Runner Express rail Runner commuter rail operation between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico USES the median of Interstate 25.


  • 达尔文乘坐猎犬勘察船,另一个遥远火山-圣赫勒拿途中造访了阿森当时并没有多大期望能发现什么

    Aboard HMS Beagle, he called in at Ascension. En route from another remote volcanic island, St Helena, Darwin wasn't expecting much.


  • 斯德哥尔摩沿着匹次卑尔根西侧向北航行,雷达屏幕中心只有一个孤独三角形,自从熊以来我们没有看见任何船只。

    A solitary triangle in the centre of an icebound radar screen, the Stockholm advanced north along the west coast of Spitsbergen.


  • 最近联合殖民地旅行中,我们在天字驻足和一位当地的农民进行了会谈

    On a recent tour through the Colonies of the United Universe, we stopped at Island One and talked with a farmer there.


  • 核电厂的1机组已经发生了这样的爆炸(下方视频)。

    This has already happened in Unit 1 at Fukushima (see the video below).


  • 马克马克,复活节神话中的神祗一刻也许微笑分开时间长,凝望天空的人露出7月11日全食惊鸿一瞥

    Makemake, a god in Easter Island mythology, may have smiled for a moment as clouds parted long enough to reveal this glimpse of July 11's total solar eclipse to skygazers.


  • 第一核电站使用反应堆通用电气设计制造,称之为马克沸水反应堆。 该反应堆长期以来多认为安全壳系统薄弱。

    The type of reactors used at the Fukushima plant — made by the General Electric Company, they are known as Mark 1 boiling-water reactors — have long been known to have weak containment systems.


  • 星期五早些时候日本原子能保安院的一名官员记者披露核电站3反应堆可能受到的损坏的消息。

    Earlier Friday, an official with Japan's nuclear regulatory agency told reporters about the possible damage to the reactor core, which is located in Fukushima's number three unit.


  • 下午3时36分,(Dai -ichi)反应堆在报告检测震动发生爆炸滚滚浓烟直冲天际

    At 3:36pm the Fukushima Dai-ichi (number one) building exploded following reported tremors, billowing plumes of smoke into the atmosphere.


  • 7月25日艘客轮船头失控,意大利班轮多里亚在麻省的南塔开特相撞

    The passenger ship lost its bow and prow in a collision with the Italian liner Andrea Doria off Nantucket Island, Ma., July 25. (AP Photo)


  • 7月25日艘客轮船头失控,意大利班轮多里亚在麻省的南塔开特相撞

    The passenger ship lost its bow and prow in a collision with the Italian liner Andrea Doria off Nantucket Island, Ma., July 25. (AP Photo)


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